The Fanfiction area of Obernet is similar to many other fanfiction-submission sites, such as
You first create your 'story', or book, listing the characters and writing up a summary.
Then you populate the story with 'chapters', as you write them.
There are multiple categories for fanfictions, some for general fanfiction, and some for competitions that were run for a time in the past.
To have a general category added (eg. the Gathering Fanfiction), PM me.
Genres:There's only a few genres at the moment, but pick the one that suits the mood of your piece. If you think a genre needs to be added, please PM me.
Author: lists all the people who've posted fanfiction.
To Read FanfictionYou can either scroll through the available story titles on the first page (and navigate through the following pages down the bottom, it's sorted by last date updated), or use the handy filters at the top of the page.
Filters: Let's say you want to view all stories that have been submitted into the recent Fanfiction Challenges competition. Select Category > Fanfic Challenges 1 > Filter. All 6 entries will be returned.
You can do combinations of filters, eg:
Category: Obernewtyn Fanfiction
Completion: Completed
Returns any story in the Obernewtyn Fanfiction category that is marked as complete.
Easy, right?
To Write FanfictionTo submit, still go to Fanfiction by clicking Create > Writing > Fan Fiction in the main menu, then down the bottom of the list, select "Manage My Fanfiction".
Any fanfiction you have already written appear in the list, in Edit mode.
To edit anything about your entire story (eg, summary, character tags, warnings and disclaimers, complete or incomplete, etc), select the

To edit any of your chapters in that story, select

This will take you to another screen where you can manage the content of your chapters (title, the chapter itself, etc).
To create a new story, from the Administer My Fanfiction page, select "New Fanfiction".
Then just fill out the form, to set up your story. Give it a title, summary, put it in the relevant category, etc. This information can be edited again at any time, so don't worry if you mess it up or don't complete it; go back in and configure it later.
Please note: It is possible to post your story so you can edit it, but not display it, if you wish, by not ticking the "Display this book" checkbox, during the book creation. You might want to do this if it's a work in progress, and don't want anyone to read it until it's completed.
Once you have finished it and are happy with it, remember to go back and edit your story, and tick the "Display this book" option, to have it appear to the rest of the world :)
Once the book is created, click the

button next to it in the list, then select "New Chapter".
There's three fields;
- Chapter Number: This must be numerical. Eg. If this is the first chapter, just enter 1. As you add new chapters, keep going up in numbers (2, 3, 4). Don't leave this field blank, or people won't be able to see your chapter!
- Chapter Title: Can be left blank if you want; otherwise; name it.
- Chapter Body: Type or past your story here. You can use the regular BBCode formatting (for bold, italics, etc).
That's it!
Any questions or problems, reply here.