From Deb's post, the rewritten version is the 2008RH (I assume RH means "Random House"). I think it's the US and Canada version, so you probably need to buy it from the internet from an American or Canadian website. It should say on the page what publisher and version of the book you're buying. Also have a look at the
Book List. My copy of Ashling, which is one of the ones with the newest covers and is conveniently next to me, is a 2007 Penguin copy bought in a shop in Australia, and I don't think the Farseekers or Obernewtyn in this cover series will have the rewrite. Hope that explains it a bit! I haven't read the new ones, but Deb's post up there ^ goes through some of the biggest changes I think. So up to you if you think it warrants it :)
I feel like my previous posts were kind of whinging... I really do love these books! And I'm enjoying the reread so much that this morning I was going to go in to work midmorning but ended up arriving at 1:30pm because I was finishing Farseekers :$
I love Gilbert! And Daffyd! Can't wait for Swallow to appear though, love him too. Elspeth's complete blindness to Rushton's love of her, and her love of him, is hilarious all over again. Wish I could update Obernet as I read though, there were so many other things I was going to mention...
Wonder what's going to happen with Lidgebaby... I forgot that she had coerced the other misfits to her when she was born, that's going to cause interesting things in the future I think!