Date (backdated): 23rd July 2005
Amie and I got sent through this porthole into a strange alternate universe. It was an alternate Stanthorpe where I remember it starting off. I was shoved into this special class, where there were a bunch of ‘mantally challenged’ people, and some other people who were regular – we were in this class because we had some talent of summoning. To summon we needed to have 4 crystal elements, a wand and something else. Anyway, I didn’t want to be there. I was constantly trying to escape, but the ‘teacher’, this fat, gruff woman, was constantly locking me up. I couldn’t summon anything because I was obviously not from that world and didn’t have the talent.
It was during a big event where most of the school was gathered that I escaped. I carried my backpack and my side pack full of food around the school running away, and then out onto the road, where I hitched a ride with a group of 3 guys. They saw my robes and where I’d come from and knew that I was from this school, so they set out to exploit this and make me into a travelling show. They were going to eventually kill me, or have the townspeople kill me because I couldn’t produce a summoning thing. However when they set me up on the road and told a crowd that I was a summoner, they didn’t expect me to be able to do it, but I knew what to do – I pulled out my crystals and wand and stuff and ominously set about summoning a ‘something’. I don’t remember summoning it, but when I woke up I was in another town, and had been transported there to learn at a different school. So, the summoning must have knocked me out and I knew it had killed all that were watching, but the others had caught up with me.
I tried to escape again. I ran through into a seminar thing, where there were others of my faith/school. I pulled my robe about me and walked sedately around the back, trying to not be seen so I could get out the door. Two students said something like ‘why is she BLONDE’ – apparently when you are accepted into the school there you had to dye your hair brown/black. Mine was still reddish blonde. So they knew who I was and that I was trying to escape. I had to fight them both – the rest of the crowd were watching. To start with it was just me and another girl fighting with hands and knives, but the second girl brought out a big ceremonial axe that was designed to kill imposters and desertees. I caught the axe and slit both their throats a number of times to kill them.
Once I’d killed them, the leader of the school/faith came and got me. She knew I was too dangerous here so she was going to take me away. She looked into my eyes and said that even though I wasn’t from there, my eyes had changed to a mauve colour so I was one of them. But I was too dangerous. She tied my hair back and walked with me through the school, down the elevator, and out the front door. Amie saw me and her eyes widened, but she ran away from me before I could get her.
The elder, while walking with me, explained that she was going to take me to a different school. I asked her instead if I could just go to a small town that didn’t have the faith, where I could get a normal job and hide, because I’d killed two of the women before I would be hunted down continuously for other challenges. The elder didn’t like it but she finally agreed and walked me to a pub where I could get an escort to a smaller town. That’s where the dream ended...
Date: 29th July 2005
I dreamed I was a member in this army, who were going to storm this parallel universe. We were few, but we were very, very good. Something stuffed up though, and I ended up going through first, and too early. I ended up on this farm, where the people there were nice to me, but I left the farm and ended up at this house that I’m sure I’ve either been to in real life, or been to before in dreams. It was very familiar. It was two stories high. When I was at this house, a bunch of people turned up who knew who I was and where I was from, and they were trying to kill me. I was running around this house trying to get away from them. Whenever I had to fight one of them, the rest would just crowd around and watch. They'd all fight using different (sometimes nonsensical) weapons, but I'd end up disarming them.
I ended up running out of the house and across the road, trying to find another house where the people would let me in. The first house's inhabitants screamed at me to leave. I ran a couple more houses down and into this house with the door open. There was an old guy with flies around him sitting out the front. I ran into the kitchen and there was an older lady (about 50) baking date loaf, plus two people (about my age) - a girl and a boy. I hid behind the fridge and begged them to say that they hadn't seen me, and if one of the others who were chasing me came through, could they just say that I was her sister? They agreed, and there was a knock at the door. I heard the girl say what I had just said in total confidence, but it didn't convince the people who were hunting me. They surrounded the house and were looking through the windows for me. They saw me finally, and broke into the house. I had to fight them again, and I remember one of them was coming at me with needles, and I just kept stealing the needles from her. I ended up with my hands full of weapons, but still able to fight them off. Then one wall of the house shimmered and turned into a porthole - I raced through it back into my own world and told them all what I had seen. We then got ready to attack, getting our proper gear on. And I woke up.
