Hi everyone,
The guardians and MoOs have been discussing a few things about the future of Obernewtyn.net recently, and have a few ideas and suggestions we'd like to run by the community, regarding Sus Rid and the Dining Hall.
As the first step in improving Obernet, we have agreed that it might be time to close Sus Rid. Sus Rid was a place for randomness and fun, and right now, only three threads (Random Thoughts Thread, the Awkward Silence Thread and the Newspaper Headlines Thread) have had posts in about a year, and even they haven't had too much love.
The Role-Playing threads Sus Rid was known for, have essentially ceased, so we suggest that Role-Playing threads be left for special occasions, like Functions and Moonfair, to still incorporate them in Obernet.
We are also proposing that the three threads (Random Thoughts Thread, the Awkward Silence Thread and the Newspaper Headlines Thread) be moved to the Dining Hall, as they do fit in with the current 'game' environment here, to try and revive them (though if they prove to be unpopular, they may be closed in the future).
Speaking of the environment of the Dining Hall, we are wondering just what you think The Dining Hall should be? The Forum's front page message, which says: "Test settings, play games, throw veges...just try to keep the mess contained or we'll stick Javo onto you!" hasn't been changed in many years - we don't throw veges anymore (that was a previous thread) and we don't test settings either. Currently it is a place for the game threads, but, as you can see, this isn't how it always was, and it doesn't have to stay that way.
Obernet is a place for all of us, and we want to know what you think. We're also after new suggestions and general comments.
So firstly, what do you want to see as the front page message for the Dining Hall? What do you think will attract people to enter? Guild points are on offer for creative ideas.
As for the Dining Hall itself, what do you currently like and not like about The Dining Hall threads? What kind of threads would you enjoy here that don't exist? Are there any new forum games you want to start playing, or old, retired games
(you can find them here) you want us to start up again?
Don't be afraid to comment, we'd love to hear your suggestions!
The Dining Hall and Sus-Rid mods