Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
11 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
This is a place for you to rant about whatever is bothering you, please just remember to keep it PG :)
Happy ranting :P

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago
Thu Aug 08 2013, 11:19pm

Mystic Guilden
I'll kick things off, shall I?
I'm ranting because I haven't had a rostered shift at work for 6 weeks, and then today, half an hour before an appointment, I get a call asking me to work...starting in half an hour. I mentioned my appointment (which I had already cancelled/rescheduled once, and didn't want to do again so last minute) and tried to work out a time after my appointment to work. Unfortunately all I got was a "Well, thanks, but it won't work" which sounded more like a "thanks for nothing'. I TRIED!!
Six weeks, and they had to call today. I wan't to simultaneously throw something and cry :(
Guess it just wasn't meant to be....
[act]patpat[/act] You know what they say - if you don't want it to happen then, it's going to happen then...or something along those lines...
I don't really have so much of a rant. I just want to draw. But I don't want to. And I want to write, but I also don't want to. And I really should be doing an English essay right now, but getting the housework out of the way would be a good idea too...
So I'm doing nothing.
You feel me?
I feel you! I do that pretty much everyday myself.
Australian politics, nuff said really. But no actual 'real solutions' involved, no leadership, no vision, no compassion, no science, no policies, no detail, no trust.
Well, I'm going to have a rant about my assignment which is one I had to do in a pair (not the partner's fault actually). This assignment was initially meant to be handed in to be edited in week 4 (last week) but in week three our lecturer.tutor told us that there would be no lecture or tutorial in week 4 and that the assignment will be due in week 6 (I wrote that down) and that in week 5 (this week) we will be doing something for our second assignment.
Yet some silly people have told or insinuated to my partner that it is due this week thus confusing and freaking her out, and thus freaking me out, as we have yet to take the full amount of pictures that we need for it (it's a stills assignment) and our tutorial and lecture is tomorrow. Yet I am unable to fully satisfy my compulsive need for vindication that it is indeed due next week as the few people I can contact about it are unsure themselves. Yet I am almost certain I am right.
Thanks for letting me vent :P
11 years ago
Tue Aug 27 2013, 10:38am
i'm one of the first to finish the computer assignment on how to browe the net lol now i get to play.
its so annoying though that 2 hours of my uni day is wated on this when im a whizz at it....
EDIT:::: Wanderers we have no POINTS :'( i think i might have to get drawing again and do some stuff inbetween uni ...
I will rant about first year undergrads asking to leave tutes early because they finished their work before others. I'm sure no-one in my year ever asked that when I was in uni. We waited until the tute had actually finished instead of packing up and asking the tutor if we could leave.
Too bad for the undergrads that I had. I made them stay. Plus, my tutor notes said "have a discussion at the end". So in my discussion I started asking them questions they couldn't (but possibly should be able to) answer. Mwuahahaha.
Haha Kay, I like your style. :P
I have about have my class that leaves at least 30 - 40 minutes early cause they want the early bus so they don't have to wait in the cold for another 15 minutes or so for the next bus.
And others then have to give them copies of notes or handouts that we get in our tutes.
11 years ago
Mon Sep 09 2013, 04:22pm
Emergency lanes on the freeway are meant for exactly that (and as a bus/taxi lane during peak hour). You, Mr Van-driver, shouldn't be using it to overtake traffic during peak hour traffic! Gargh.
Edit: These undergrads are giving me a migraine too...
I'm so sick of all the people around me. Is it so hard for them to shut up and let me do my work? I don't really feel like failing like they obviously will, but it's way too hard to concentrate with them yelling and running around the classroom. I even requested for the class to be quiet for about 20 minutes but they don't even listen to the teacher. And then they try to involve me in their conversation. Just leave me alone and let me learn about Lud damned parabola graphs?!
11 years ago
Sat Sep 14 2013, 01:58am
Arrrgh, my insomnia has once again progressed from 'im bored of laying here staring at the ceiling' every night to just full blow laying here wanting to scream because all i want to do is [censored] sleep but it just wont happen. My usual trick of programming myself past it aren't working anymore and now i'm just laying here getting angrier and more frustrated. And to add extra frustration i have a training program tomorrow that I really would prefer to be to concentrate in. i felt bad enough todoay when I was visiting family and could barely even concentrate enough to remember what the [censored] we were talking about.
Well I have to go to a wedding like in an hour or two and I have to wear a dress. I HATE dresses they are gross, disgusting things. I haven't worn a proper one for AGES apart from school, but everyone wears one so that's okay (I think). My dress is heavy and it is hot, and then we are going to have a late night out, so I won't be able to read lots! And it is very annoying.... GAAH!
11 years ago
Tue Oct 01 2013, 04:30pm
I'm so tired of people who go out and get pets without considering the responsibilities of getting one! We now may end up with a guinea pig to go along with the rat and bearded dragon we are already 'baby sitting' because people just won't look after their own goddamn animals.
And this girl that got the guinea pig wants to go off and get a ferret instead . . . and my housemate is encouraging her. NO, JUST NO!
EDIT: Okay, so I just spoke to her and apparently the stuff about trying to get rid of the guinea pig and replacing with a ferret has all been my housemates idea and that they didn't even ask her if she really wanted to do it. WAT?
Rant now more along the lines of: housemate why you so bad at communicating.
My cat. Just took a dump. A sloppy dump. In my room. At 2.30 in the morining. Right behind my desk where it is impossible to get to. So I had to try and silently wiggle furniture around. To clean up a giant smelly crap.
Cat, I hate you!
Bloody people who try and get me to check over their work continually for spelling error/grammatical mistakes are starting to get on my nerves, Usually I am happy to do it, but when I tell them that I can't do it because I am actually trying to focus on my own uni work (for once) they whine and complain about me not checking their work which many times is a much longer version with many of the same mistakes!!!
The checking the work is usually not a problem, but when the attempts at guilt tripping when I refuse absolutely pisses me off!!
I've got enough work to do as it is, I think I have a coldsore as well, but I cant tell properly because I havent gotten one in years. /:(
On a brighter not, I did get a HD in a uni test I recently did.
I am so over this stupid prac report for science on Osmosis it sucks so bloody sucks and i have to get it done so i can go away for the long weekend and not stress about it !!!!!!!!!!

