Okay, I've been told that Survivor will run for a month, so on behalf of the Mystics I'd like to submit a booking for an event after Survivor.
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates wanted: 16th - 30th March '07
17 years ago
Sat May 05 2007, 10:25am
Bunne!Jeff and Rigel!Jeff will be hosting a Survivor: Herder Isle reunion once the Dreamies' mystery event is over. We hope all the Survivors will be able to make it. :D
Function Name: Survivor: Herder Isle Reunion
Function Hosts: Bunne and Rigel
Dates wanted: 11th - 15th May '07
EDIT> I'm afraid we'll have to delay the reunion for a little while. Both Jeffs are currently a little distracted by various things and we won't be able to get things set up in time for the current dates. We'll let you know the new dates as soon as possible. :D

Dreamweaver Guilden
17 years ago
Sat May 26 2007, 01:43pm

Dreamweaver Guilden
Function Name: Charm School
Function Hosts: ElspethInnle, Tanya and Ariadne
Dates Wanted: 8th June - 6th July '07
Another year, another MYSTICS BALL!
Function Name: The 3rd Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates Wanted: 16th - 30th March '08

Ashling Guildmistress
17 years ago
Fri Feb 01 2008, 08:55am

Ashling Guildmistress
Could the Ashlings please book the hall :)
Function Name: Secret (for now :P)
Function Hosts: Nef
Dates Wanted:CHANGED Sometime in February :)
Dibs on the Hall!!
Function Name: ...secret, again.
Hosts: TBA
Prep work from 20th April
Actual event dates: 28th April - 28th May :nod:
16 years ago
Wed Jun 18 2008, 10:30pm
We wanderers would like to book the Hall please :D
Function Name: Wanderer Mystery Event ;)
Function Hosts: Rilla and Brownie Edit: Due to Rilla's now lack of internet, I will be a function host *hugs Rilla*
Dates wanted: 1st of July to 22nd of july - if we're ready lol.

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago
Sun Jan 24 2010, 09:19pm

Wanderer Guilden
Could we please have the hall?
Function Name: Christmas Masked Ball :D
Function Hosts: Misfitmind and Helena
Dates Wanted: 18th December to 31st December ;D
Okay, I've finally sent Ari the information. Whether or not she gets it in time....uh.....I wouldn't have a clue what will happen.....
Function Name: Guess the Misfit
Function Hosts: Maruman32 and Avialle
Dates Wanted: 10th of January - 10th of February
Just putting this out there now so no one else thinks about these dates :P
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates wanted: 14th - 31st March '09
15 years ago
Mon Apr 20 2009, 08:56pm
The Dreamies request the Hall :)
Function Name: Dreamies Launch Party
Function Hosts: Emerald and Ness
Dates wanted: 1st May to 17th May
15 years ago
Fri May 01 2009, 02:04pm
:D We have been busy in the Wandie Hall!
Function name: Hijacking History - A Wander through time.
Function hosts: TBA
Dates wanted: 1st July to 22nd of July (though the end date could change a little)
EDIT: Oh I forgot to PM Elspeth! *goes to do so now*
15 years ago
Thu Aug 06 2009, 09:34am
Just putting it out there that the Function Hall will be occupied during the end of August, and very likely through to the end of October with various MoO events. So, nobody try book anything during those months :P
15 years ago
Tue Oct 20 2009, 11:25am
Will theirr be anything in December for the moonfair, or is that free? Possibly for a Turnip Festivel?

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Wed Jan 20 2010, 09:46pm

Mystic Guildmistress
Just putting these dates out there in case anyone else was thinking of hosting a function.
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: Deb, Firefall & Ariadne
Dates wanted: 14th - 31st March 2010

Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
In the hope that we get our act together in time :P the Dreamies would like to book the function hall from the 21st to the 27th of January.
Function Name: Mystery event
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates wanted: 21st - 27th of January

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Sun Jan 24 2010, 09:19pm

Wanderer Guilden
could the wandies please book the hall? :-"
Function Name: Wanderful Wandering Event.
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates Wanted: 24th April - 7th May.
Thank ye! :D

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago
Sat Nov 27 2010, 11:05am

Wanderer Guilden
[act]pats *dpm* [/act] [act]calls dibs on the Hall[/act]
Function Name: To be reviled
Function Hosts: TBA
Dates Wantes: 25th of January to the 7th of February 2011

Mystic Guildmistress
14 years ago
Mon Mar 14 2011, 07:25am

Mystic Guildmistress
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: Min, Deb & ElspethInnle
Dates wanted: 1st - 15th April 2011

Dreamweaver Ward
14 years ago
Tue Jan 18 2011, 09:24pm

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Function Name: Squirrel Day
Function Hosts: Zieria, Tanya, Ness, Aoife
Dates wanted: 21st - 22nd January 2011

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: Deb, Ariadne
Dates wanted: 14th - 31st March 2012
Function Name: The Annual Mystics Ball
Function Hosts: still being determined
Dates wanted: 16th - 31st March 2013