Wow, avialle, that's unusual! But very cool.
I've been intrigued with dreams my whole life, and went into an enthusiastic study of them when I was 16, keeping a diary of my dreams each night. I've only ever had one lucid dream - I couldn't control it though. I realised I was dreaming because I was winning a beauty contest, and the idea of that was so proposterous that I immediately decided to enjoy it while I could, because it would be over when I woke! :P (Actually, it was a boogy-boarding contest, but somehow that was supposed to be part of the beauty pageant ...)
Something very odd though, is that just last night I was thinking about how I was going to have to track down some people who had experienced lucid dreams and ask them what it was like! It's because my main character in the novel I'm writing has them. However, I also joined this site last night, which had this thread unbeknownst to me until now :P
I get the freakiest deja vu. It scares me. I don't always remember my dreams, but sometimes when I do, I remember certain fragments of a few minutes in the dream which stick out in my memory. And then, a day or two later, those exact few moments from my dream will be replayed in real life...exactly as I dreamed it.
My sister does the exact same thing! This is what I love so much about Obernewtyn. If you look to closely, it could all be true :D