When I went back to sleep, I went back into the dream, and I was at the house that seemed familiar to me (the one where I started out the last time). I had a backpack of clothes and another smaller pack with food and stuff in it this time. I was getting changed into my army gear when I noticed a number of people patrolling outside, looking for me again. I froze on the spot, hoping they wouldn't see me, but one of the people punched a hole in the window and they did see me. I raced up to the second level of the house and climbed over the balcony of the verandah, jumping down into the tray of this ute that was parked there. I tried to start the ute, but it wasn't working. There was a motorbike next to it though, which did turn on, so I took off with that. A couple of the others were chasing me in a van. I went on this wild goose chase riding my bike around all over the place while the people in the van didn't seem to ever lose me. I remember turning into this one block and there was heaps of traffic and people, so I hopped off the bike and started walking it up the hill. In the queue of people, I saw my grandfather, and my uncle Dave, who was saying something about taking my brother and Shane to the movies. I told him they were just behind me so to keep his eyes out. I kept walking up the hill, knowing that the people in the van were stuck in traffic. That's when the dream ended.
Date: 26th August 2005
How's this for a dream!?!
Last night I dreamed that I was on a bus with ALL the other members of Obernet, AND Isobelle Carmody! We were travelling around to somewhere, though I have no idea of our final destination. The dream started in Harvey Bay, then we went to Cairns, then back to Harvey Bay. The majority of the action happened there. We were staying in this hotel, and we hopped off the bus straight into the complimentary breakfast. There were loads of people there already, so we grabbed what food we could and all sat down. I was late, so I went and sat with my family. But then this guy came along who was even more late, and some official from the hotel asked me to move so this other guy could sit down, so I went to join the Obernetters. Isobelle was sitting at the head of the table. Then the hotel manager came out and said each group (at each table) could start their awards ceremonies whenever they were ready, and put a bunch of awards on the tables. Everyone at our table decided we'd do a 'real' Obernewtyn Awards, and since I'm the only one who knows all the winners this year, I had to get up and present. I remember giving Flit her award - it was funny!! And a couple of others...when I got to Kayts, I couldn't remember which award she'd won, so I said I'd get back to her once I'd looked on the computer. She got really sh!tty with me and stalked off, draging some guy in a bright yellow cloak along behind her. All the guys that were part of our group were in these bright cloaks - green, orange, red, yellow. We moved from the table to the grass field, and I ran into an old friend from highschool, Nathan, who was there in a green cloak. He was asking about awards and stuff and I said he didn't get one.
That's about all I can remember. What a silly dream!!
Date: 24th November 2005 (backdated)
I had a REALLY weird one last night.
I was at this beach, that had a huge sandy cliff-face - entirely made of sand mind you. There was a road at the back of it that wound around these mountains and either side of the road was just bushland. I was walking with people - lots of people. We were walking around this road, and various things happened. Here's a couple of things I remember:
1. There was this young asian girl, who screamed at the top of her lungs that she didn't want to marry someone, but she would because it was required.
2. My mum and my brother were there. We were on the beach for this part. There were massive waves breaking over the beach, right over the people. Mum and I hopped over the top of the beach-hill thing so the waves wouldn't break over us. I told my brother to come over as well, but he said no, and kept facing the waves.
3. My work colleagues were in it. At least, i think all of them were. My bosses definately were. I remember myself, Mike and Colin going to the boardwalk/garden just next to the beach, and Colin saying 'can you see the auras on the trees?'. We then spent about 5 minutes with these trees, and I could see about an inch thick aura around them all. We were touching the auras, they felt like a bubble around the trees and looked like a faint yellowy-green.
It was weird [img]" alt=":-/" border="0"/>
Wow, Min, you dream a lot! [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
Am I allowed to post on here or is more like ur own lil journal? No-one else ahs replied! :S
Anyways that dream u had bout an asian girl not wanting to marry a guy...I actually had a dream last week sometime that I was supposed to be marrying this guy and i was happy and everything but like the morning of the wedding I woke up and freaked out coz i had no idea who the guy was and I was so weirded out!!! Yeah I dont remember how it ended tho i think I just ran away or I woke up then or something [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
Yeappers, anyone can post comments / suggestions here. I'm just indexing it all [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/> so if you want to post your dreams, start your own index [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/> it just makes it easier for me to organise things...and stops me cluttering the board with millions of posts [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
Wow what a great idea.
I love the fact that you had a dream with Dumbledore in it. I'm glad because know I know I'm not the only one who has dreams with Harry Potter characters. I once had a dream that I was killed by Proffesor Binns ( the really boring teacher) with Lord Voldemorts grandmother's (Ethel) walking stick . I have such strange dreams.
LOL, killed by professor binns?! That's an awesome dream!! lol...
Date: 30/11/05
Last night's dream. Really strange.
