Magician is my all-time favourite book ever :) I prefer the Serpentwar saga as a series, more than the Riftwar saga, but Magician is simply brilliant.
Squeee! So happy to find another Feist fan!! :D
Magician is one of my favourites too :D Just with that book, Fiest came on my fav-authors list lol. So far though, the book of his I've enjoyed the most was "Daughter of the Empire" though I haven't read anymore after that book (having trouble getting my hands on them grrr).
To answer Panarchy's question, the type of medieval fantasy that Fiest writes is my most preferred subgenre, so I do rate him slightly higher than the Obernewtyn chronicles (to give a better idea of this genre, my other favourite authors are Tamora Pierce, David Eddings, George R.R. Martin, Trudi Canavan, Tony Shillitoe and many more :P ), but my preference isn't exactly to do with the quality of writing, just taste.
Magician and Silverthorn were great, but I had to force myself to finish Darkness at Sethannon, and haven't been able to bring myself to pick up any more Feist since. I know a few others who have had the same opinion of them.
I much prefer the Empire books he wrote with Janny Wurts, which did make my favourite books list, they run parellel to the Riftwar Saga, being the other side of the Rift. As soon as I manage to get my books out of the cupboards at mums (I know they're currently only a few metres away right now but I can't reach them) they will be returning to my to-read list
Yeah Empire was fantastic! the female lead was amazing!
Mystic Ward
16 years ago
Mystic Ward
I'm a Feist fanatic too! Isn't he brilliant?
I love that his sagas just keep going; I have 21 of his books and it seems like they're never going to end o_O
Although, something I don't like about his books is since the story just keeps going, the original characters you fell in love with get old and die. I don't think I'll ever get over Arutha or Jimmy :-/
16 years ago
Thu Oct 16 2008, 06:13pm
I loved the books initially but started to feel a little ambivalent on a reread when I realised that the two worlds were really East versus West, or maybe Medieval England vs Ancient Japan. In that light it's a little disturbing the way the Asian world (Midkemia?) gets 'reformed' through of Western influences in the Empire books.
I can't believe Ancient Japan/China was that much more barbaric than Medieval England, with its divine right of Kings, serfdom and appalling methods of execution and it seems a little unfair of REF to depict it that way.
After saying all that, I did enjoy the books, they're fun and perfect for when you want to completely immerse yourself in high fantasy.