
The Seeker Games

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Chapter 1

IC characters – Elspeth Gordie – Obernewtyn Chronicles
Different location – Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Capitol

Drip. Drip. Drip. I was back in my all too familiar, recurring dream. The dark tunnel, with the dripping water. Or at least I hope it’s water. This time there was a faint glow from the dyrka who were inhabiting the walls sporadically. I guess that means this place is tainted, but where exactly is this place, in reality?

I knew what was coming ahead. Ariel. The Destroyer, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. But who else could be so evil and demented to want to destroy the entire world, including himself?
“Oh, such flattery Elf! You do really make me sound devilish.” Ariel replied to my thoughts, which was more than unnerving. He walked out of the darkness of the wide cavern I had found myself in. This place was still familiar, with the burning doors in the background.

He was older than I had last seen him, still beautiful, but any semblance of purity long gone. His hair had remained a lustrous sheen of the purest blond, but there was visible evidence of a dark soul. The slight darkness under his eyes, the yearning expression on his face and the slight, autonomous, lick of the lips that he did as he examined me. Not matter how much I told myself this was a dream, I knew all too well that he was probably really here, on the dreamtrails with me. And right now, there was no hope of Maruman or Gahltha saving me.

“What do you want this time Ariel?”

“You know what I want, Elf.” The way he said Elf, made my blood curdle, what he wanted with me, I didn’t want to be around for.

I turned to run, it was the only option left to me, Ariel was advancing, and I had to get out of his grasp and fast. I tried unsuccessfully to coerce myself to wake, something was holding me back, stopping me from rising. I had no idea where I was running to, the sound of Ariel’s laughter echoed around the room, making it sound like he was surrounding me. I just kept running, it wasn’t until it was too late, that I realised I had run towards the burning doors.

For once, they were open, and I had run straight through them. I fell, and was sent tumbling through the void.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke with a start, and found myself in a lush bed and a strange room. I was alone in the room, but I had the distinct feeling I was being watched.

Outside my window I could see a forest, which confused me further, where on earth am I? The confusion compounded as the scenery changed! It was now an ocean!

As I took in the details of my surroundings (there was nothing in the room), the answer struck me like a coercer’s probe. I was in the Beforetime!

Before I could even begin to speculate on how on earth that happened, and what was going on, a strange voice began speaking, “Avox, you are required to serve breakfast in 5 minutes, failure to be in the dining room, will have severe consequences.”

What was this voice talking about? What’s an avox? What’s a dining room? And what would these severe consequences be? I had no clue, I got out of this most comfortable bed, and tried to find a way out of this room, maybe someone would be able to tell me what’s happening.

Was I just on the dreamtrails? I tried to change my surroundings, like I had before with Maruman, but nothing happened. I even tried to sink back down to my body, but I found that was impossible, and I could instead, go inside own mind. I wasn’t supposed to be able to do that on the dreamtrails, which must mean, I wasn’t on the dreamtrails.

Panic was starting to creep in, how could this be happening? I’m in this strange place, and I have no idea how.

Suddenly, a section of one of the walls opened, revealing a person. It was a door, seamlessly hidden into the wall. The woman, who entered the room, was little more than a girl. She looked almost like a wraith-like figure, dressed in all black made of some strange material. She waved her hands at me, beckoning me to her. Her expression made me obey, what else could I do, stay here and get ‘severe consequences’?

She continued to flick her hands rapidly, before stopping and staring at me, like I was an idiot. She flicked her hands again, and I realised, that what she was doing was signing, just like Cinda. I never had a need of learning how to sign, so I simply went into this woman’s mind and introduced myself. As soon as I spoke, she recoiled.

“I’m so sorry, I mean no harm, I just have no idea what’s going on.”
“What are you?” she feebly replied.
“I’m a Misfit.”
“A what?”
“A Mutant.”
“You don’t look like a mutant to me. Certainly not like a Jabberjay.”
Now it was my time to be confused, “A what?”
“You know, the bird, the Capitol sent out to record spies during the Dark Days.”

It was clear that this conversation was going nowhere, we were both two people from different times, and there was no point making things more complicated, I might as well go on with it.
“Oh, yes, sorry, I’m in shock at the moment.”
“You’re the new Avox?”
There was that word again, what did it mean? “I think so? I’m not really sure.”
“I’m so sorry, how did they get you?”
Trying to go along with it, I replied, “I don’t really know, it just happened all so quickly.”
“Don’t worry; it’s not something you want to remember.” After a slight pause she continued, “We’d best go quickly, otherwise they’ll start to get suspicious.”