I dreamt I was in Scotland again. I'd just arrived in Edinburgh, and was back at the hostel that I lived at while I was there. My brother was at the door, and he'd been over there for some time. He was talking about the castle and his first impression of it. I went inside to book in for a week and the girl at the desk was busy, so I went back outside to look at the castle.
It was dusk, so it looked all nice and dark and beautiful. Then someone switched the lights on, was weird. The castle had been made into a funpark. They'd knocked down the entrace area (where they hold that tattoo) and had put two massive waterslides going from the front door of the castle to the ground. There was a roller coaster twirling it's way around the castle as well.
I went over to the castle, and my mum was up there. We climbed down to the ground, where the waterslides ended, then ended up going underneath all the structures and getting stuck in this looooong grass.
When I got pulled out by someone, it was this Viking-like dude who told me that we had to protect the castle. We would be going to war tomorrow, and we had to stand guard. I went and met up with the other troops, who told me to go join the rest of the women *grr!!* so I stayed there to spite them and ranted that just because I was female didn't mean I couldn't fight.
Everyone went over for dinner, to where the women/children were then, and I ran into my grandmother (she's Croatian). She was talking about how "Eden" is a place in Croatia near the Danube. And that she'd take Wendy (my cousin) and I there. I said I had to fight in the war.
We finished dinner and I was going back to camp, but I was really tired. I was carrying a blanket around my shoulders so I just lay down on the embankment and went to sleep. I got woken up by my grandmother telling me it was time to go to Eden. Then she, Wendy and I were on a train going through Europe. Grandma was feeding us this soup on the train. She was telling us this story about how Wendy was such a good girl when she was little. Our carriage was all cramped and there were some people up the front of the train looking back at me curiously, and I was worried that they'd recognise me and say I'd deserted the army, so I changed seats to write a letter to Lu.
Then I woke up. Never got to Eden [img]" alt=":(" border="0"/> lol
Date: 20/12/05
Last night I remember dreaming I was on Obernet. Only the colours were reversed (dark blue/purple background, lavender border). The text areas we were posting had 'speech bubbles' around them, like Gaia has. I remember watching the top, bottom and sides of the speech bubble image load.
This is a clear sign that I need to get away from here for a couple of days [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/> Holiday to Sydney soon, will be computerless for about 5 days - that should do it. [img]" alt=";D" border="0"/> what a weird thing to dream of though. Curse you, butterbeer!
i often dream about characters from books to, most of the time though they are all mixed up. i think this has more to do with the fact that i read several books at once and wonder if you dream the characters up during/after you read a book or do it all the time. i'm always reading one book or another and never stop reading long enough to see if i still dream about the characters from books. can you help me out there please???
Probably best to start your own thread on this - that way people are more likely to look at it [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
I've had some weird one's of late. I'll recall what I can.
A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that someone had totally reformatted obernet. It wasn't me, and it looked bloody awesome. It was still in the lavender colour, but it was using some of the images from TKP cover (an image that I toyed with for the theories site, before closing it).
Then more recently, I dreamed that IC had released the date of the Sending launch on the site for us. Specifically, it was September 5th. I don't know why. But it was Sept 5th this year! And I remember coming online, seeing that, then thinking we had to start planning a charter bus for the event.
Last night. I had a weird dream, a combination of star wars, firefly and obernewtyn.
Firstly, it took place at Stanthorpe high school. We were split into teams, and had to search down various items. Anikin was a part of my team, and he got called to the library. I followed him and I saw what happened. He had a meeting with the emporer (our principal). Anikin was talking normally then suddently started saying "I hate you, I want to kill you - but this isn't my memory! Stop making me think that!". Ie, the Emporer was implaning the thought to kill in his mind.
I ran outside, and told my team what I'd seen. Kella (yes, Kella from the Obernewtyn Chron) didn't believe me, and said she'd go check on Anikin. She walked into the Library, then we all heard this scream from her - Anikin killed her.
I remember then that chaos ensued. There was a tall woman - very tall woman - with long brown hair, who said there'd be a holocaust, but some of us would survive. Anikin would bring it about, because of his power, and his will to kill.
I remember trying to get into town for some reason. I needed to get into Stanthorpe town. I was walking into town from school, and there were loads of people with their own problems stopping me. The main one I remember is a girl who was going to her relative's funeral. She didn't know how to get there, and was asking me for direction. I was distracted, and was saying something along the lines of "call your father" and handing her my mobile. But I was very distracted and hardly listening to her.
