I am sadly still waiting for the latest Obernewton book here in America. I even had my money returned from a company I purchased it from. Anyone know? I really don't want to have to pay the Austrailian price.
Really? And still in two parts? I saw Isobelle say that part 2 was going to be The Waking Dragon - which is much more sensible than two Red Queens - but would they still split it for an ebook? Couldn't find any mention on Amazon.
It was a comment I found on one of her series that made me think it is okay to talk about - and the initial 'they're not publishing/only as ebook' came from Isobelle directly, months ago - but we didn't announce anything in the hope that things would change (she's also since made a couple 'ebook only in US' comments on facebook).
So, maybe they have changed? I'm seeing Isobelle tonight, so I'll ask her then if she can confirm anything yet.
12 years ago
Thu Jul 05 2012, 05:06pm
I work in a bookstore in Canada and here's the situation as far as I know:
Random House did have a North American release date for both halves of the Sending. The final decision not to release it came late enough that my store's database officially filed it as'released but unavailable to order'. Word is they will release the book (probably in two parts, like they did with The Stone Key -Stone Key and Wavesong) as an ebook, but as yet we have no idea of when that will be.
I too am hoping it comes out soon. The cheepest I can get it for right now, including shipping, is $60 CAD, and I really can't afford that right now :(
Fyi, after the release of the Keeping Place in Australia, North America had to wait at least a year (I lost track of the exact dates, it may have been two), before the book was available on our bookshelves. Wgen TSK came out in Aus, they released all the books in ebook format, but it was only when they printed the newest covers that we were able to buy them as hard copies.
Aww, Ama. I'd totally be willing to send you a copy. I've got a spare since my mother brought me a copy, not realising I had run out and got it as soon as it hit the shelves :P
It'd be about $30 CAD from fishpond.co.uk - it's about 17 pounds with free worldwide shipping. I realise that's a big difference from what you'd pay for a US edition (well, two of them but I'm guessing it's still double the price!) but better than $60?
Given the Canadian and Oz dollar are similar, that's a similar price to what we're paying in Australia for the Sending, if that's any consolation.
Thanks for looking into it. I ordered it from the Book Depository and they returned my money. $30 is a lot to pay when I was expecting a paper back for 5.99 (including shipping). I'll have to follow up on the Random house link. I'll be sad to not have a paper copy, but hopefully it will come out in kindle edition, since that is what I have.
Mystic Ward
12 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
The thing that annoys me about all this is that I won't be able to complete the set. Especially when they printed the composite books. They should have left them out and completed the series in print.
New update from Random House. the book will now not be out until March. grrr....
Ashlings' guildleader
12 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
I just do not understand that; an ebook being delayed. How does that even make any sense?! Guess I need to go read-up on the Greylands launch site to see if anything was mentioned there ;P.