Atthis said he but she didnt specify if it was Human or not so it could be one of the animals
But I have forseen that there is another funaga whose destiny is to discover and resurrect the machines.
I was looking up names on baby name websites and I came across the name Damian which has the same meaning of Dameon. Damian is supposedly the son of Lucifer (the devil) and maybe that is just coincidence or IC did it on purpose.Whilst that is interesting... I can't imagine Dameon being the Destroyer, for a few reasons.
I agree he is upset about Elspeth and Rushton, and from his behaviour in TSK, I do think it's possible he could make a mistake and do the wrong thing. That's a good point about the name, and I wouldn't be surprised if the naming was fully intended, whether to make us suspect something, or because he's actually the Destroyer - I guess we'll see.I was looking up names on baby name websites and I came across the name Damian which has the same meaning of Dameon. Damian is supposedly the son of Lucifer (the devil) and maybe that is just coincidence or IC did it on purpose.
I love Dameon to pieces and I dont think he would hurt Elspeth on purpose but he must be pretty upset about the whole Elspeth/Rushton deal.
Sadly, this is one of the reasons I think it's possible - how hard would it be for Elspeth if she has to harm the destroyer, if it turns out to be the person she's let in the most out of anyone in her life (aside from Maruman, and Gahltha, and Rushton on a good day).Also, I think it would be more painful for Elspeth if Dameon was the Destroyer because he as been around her for much longer, and Matthew has been away so long. Imagine if Dameon, the one Elf has relied on for comfort and advice for so long, and who has been revered by the other Misfits as a kind person all this time, were to be the Destroyer, even against his will. It would be far too cruel for Elspeth.
It's an upsetting thought to me too, but sadly one I agree is possible. And you're right that Ariel clearly wants something from Elf - just because he's most likely not the Destroyer, it doesn't mean he's not involved. We've never really known the meaning of "h'rayka", because Elspeth thinks she knows what it means, but never manages to get a direct answer from Maruman. So it could mean "one who brings the Destroyer", meaning he could lead the Destroyer to the complex, but have his own goals when he gets there. Of course, the fact that he's obsessed with weaponmachines-as-power may well lead him to other weaponmachines, or similarly unsuitable areas. Yeah, not liking this idea now - I can just see Elf distracted with the Destroyer, and Ariel sneaking in the back door and blowing up just a part of the world. :P Otherwise, maybe he found out about Elf's killing power, and wants to try to acquire it somehow, or control her?I never thought it would be Matthew but now I'm not so sure, I'm actually almost convinced that it IS him. Which, to me, is pretty upsetting. But now i have the question of What is Ariel after then? Cause he seem s to want something from Elspeth. . .
Zier wroteI have to say that I see it the other way around, Elspeth getting caught up with her hatred of Ariel (and perhaps thinking he is the Destroyer) while the real Destroyer gets into position. That said, it would be just like IC for Elspeth to have stopped the Destroyer only to have to turn around and deal with Ariel.
I can just see Elf distracted with the Destroyer, and Ariel sneaking in the back door and blowing up just a part of the world.
I, Carandy? have left [steps/signs/things] behind me which the [leader/wanderer/searching one] must find before...
That..(key?)..which must be [used/found] [before all else], is [with/given/ sent to?] she who first dreamed of the searcher - the hope beyond the darkness to come.
Who [would/must] enter the [sentinel/guard/watcher] will seek the words in the house where my son was born.
That will reach the [heart/centre/core] of the [sentinel/guard/watcher] seals a [pact/promise/vow] which I did forge, but never witnessed/saw.
That which will [open/access/reach] the darkest door lies where the ....[lies/sleeps]? Strange is the keeping place of this dreadful [sign/key] but there is no other, for all who knew it are dead save one who does not know what she knows. Seek her past... Only through her may you go where you have never been and must someday go ... danger...Beware.... dragon.
IC: He is very important. He's important in a symbolic way, as well as a real way, so like, change happens through him a lot of the time, or because of him.
It's not Jes. I asked Isobelle outright in a letter, years ago, if Jes was alive or not. She said, no, he's not. A couple of years ago she mentioned he may still be alive, though.
This means he's out of contention for the Destroyer, because she wouldn't initially say he's definitely dead if he had a further role to play such as that of the Destroyer.