
The Seeker Games

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Chapter -1-  -2-  -3-  
Summary Elspeth Gordie finds herself in the Capitol of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games 
Category Crossover Fanfiction 
Genre Action/Adventure 
Author pizzagreen 
Warnings / Spoilers I would assume you have read both the OC (at least up to The Keeping Place) and The Hunger Games (at least the first), but there aren't really too many spoilers as a whole, and nothing too major. 
Copyright / disclaimer Just a note that there is currently only one chapter in this, it's just showing as three, that is incorrect.

Elspeth Gordie, Ariel, and their Misfit abilities, as well as the Dreamtrails, Maruman, Gahltha the dripping cavern, and any other Obernewtyn Chronicle related things/characters/places, are under copyright by Isobelle Carmody.

The Capitol, Lavinia, Avoxs, Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen, President Snow, District 12, and any other The Hunger Games related things/characters/places, are under copyright of Suzanne Collins.

The story itself, is owned by me, and the events that take place are largely my idea. 
Word Count 5,850 words
Chapters 3
Created Saturday 20 April 2013 - 19:06:28
Last updated Saturday 06 September 2014 - 09:28:26
Completed Completed
Views 1832 (Unique 1273)
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