Really interesting interview- thanks for the link!
I guess that the sending is definitely not coming out until 2011! :P
14 years ago
Mon May 03 2010, 11:07am
wow - that interview was fascinating! I loved the insight into IC's youth!
And izzy - yeah, it does sound as though The Sending will have to wait a little longer! [act]sighs[/act] I guess we have to let the organic process do its thing though :P
That was really interesting to read. XD Thanks for that link, Min.

Mystic Ward
14 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Big thanks to Bec and to Min for posting here. A very indepth, informative interveiw.
I loved the interview. I write, and it gives you hope that (maybe) something might come from it. It's really insightful. The way that she describes her journey is so amazing, with the river inside her mind.
Oh yeah, thanks for the link :)
*in corner* *weeping: The Sending... :( I'm really dissapointed that it's not comming out this year. I was really hoping but I would rather wait and have the best ending.*
14 years ago
Mon May 03 2010, 06:03pm
Wow. I actually feel like I can wait for the Sending to come out, now that IC has explained the reasoning behind the way her story writing process unfolds; and in a way I almost don't want it to end!
I love the way that the in the interview, IC didn't just answer a string of questions but actually made me feel the magic of her writing. It almost makes my wish that I was the type of writer (and good enough!) who could feel it as well.
It's a pity the Sending isn't comming out until later, but like so many other people, I also don't want the series to end.

Ashlings' guildleader
14 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I'm actually glad it's not coming out till 2011. And before everyone starts ringing the ambulance, you don't know we're I live so trying to get me admited to the loony bin won't work!
Ahem. At any rate, in the other thread when it was annouced that IC wouldn't be able to be in Australia for the release, it just broke my heart. I mean, she's been working on it her entire life and then they were going to take it away and publish it when she's not even there to see it? It just seemed so incredibly sad...

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago
Mon May 03 2010, 09:31pm

Wanderer Ward
I agree with you Sian. I too am glad it won't be out until next year - IC will be happy with it, she will be in Aus to celebrate the launch, and I will actually have the time to read it! I was so worried it would come out in Sept/Oct this year, and I wouldn't be able to even start it until Nov!
Thanks so much to Min and Bec for this article/interview!

Mystic Ward
14 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Can you imagine though all of us Obernetters at the launch with the books in our hot little hands???? Bugger the party, show me the nearest place to sit so I can read. PML!
Deb - it'll be the only moment in the history of time, that a big group of us are together and in utter silence (instead of the usual frantic excitement, I mean)! I wonder how the universe would deal with that..?
I'm really happy about the 2011 date TBH, for reasons you guys have already stated; Isobelle should be here for the launch! It wouldn't be the same, or fair, without her. And now she can be :D
That was a great interview! I'm definately happy to wait till next year - there might be a slight chance I can come home for it :D (though now I'm not so sure.... it'd be really nice if Aus wasn't so far away :-/ )
Very insightful and interesting interview. Like others have said, you can really feel the magic of her words. Quite incredible.
Thanks for posting!
After reading the reason for the delay it makes it easier to wait I think. I want the book to be perfect and if that takes longer then so be it. Although I dont want it to end, it would be the best way to end, with IC in Oz to celebrate with.
I'll go cry now. :"(
i'm also glad it's gonna be released when it's ready and so IC can be there to release it. Even if that may be end of 2011 and my sanity is barely intact.
Last time a emailed penguin they said the release date was may 2011.
Thanks for that update Jemma. May 2011 sounds like an reasonable date.