She turned and walked down the corridor, just outside my room. I followed, and sent out to her, “What’s your name?”
“Oh, that’s a good question. I’m Lavinia.”
“Lavinia. That’s a beautiful name.” I say aloud, wanting to hear it and wanting her to hear it for the first time in years, just like Cinda.

I was still connected to her, so I could tell she was shocked, so shocked that she stopped where she was. “You can talk!” she exclaimed.
I returned to replying in our mental conversation, “Yes, of course I can.”
“But, you’re an Avox, we can’t talk. All of our tongues are cut out.”
Realising that I couldn’t just go along with it any longer, I went to explain. “Oh, um. Well, you see, I have no idea what’s going on…”

Cutting me off, she warned, “Wait, we can’t talk here. It isn’t safe, they’ll notice our absence if we stall too much longer. And they could be watching us. They may have even noticed that you could speak.”
She continued down the hallway, and continued, “I don’t like what’s going on, and we’ll probably both die, but for now, just don’t speak, and follow my lead. We’re servants to District 12, just do anything they ask of you. And we’ll talk tonight.”

And with that, she pushed through the door, we had just arrived at, and I braced myself, and followed.

The room I entered, was alien. The Beforetime was a strange place. The opulence and sheer uselessness of the room’s decorations was striking. I continued to follow Lavinia, who was walking towards a table that was so full of food, it made my stomach rumble. I had never seen such mountains of food, it looked like a whole season’s worth from the farm. Alad and Javo would be flabbergasted at this seemingly casual display of food. Getting closer, I could see only a few things I could even recognise, but it all looked tasty.

Still connected to Lavinia, she saw me eying the food, and spoke a warning, “Hey, you’ll get us killed if you don’t get it together. You’re a servant, not a guest here.”
“Sorry, I just haven’t see this much food.”
“Ha, such is the reaction for most Avoxs, just make sure you don’t draw any unwanted attention to yourself, we really…”

“Oh I know you!” the girl sitting at the table suddenly exclaimed. She was looking directly at Lavinia, who was looking most frightened. “Help.” She said in her mind
“Don’t be ridiculous Katniss, how could you possibly know an Avox?” a woman with pink frilly hair, tittered.

Katniss looked to be on the verge of arguing that she did in fact know Lavinia, so I decided to intervene. The boy that was sitting with Katniss, looked so concerned for her, I knew, that he would want to protect her. I went into his mind, finding it luckily unshielded, and quickly found a connection, “You’re thinking of Delly Cartwright, Katniss, they look so much alike.” He explained to the woman.
Katniss looked totally lost by this statement, so a little push by me, helped her agree. The conversation quickly turned to other matters, like training for ‘The Hunger Games’, whatever they were. I was more concerned about Lavinia, who had turned a ghostly white. There was nothing I could do that wouldn’t draw attention to her, so I tried my best to cover for her, and do my servant duties.

I managed to get through the meal, without spilling anything on anyone, and it took a while, but Lavinia returned to normal. As soon as the people left, I asked her what happened.

“The girl, Katniss, her face brought back memories of being captured. Painful memories.”
“Why would her face do that?”
“Well, she actually saw me being captured, and witnessed… witnessed, my lover being brutally killed.”
“Oh I’m so sorry.” I moved to hug her. This girl I had met only hours earlier.
We embraced for only a short while, and were tidying up the table, as we started to hear marching approaching the room.
We turned to find, an army of men, in strange, white suits, marching straight towards us. “Peacekeepers!” Lavinia sent, “We’re doomed.”

The men, quickly swarmed on us, and clasped our arms. They gave no explanation as to what was going on, and only dragged us out of the room. One of the men knocked me out with an injection, and I tumbled into darkness.

When I came too, I was in a cell, alone. I had no idea what was going on. I thought of Maruman, and Gahltha, who would be confused about my absence. And Rushton, oh Rushton, what would he be thinking? Where even am I?

The cell door opened, and once again, I was dragged out. This time down a long, dark, white corridor. We stopped abruptly, just before a closed door. The guard with me, a Peacekeeper Lavinia called them, opened the door.

Out rushed a sickly smell, and I was momentarily blinded by the bright room. I was pushed inside, and the door locked behind me.

A deep, voice, coming from in front of me, said, “Greetings Elspeth Gordie.”

For my first go at fanfiction (excluding a really bad, essentially a rewrite of one of Lemony Snicket's books I did in year 5/6) I hope you found it interesting enough. And the ending, well, let's just say it's my style to end on a cliffhanger, but I couldn't really find a way to end it in just 2000 words, and, keeping it open, means I can always return another time!
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