
Passage to Nyika

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Chapter 5

I wake up at five and can’t sleep any more. I feel like there is lead in the pit of my stomach, from all the worry about what Hanna will say. I have always called this my “feeling of impending doom”. But since I am up, I may as well se what I can do. I head over to New Nyika. A bleary eyed Yetu opens her door.
“Sorry I am coming over so early” She gave me a drowsy smile, even more adorable then her brilliant smile.
“Don’t worry about it! Come in come in”. I go in and I explain to her that the futureteller mistress is meeting me and what this means. How what she says can decide whether we go back to Nyika or not.
“How can this one person say if that is right or not” Yetu complains
“It’s not so much her giving her personal opinion, as her seeing the outcome of our current path. She can tell us if what we are doing will be successful or futile”. Yetu gives me her contemplative look of rolling her head.
“I guess it would be wiser to know what we are going into then not knowing” In a flash her face changes from serious to playful. “Since you and I are now up, would you like me to make breakfast” Yetu offers. Even though my stomach still feels heavy from trepidation, I accept.

I was never more glad that I ignored my paranoia before. I didn’t recognize most of the food she gave me, but it was all very delicious. For most things when I asked what they were she replied it was made out of wheat . I never knew that wheat could taste so good. But by the time our breakfast was over it was almost 8:30. I decided to start making my way over to the Futuretelling Hall.

I quietly enter the Hall. As is usually the case with going to the futureteller’s hall they know you are about to visit before you do. So as soon as I come into the quiet hall some one walks through the main doors to welcome and lead me to Hanna’s cambers. As I enter Hanna’s beautiful purple chambers. Pillows, chairs, curtains, walls even the ceiling is all purple. Hmm I wonder what Hanna’s favourite colour is. She is sitting back in her chair having a cup of Chocca. “Come in Kaylub! I have some news for you!” She gives me a beaming look. “You have a grand future in front of you. I had a glimpse of the dream last night so I immediately sent Rachel to ask you to come. That was mainly to make sure you didn’t try to leave last night. But since then I have been having visions of what will happen. It’s so exciting!”

“So what is going to happen.”
“Well, if you stay on your current course, you will go to Nyika. Because almost every family has had a Nxwa expelled out of their family, bringing those who have survived the journey will humanise you greatly. It will be a peaceful transition. Not immediate mind you. It will take years for all the Nyikans to accept the Nzwa as talented instead. But it will happen. And after the talented are accepted the animals will be treated better. We are already organizing the transport for your convoy. Of course It can not be just you. You will need other talents to show to the Nyikans how helpful it is to be this way. I am so excited for your team who is going!”

As Hanna continues to describe the plans the futuretellers have and are making for me, the feeling in pit of my stomach dissolves. I feel free and happy. I know that because of my one plan which I hadn’t even carried out yet many good things were going to happen. Instead of an lead in the pit of my stomach, I now felt a warm glow exude from my whole body.
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