*Purple tribe walks in and Halina hands over the immunity necklace with a look of sorrow*
Jeff: Immunity is up for grabs again!
This challenge is all about your Google-Fu skills!
*unveils a bank of computer terminals*
You will be given six sets of 4 images, your task is to find out what search term was used to produce the pictures on Google Image Search.
Each search term is one word. The search terms are related to the Obernewtyn Chronicles All 4 of the images appear on the first page of results
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
You may submit two guesses for each set of pictures. Sned your guesses via PM to Rigel The person with the most correct/near enough guesses will win immunity!!
You have until Friday 2nd March to submit your answers!
Halina: Ough....if only T3M4 were here...the little guy could hack a computer in seconds flat.
*Looking at terminal*
Well its not as anchient as some i have used...so i guess my skills will suffice.
_____________________________ Just to explain...T3M4 is the game version of R2D2 from the star wars movies. You know..little robot..smart..beeps alot...thought you knew it :p
Hawkeye: What's google? For that matter - I'm not quite familiar with this 'Ober-new-tyn chronicle' concept either. Did I even pronounce it right? *sigh* Why can't we do a challenge that involves a good old operation - or for that matter drinking?
Rose: *blinks at apparently exploded computer, shrugs* Well, at least I sent my entry off las' nigh', don' have to worry 'bout 'sploded computers now tha's done!
Fitz: ahhh, would someone like to explain to me what this box thingy is and what I'm supposed to do with it. I anly ever learned to use a quil pen and ink that I had to make myself.
Rose: It's called a computer, Fitz. *explains the use of a computer to Fitz: even though it's a really old ond outdated one.
*Fitz searches for meaning of pix....and life.....*
*Halina continues to sleep, dreaming of all sorts of things. Like anchient ruins placed inexplicably deep beneath the ocean, space ships crashing on an unknown planet, fighting Sith masters and also of stealing Willows purple socks*
Lol - I may not be as computer inept as Hawkeye - but I'm definitely as lost as he is. --------------- Hawkeye: Right... so I guess the first step would be to turn it on. *starts pressing all the buttons*
ooo look! My screen has lit up too! *watches the things come up fascinated*
*As the windows logo appears on the screen* - Wow! It's in color! This is a amazing!!!
*notices the mouse and picks it up* So, Willow what does this do?
Willow: That's a mouse.
Hawkeye: *examines it and replies doubtfully* It doesn't look like a mouse - though I guess this cord extending out here... could be like it's tail