I've been meaning to post this for a while - but everything else gets in the way - thank you for reminding me.
I honestly doubt that we'll be able to come up with 12+ pieces of original artwork by the end of the month - so I have a proposition. What if this year we base the calendar entirely on some of the photos from the Worlds of IC comp? There'd be no points (as points were already allocated during the photo comp) but it'd be so much easier given there's been no interest until now.
We could easily construct a poll or have a discussion about which to go in which months, and that way there's no last-minute entries, and more importantly, no pressure.
What do you think? Your work in progress (Bibliophile) could be entered into the regular art gallery or even as a wallpaper?
That would be fine with me. I actually drew that picture sometime around the start of last year and have just been waiting for a suitable comp to enter it in. :P
I plan on entering again this year, and might do more than one entry for once... (meep, this is the only time I actively participate on the site, the rest of the time I just lurk |D ah well, I shall try to make it count.)
Anyone have any particular requests on what they'd like to see? :3 I'll be on holidays from my BA course so I'll actually have time to make something nice.
You could try downloading some free photoshop brushes that have the shape/s you want? Then use effects to make them look like they're part of the photo (so layer properties, dodge, burn, blur, smudge etc)? There's a 'bubbles' brush in particular I'm thinking of that'd be a good starting point.
Okay if we have entries (though I still doubt we'll have 12), maybe we can fill what's left of the calendar with photos from the photo comp?

Ashling Guildmistress
13 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
That sounds like a plan Min - see what we have and if all else fails - we have a great collection of photos to date :)
I have a few sketches I'd like to actually TURN into something... damn it, I wish I had them on me now for some feedback. When I get home [act]note to self[/act]
13 years ago
Tue Nov 22 2011, 01:44am
I reckon I can scrounge around and dig up something for the calendar!! :)
I took a few photos thinking it reminds me of obernewtyn doors or panels carved by Kasanda - but I couldn't actually fit the whole door into the picture!
I'm thinking of doing a kind of montage of all these panels and making a "door". I have no idea how to do that because my skills are sorely lacking.