I just thought I should add some from Season 6... There are a few good ones in there. :nod:
Some of it might seem a bit out-of-character if you haven't seen Season 6 yet, but you'll understand when you get up to it. :nod:
Clap Your Hands If You Believe (Season 6):
Dean: [act]calling sam on his mobile while frantically running through a cornfield[/act] Close encounter! Close encounter!
Sam: Close encounter? What kind? First? Second?
Dean: They're after me!
Sam: Third kind, already? You'd better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.
Dean: Empathy, Sam. Empathy!
Sam: [act]talking to the crazy fairy-obsessed lady[/act] What, flying saucers not insane enough for you? If you want to add glitter to that glue you’re sniffing, that’s fine. But don’t dump your wackadoo all over us, we’d rather not step in it. The only thing you’re missing is a couple dozen cats, sister.
Sam: So you’re saying you’ll be my Jiminy Cricket.
Dean: Shut up. But yeah, you freaking puppet. That’s exactly what I’m saying.
Sparrow: Your brother was abducted?
Sam: Yeah.
Sparrow: Oh my God.
Sam: It’s fine. I mean, I’ve had time to adjust.
Sparrow: Did it happen when you were kids?
Sam: No, like half an hour ago.
Sam: [act]talking to UFO expert[/act] So you’ve been hunting UFOs for over three decades and you basically have no concrete data and zero workable leads. Have you considered the possibility that you suck at hunting UFOs?
Dean: There were these beings and they were too bright to look at, but I could feel them pulling me towards this table.
Sam: Probing table.
Dean: God, don’t say that out loud!
Dean: It was a little, glowing, hot, naked lady with nipples and she hit me.
Sam: I'm not supposed to laugh, right?
The following quote requires a picture to fully appreciate how hilarious it was. I just laugh every time I see this. :P
image Do you have bigger cups?
Haha, that was a pretty hilarious episode. ;P