It was very weird [img]" alt=":-/" border="0"/>
I've been having some very weird dreams [img]" alt=":-/" border="0"/>
A couple of nights ago, I had a vivid dream that I was seeing the funeral of a friend-who-shall-remain-nameless, who is very much alive at the moment. I wasn't actually AT the funeral, I was standing to the side of it, watching it. I was crying my eyes out. My mum was there as well. I was trying to tell mum who the person was who'd died, but my mum kept talking about stuff that doesn't matter in an offhand way, like she didn't care about the funeral...
I had another one either the same night, or the night after, that the 7th Harry Potter book had come out. I was reading the beginning - it was Bill & Fleur's wedding. Voldemort crashed the wedding in the book, and started killing people, because Harry was there. Bill ended up dying...
Last night, I dreamed that the rock hopper fish (who we call Rex) in Colin's fish tank was really a dog. That is, still the same shape and size, with fins and scales, just that he couldn't breath water any more and we'd found out he was a breed of dog. We took him out of the tank, and I was holding him. He was just sitting there in my hand, panting away. That's all I remember of that dream.
All of these dreams...very disturbing...
Ok, I had the strangest, strangest dream last night. I know I say that a lot. But this one was...strange for not the usual reasons.
It was *real*. I woke up this morning and just thought "what the...? Where am I?"
I wish I'd written it down, because I can't remember the details now. All I can remember is the strange, wrong feeling I got when my alarm went off, that I shouldn't be in bed because I was supposed to be out *there*.
The dream had something to do with being tracked. By police/governmental types for some reason...something to do with not conforming. It was set around this warehouse type wasn't an industrial estate, it was the city itself, all made of concrete. No plants. I remember going into a bar/restaurant in there with a colleague (I have no idea who he was in real life) and trying to spy on someone to see how close they were to finding us out.
I remember having to leave the place very quickly. We'd just found out something and had to get back to the rest of the group. It was crutial that we got back in time with the information.
Then my alarm went off. I was so set on getting to these people with the information that I had no idea I was in bed, at home. Freaked me out a bit...
Last night I dreamed that I was working for an engineering company, doing their design stuff. I went into this shed out the back of the place, and there was a piano, hooked up to a computer, hooked up to a 3D printer.
When you started playing this piano, it turned out the printer wasn't a 3D printer - it was a weaving machine.
Depending on what you played, the weaver sped back and forth making cloth of different colours in different patterns. Like, the music was being computed into colours/shapes and knitted together into this big, woven bit of material.
It's a strange concept, but I wish I had a machine like that...
that dream where you felt it was real... i have dreams like that so often. Really really often. I wake up and i'm like, oh no I have to get back there...! or, oh no i can't believe that happened, omg phew it didn't happen!!! and then reorientate myself. I know exactly what you're talking about. maybe it's a past life experience, or perhaps a bit of a prophecy? usually people I know feature in these dreams.
I think they mean something.
I had one *weird*, wacky Harry Potter Dream this morning. I'm thinking of auctioning off the idea to the highest Malfoy fangirl bidder on or something [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
I was reading Harry Potter 7. No idea what the actual title was. I was near the end. Malfoy was in a greenhouse, like the Herbology classroom, plotting something. We were reading from his perspective. Then a book from another student fell in front of him. It was Harry's History of Magic text book, and Harry had stuck a photo of him (as a baby) and his parents inside it (where it had fallen open to).
Malfoy stared at the book for a moment, then picked it up and handed the book back to Harry, saying disdainfully "Why are you always moping around about your parents, Potter? It would be a dream to have ones parents killed, not around blackmailing you with your inheritance or interfering in every step of your life."
Then Paul's alarm went off and I woke up.
Damnit. I know it was near the end of the book...
Over the weekend, I had a fantastic dream. It was really real. When I woke up I was lying there blinking for a moment wondering where I was, it was that real.
The Sending was reported to have come out. I went to a bookshop in a city I don't know, thinking *yeah right, another rumour*. But there it was, on the shelf - 9 copies, taking up a fair chunk of a wall.
Me: *noink!*
It had a red cover, I can't remember what the main picture looked like though. I started reading it as soon as I walked out of the shop. In the first chapter, Elspeth was with two other character, who I can't remember. These people were showing her another carving/statue of her that they'd found - it was of her and representations of the Daywatcher and Moonwatcher. It was in the next paragraph or so Elspeth came to the conclusion (as she does) that these images of her carved from the past weren't messages, but recordings of peoples dreams, just like they recorded their dreambooks, more confirmation of her future than keys to it.
(weird hey...)
