Hell, i think it looks great! The hair has good texture, except i defiantly see what you mean by a goat! I almost fell of my chair in hysterics when i noticed! XD :D
Smuffy, I LOVE the way you did the jacket! It looks awesome! :O
I envy you who can make art using a computer! I fail miserably. :"(
Well i stick to portraits and i was wondering if i was actually any good. Cause you know hen people say that you are but you're not sure if they are telling the truth or not. So i have experimented with colours and i did this in around half an hour, as you can tell it is rushed!
please don't zoom toooo much or you can see the terrible way i used the colours! And please don't hold back with your comments, i can take harsh. [act]prepares mind mentally[/act]
EDIT: As you can probably see, i have used it in a sig!