Isobelle Carmody Bibliography



Synopsis & covers

Scat1 Scat2 130
'Some things are worth the risk,' the William voice said urgently.

Merlin wakes to a world that is utterly changed. She has no memory aside from a name whispered to her by one of the strange voices in her mind, and the knowledge that she is being hunted. She is determined to learn what happened to her and to her world but the way forward is full of pitfalls and she is swept up by the renegade Scatterlings and drawn into their rebellion against the allpowerful Citizen Gods.

But as she strives to separate herself from the telepathic clanfolk, she discovers the path to knowledge and way to the freedom the Scatterlings' seek, lead to the same place - the forbidden domed city of the Citizen Gods.


Reviews / Recommendations Scatterlings review by Nef. The oft overlooked Scatterlings is one of Isobelle Carmody’s earlier works. Set inside a post apocalyptic world, this novel looks at how the present world and our actions in it can and will affect future generations. Merlin wakes up in an ambulance. A crashed ambulance. She doesn’t know where she is or how she came to be there. She doesn’t even really know who she is. All she has to go on is what the voices in her head tell her – and the information they give her doesn’t match the world around her... Read On... Purchase Scatterlings online:
Published: Australia: 1991 - Penguin (Viking) [Out of Print] 2015 - Ford Street UK: 1992 - Penguin (Puffin) [Out of Print] US & Canada: 1995 - Scholastic Point [Out of Print]
Last Updated : Tuesday 25 August 2015 - 15:37:21