They haven't been anywhere for ages!Come use the Chat link brydie and I had a lot of fun there! It is highly recomended by me! [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
yea the chat link! :S ...:P ur forums grand brydie! but the poll thing is good! [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/> we're gettin some hard numbers and guess wat!!!
[img]" alt=":D" border="0"/> rushton be winning!
sorry brydie! my internet is sooooo unbelievably slow, so i havent been to visit ur forum, i'll get around to it i promise!
As for the Destroyerness, Im sticking to Ariel! IC only said that Ariel is not neccessarily the Destroyer to get us thinking! its him!
Don't you think Rushton being the Destroyer would be a bit...cheesy?
Of course there's the uncertainty of his talents...I think he's got other things to do though...
And's funny how people have turned against Rushton...I'm one of them!!! He's just NOT RIGHT for her!!!
MAybe he somehow saves the day. With sthe theory of elf being both seeker and destroyer he also helps her make the right choice.
That'd be far too cheesy for my liking.
Maybe we're missing the big picture here, it feels as though we're missing something...the underlying message in the books are what exactly? Something about acceptance and tolerance...*brain turns to mush*
I had this thought...that maybe there is no Seeker and Destroyer. Maybe Atthis and the other Agyllians are seeking vengence on what was done to them by their creators (the Beforetimers created the Agyllians right?). But then it's not in beast's natures to be vengeful...
I'm sure it's going to be Matthew and Dameon standing with Elf in the end. The original Golden Trio.
Rushton doesn't seem to have enough control over his latent powers to be of any use whatsoever. And he's already been kidnapped once, I don't think I could take it if he was used as the bait again. [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
[img]" alt=":o" border="0"/>
Min! i've never thought of that!!! if the beasts were just trying to get vengeance...oooh, i like it!
and i definately agree on the elf, matthew and dameon thing. but in obernewtyn didnt it say that those three AND cameo were friends? we never actually saw them all together but at one stage elspeth remembers how the four of them were sitting on the farms watching the clouds or something. i dont know what i'm trying to say, but one of them's already dead...
YEs, having the trio back in the end wil bring a nice sense of completion to the final mission.
I stll like the idea of it being Rushton, cos like it being Matthew it just does not seem obvious at first, but after you kinda of go, yeahhhhh.
It wil be such a tradgedy if one of our beloved characters turns out to be the destroyer.
Rushton's powers are a probem, i always thought they would have progressed a bit more as the series went on, but they are still such a grey area.
And i just thought, although this does not make a lot of sense, u know how the destroyer is meant to be Elspeth's equal opposite:
u know how mattthew has that ability to let elspeth use his eyes... is that like elspeth has the control and matthew has the capacity to be controlled.
like body vs mind or something, i know it's not a clear dichotomy but it kind of lends itself to that. (does anyone remember where it says somethign about extending on that skill, but they had't worked it out yet?? like maybe at the druids camp.?? what was the extension, was it using ears or what?
Yeah. They were trying to get her using his ears
They tried the same thing with Elf and Ceirwan but it never worked.
It MUST be signifigant that only Elf and Mathew are able to do it
I think the only significance in Matty being the only one that elf can use that talent, using his eyes and stuff is showing the greatness of their relatrionship. I mean Matty was elf's first probably ever friend, and they're so close!
I think thats all there is to it... but you never can tell...
well wat if rushton doesnt have a talent but can only harber others to give extra strenght?!?! if it hasnt developed yet i dont think it will...unless u have a big catalyst, but wouldnt the machine him and elf were stuck in been good enough?!?! i actually think louis might have some information on rushtons talent...but anyway - i agree with min rushton would be too cheesey and way to hollywoodish and i cant see IC doin that...she's a romatic (so she siad) so i dont think she'd destroy us that bad...well elf at least...and if rushton/elf arent together thats another thing seh ahs to worked into the book and by god its already a suitcase!!! we dont need anything else to be added!
just as a suggestion what do ppl think of mirium being the destroyer?! she's caused truoble with her group of knights, shes dissapeared (supposidly sandor but never made it) wit a body..what wit her change?!? she's grown to be a bigger character/player esp in TKP so i think there is going to b alot more from her?! how bout it?!
Yeah I can't see Rushton as being the Destroyer either.
Mirium.... hmmm.... even though Straaka died, I dont think that would be enough to push her over the edge and go crazy, she had way too much 'honour' i think she would want revenge for Straaka's death and she might even die for it. Maybe she'll go on a 'mission'. I can just see her now walking bodly to Malik's face and then declaring her wish for a battle, then Malik cheating and her dying....
Probably not destroyer as she was not there from the start (was she?? now i'm not sure) where did the rule come from that said the destroyer was there from the start by the way?
Where is she though, that is a bit of a question mark, just because they think she went to Sador doesn't mean anything.
I don't think Miryum's the Destroyer
But I DO think she'll die
MAthew and elf being able to do the eyes and ear thing is significant. But is there some other little thing that we have missed that might help? Argh!*goes brain dead and slumps in front of computer*
its jsut signifigant that they dont no where she has gotten too...shes like lost/dissappeared...goin to sandor isnt important or anything...and yes she was...she was wit domik in the hut when elf was found running from the she ahs been there...i think that point (bin there from start) is somethin we all asume -cso it wouldnt b IC style jsut to introduce someone at the end...itd b way to dissappointing too.
oh she will die hay KSL!?! i like that...well tsi a different thought
Miryum wasn't it the hut, was she??
They MENTIONED Maryon, but I don't think Miryum was there
ooo me bad...i get those 2 confused since they both start with m!? :S :/ sorry! me very bad! [img]" alt=";)" border="0"/>
Hmm I think Miryum will die too....
I dont think she was there at the start either, but we dont know everyone from the start...
okay so miryum's dead. now that that's settled who else do we think we shall nominate and make dead. what about Bodera, he's time keeps coming, or did he die already and leave Dardelan?? my memory is so shot!
i suppose a lot of people wil die in the quest to the land of the red queen/to destroy the weapon machines.
People who WILL die:
The One
People who MIGHT die:
Brydda *swoon swoon*
People I'm sure WON'T die
Dameon (And NOT out of blind hope)
You don't actually require justification do you, 'cos this is all gut feeling!!!
I think dragon will definatly will not die she neeeds to become queen of the free running buruad.
Hey - why does Miryum have to die?!
I don't get it.
I've noticed no one's brought up Rushton's pig in this debate, so I thought I'd be the first in the thread [img]" alt=";D" border="0"/>
If it's not Matthew, or Daffyd, it's Rushton's pig.
Hehe, evil pig!
I agree with the whole Mirium dying bit too. I just wish I knew where she was, cos that is such a mystery. I mean, how far can you go with a dead body!? It doesn't make sence that she just vanished. [img]" alt="???" border="0"/>