Min-Doll: No, that's just me. Give me ARMS!
Real-Min: I will not condone guns in my post, thank you.
Min-Doll: [act]glares and bides her time[/act]
MK wrote...Deb - you must share your childhood readings with us!PML. The first books I read were the Dick and Jane books that used to be the first readers in primary school. See Dick, See Jane, see Dick and Jane. See Spot, see Spot run... I used to read them in a night but the teachers wouldn't believe that I could read so I had to get a note from my mum. i had started reading before I started school and was reading Enid Blyton at 5/6 and Tolkein at 10.
Firefox - we read The Phantom Tollbooth in grade 3 as a class at my primary school! I still have the map I coloured in and was then contacted, in my room! I can't remember half of it, I might have to get it out of the library and reread it.
This is certainly not the first time I've raved about this book on Obernet, but I think only Lol has read it, so clearly I need to continue being a broken record!
To put it bluntly, I believe The Phantom Tollbooth is the most underrated children's book ever to be written in the English language.
I was horse crazy for years when I was younger. I had a couple of Pony Pals and Saddle Club books (plus I borrowed some from the mobile library), but my favourites were the Silver Brumby books, the Jinny books, Black Beauty, and all of Marguerite Henry's books, including Brighty of the Grand Canyon (he was a donkey). :PI never read any Baby Sitters Club books when I was younger, but I did read an enormous amount of horse books - Pony Pals, The Saddle Club, and some series in which the main character was called Ashleigh...