I think the Random House is IC's American publisher. I think that's the difference. I don't see why American editions would be different from the Australian versions though.
Apparently for the American versions, Isobelle was able to edit it before they published it. So she was able to fix up errors and also change things that didn't fit in or work well.
I have read both american (I own their set) and AUS versions, but didn't notice any major differences. However, out TKP is about twice as thick.... o_O
I don't know if it's been mentioned on here (haven't been on this thread in quite a while) but for UK Members you can pre-order The Sending on Amazon UK for about £8.00.
I've just done so and thought it best to share. It's saves having to order a copy from Australia
I thought I'd let people know, I just received my copy of the Sending from FishpondWorld.com. It was £15GPB with free shipping to the UK, and it's only been a week since I ordered it (they said 10 days for delivery). Since most other places I looked at charged about the same amount for shipping as for the book, I thought I'd let you all know!
I'm hearing that The Sending will not be published anymore in the U.S. is this true? Can I not finish the Obernewtyn series? Tell me it's not so!!!!! Anyone have any idea what is going on?
Not really. Random were really tight-lipped and vague when I contacted them about it.Â
Here's what I do know -Â
The Random House version - and thus the version that Bloomsbury (UK) use - was delayed for reasons outside of Isobelle's control that still haven't been explained to anyone.
Then, Random House made the decision to release The Sending and The Red Queen only in eBook form, at a date yet to be confirmed by anyone.Â
I have tried contacting Random for more info as I said before, specifically for an availability date and why they're no longer physically publishing it, but they have responded very vaguely to me. Perhaps they don't care about talking to an Australian, since I'll never be buying anything from them *disgruntled*.
Your best course of action, if you want the print book any time soon, will be to buy online through an Australian bookseller who ships internationally. Fishpond do this, as Kangaruth mentioned above - here's the link:Â http://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/Sending-Isobelle-Carmody/9780670853595
Their international shipping rates are listed here: Â http://www.fishpond.com.au/helpdesk.php?question_id=11
Hope this helps and if anyone is able to get any more info out of Random directly (there's a contact form on their website - who knows, maybe they'll listen to potential customers), please let us know - this is a question I'm emailed about on a near daily basis now (so much so that most of this is from my standard response to people)! Â The publisher -Â at this point in time - are the only thing keeping a book which has been out and in full circulation in Australia for nearly 9 months from you.Â
Just thought I'd add that I've been trying to buy a copy of the stone key from my local Collins booksellers store because they have all the other obernewtyn books in store but after several attempts they cant seem to order it in. Apparently there is some issue with the publishers not publishing it right now and the bookstore people told me sorry but maybe try again some day. Maybe. Maybe not. They just don't know. Does anyone here know what the go is?
Sounds like there is currently no available stock for them to order. The distributor/s must have sold off everything already and Penguin mustn't have felt the need to order another print run yet, so whether or not it's available depends on where/who you're buying it from.

Ashlings' guildleader
9 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
Try QBD. I thought I saw a copy in my local store. They do free postage in Australia.