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Computer stuff makes me angry! Probably because half the time I have no idea what I'm doing [act]closes eyes and presses random keys[/act]
Games for Windows live is driving me insane. All I want to do is play Fable 3 without the massive lag and glitches. I have a nice new gaming laptop all ready to play on, and Windows Live refuses to co-operate. Seriously, how many Troubleshoot and Help forums do I have to go through to fix this?? And if I have to download one more version of windows live, I'm going to loose count....and possible explode my computer....
Technology sucks. Imma go find me a book to read /:(
Ugh, just waking up to such fear and crippling self doubt is the worst. It just want to go back to sleep but I feel so terrible. I don't even know what's brought this on. I'd been having such a good few days.
This is a bit of a stupid rant, but I will rant nonetheless. Why must it be raining during summer!! This feels more like winter or spring than it does summer. Plus, why am I getting hayfever now?! I took 2 antihistamines and it's barely helping. Gahhhh
Ugh I hate buses. All so stupid and late!
I have TWO MORE DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL! No that is not a good thing. Since a stack of my friends are leaving and going to different schools and one of my friends is going to America! For the first time in ages I have had a really, really, uber fantastico year. Then the year ends [act]bomb blows up in the background[/act] why did December have to come so fast. Grrrrr...
So there I was in Dandenong, waiting to turn onto the main road, when an ambulance came up the road, siren going, lights flashing, the lot. Did any of the cars move out of its way? NO, THEY DID NOT. In fact, the car in front of the ambulance just kept going, even though it could have moved to the next lane. And then the ambulance had to STOP AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS because no-one moved.
I don't even...
Is it so difficult to understand that you need to get out of the way when there's an ambulance going crazy behind you? ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!!