At that point I stopped reading because I met up with Turks, Bunne and Cat-Eyes. We were going to Flit's house to wake her up so we could have our "the book is out" party, since none of us had believed the launch date, and hadn't been able to have the Sending Party. I remember walking down the road trying to read still, crossing a really busy road, and getting to a front door of a house...
But then woke up...and had that strange, detached feeling.
The book was sooooo real...I wish I'd read some more of it [img]" alt=";)" border="0"/> [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
I had another dream about the Sending just this morning. Only, the cover looked somewhat similar to TKP (green/yellow/blue hues, same sort of artwork).
The dream focussed around me reading the book...and it was really short. I remember looking at how much I'd read, seeing there was like a chapter to go thinking "how the hell can everything be resolved in that chapter?!
The bulk of the book had focussed on Elspeth and Rushton's relationship, too, so I wasn't all that happy...didn't actually get to the end, either...
It was weird!
As if we're not going to enjoy the Sending!!
I blame Star Trek [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/> I was watching TNG before I went to bed [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
wow Min. I wish i could remember all my dreams with the clarity you have! i dream some weird ones but can never remember them. the minute i wake, they are gone!
That's why I'm so adamant about writing them down! A lot of the time I'll wake up, and write it down straight away - even if it's the middle of the night - because if I don't, and I go back to sleep, I'll wake up in the morning remembering I had a dream, but only very vague details.
Very useful having a notebook and pen next to your bed!
Backdated: 25th October 2008
Not that I haven't dreamed in all this time or anything :P
I have a very strange one from the weekend to record. I am sure it is a conglomeration of Obernettish things all deciding to mash together. Hehe, my head's so confused :P
I travelled to Sydney. I must have been staying a long time, because I had my HUGE red suitcase that I took overseas with me. I also had my printer. I have no idea why! I was wheeling the suitcase down the footpath at Bondi, and carrying my printer under one arm. I met up with Dragon Mornir, who pointed up to a terrace house and said that was the flat we were staying in.
She ran off with some other people, and I kept going, pulling my red suitcase along. I met up with Tanya, MK and Firefall, who were all dress shopping for another Obernetter's wedding. I went along with them; I had to find something to wear to it as well. MK went to get a dress adjusted, and Tanya, Firefall and I were sitting on a picnic table outside the shop. I'd taken my printer out of it's box for some reason, so I had to sit there and put it back in while we were waiting.
That was it. The last thing I remember about the dream was finishing putting the printer back in it's box and putting it on the picnic table.
What a weird, pointless dream! So, I suppose, thanks for the "inspiration", Obernet :P
15 years ago
Tue Jun 02 2009, 05:27pm
I had a weird dream last night, that confused me when I woke up this morning (seriously - I kept thinking "what am I doing here?! No, this isn't right...I was just..." [act]sigh[/act]).
It is simple enough in content. Paul and I were in London. We were visiting his sister/sister's boyfriend's house (which doesn't exist, and they live in NZ now anyway), prior to flying out somewhere into Europe on holiday. Paul's parents were there as well for some reason. The dream's a bit hazy at the start - had something to do with a new plane being tested, and someone parachuting out of it and landing in their backyard for some reason.
Anyway - the bit that I remember very clearly came after that. Paul's dad was driving myself and Paul to the airport, and Paul's mum was asking where we were headed - at that point I realised I had no idea, I just knew we were leaving. I found our tickets, and saw that we were going to Prague again - landing on the 1st of some month that I can't remember - and leaving again on the 6th of the same month, and heading to Moscow for a whole month. The flight to Moscow was going to take something like 7 hours. That's about all I remember seeing on the ticket.
Paul's dad drove us past Trafalgar Square for some reason - and I remember seeing these dodgy people, trying to sell this weird new brand of cigarette to bystanders. Don't know why, or how that could be relevant to the rest of the dream.
We made it out of Trafalgar square and kept heading to the airport - Paul and I were practising what Czech we remembered from the last visit (which is very little, and we had this moment where we were talking German instead of Czech - fun times!).
Then I woke up to my alarm - realised I was at home, and I had to get ready for work! So let down! And I was seriously confused. Not that the dream was eerily real or anything - but the feeling evoked by the dream real - I was getting out of bed, certain I was in the wrong place, and that I was really supposed to be on a plane at that moment, headed for Prague.
If only... ::)
And I now have this lingering urge to go to Russia.

Mystic Guilden
15 years ago

Mystic Guilden
It's those sorts of dreams that leave you feeling like you lived out an entire day while you were sleeping. You wake up confused and exhausted...or I do anyway.
It's too bad it was only a dream Min, sounds like you are really itching to travel again. Hope you get to soon.