Greetings, good Moonie Level 2’s!
Afore anything else, thanks heaps for helping us out this year :) Looking at the names, methinks most of you know the ropes by now, but just to make sure we’re all on the same page, here be the good ole semi-traditional Moonfair Event Guidelines. That way all the guilds will be able to offer activities on the same pointage scale. If there are any questions or suggestions, feel free to lettuce know.
1. Aim to have a maximum of 10 events. 10 events multiplied by 4 guilds, plus the Moonfairy comps and the Ober Awards, ends up at about 45 events, which makes our celebration plenty big.
2. These can usually be broken down as follows:
Main event: 1st place=60pts, 2nd place=50pts, 3rd place=40pts, participation=5pts.
Three or four smaller events: 1st place=45pts, 2nd place=35pts, 3rd place=25pts, participation=5pts (or less).
Four or five even smaller events: 1st place=15pts, 2nd place=10pts, 3rd place=5pts, participation=2pts.
You may also like to have some events where there is no pointage at all, esp if you’re running low on people who are volunteering to be judges (eg, a recipe page or a book list).
Also note that you can replace ‘1st place’ above with the words ‘Full completion of a task’ and so on :) That way, you can certainly share the pointage around by allowing more than one person/guild to earn the maximum pointage available.
3. Feel free to give bonus points, eg an extra 10 points for getting 100% in a quiz, or for solving the trickiest clues, or for participating in something like a storyboard more than anyone else.
4. Try to avoid awarding pointage for the first person to submit entries. Some people nick all that bonus pointage on the first day, and the Moonfair runs for two months Instead, try to encourage people to enjoy it while it lasts!!
5. Now that the Moonfair board is open and you can talk with other guilds – please talk!! If you know another guild is doing a treasure hunt or a writing comp or a storyboard, and it sounds the same as what you want to do, please discuss it directly with that guild to work out how you can make your events as original as possible.
6. If at any time you’re having problems organising stuff with your guild, or if you feel like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew on top of real life stuff, please just drop us a line and we’ll find a way to help you out.
Have fun!
- Your friendly neighbourhood Moonfairy