yes i agree MK.
I always thought that Dameon had slightly reddish blonde hair like that kids but a bit paler, that would match his fair skin. BTW the pale fair skin definatley shows his privileged background.
Mystic Ward
16 years ago
Mystic Ward
Whenever I read that description of Dameon from the first book, I think Ron Weasley (it always comes back to Harry Potter!)
And then I think, eeergh.
So now I have an enforced image of a tall willowy man, red-ish brown/copper hair, pale...the freckles don't usually appear in my mind.
Woo, I think we have a unanimous (of three!) vote on what he looks like =P
Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
Yeah, when I say "copperish, leaning to brown" I mean it's more brown than red, but it's also light.
I think dameon is medium height, stocky, strong, but you wouldnt know it to look at him. his hair is dark and longer than short, but shorter than long... argh!! im not good at explaining!
I see him as more fair-haired, though perhaps with a reddish tinge...but for some reason I picture him very fair, almost white-haired to match his pale skin. Also, tall and rather lanky, though graceful.
By the way, what colour are his eyes? For some reason I always see them as white, but I'm not sure that's ever actually said. I recall a discussion a while back on whether he was born blind or in an accident, which might help...
Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
Hmm, it's definitely tinged because of his blindess, but I think I've always gone with opaque blue eyes.
I always just assumed he was born blind. It's never mentioned though is it...
For some reason I'm absolutely certain he was born blind, though I don't think it's actually mentioned anywhere. I've always imagined his eyes to be a pale blue, perhaps with a milky screen over the pupil, though of course it depends WHY he's blind :)
Dameon's hair :D ooh, dangerous question :P
I've pictured him much the same as Firefall; 'fair-haired, though perhaps with a reddish tinge'
Light blue eyes...tall...big (but not huge) nose and freckles, since the book tells us that :P
Unsure about the scale of the blindness; at a guess I'd say it wasn't a visible thing, because Elspeth doesn't realise Dameon's blind until Matthew tells her (whereas with Atthis, who does have cataracts, Elspeth picks up straight away that she's blind).
Mystic Ward
16 years ago
Mystic Ward
On page 204 of TSK, Elspeth says Dameon has milky eyes. I guess when she glared at him when they met in the first book she was just a moron =P
My visual of his eyes always changes, sometimes they're pale blue, and other times they're white or blue with cataracts.
Mystic Guildmistress
16 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
I've imagined Dameon as really fair-skinned with a light browny hair colour. It's a shame descriptions are only said once in the books, and sometimes not at all but I guess that adds imagination into the picture...
There's a blind boy at my school, so I always think of his eyes when I think of Dameon's. They are really light blue and always seem unfocused...
Since guildmerge though I've always thought of Dameon as Orlando Bloom :P
I've imagined Dameon with coppery hair, too. And I managed to totally not notice the 'tall' description in Obernewtyn, so he's always been average height in my mind, until TSK and all the stuff about Faraf being too small for him :P Now he's sort of... stretched in my head :P
Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
I can see it!!! ;D
I really like the way he looks for Dames, nice work Min :)
Yep me too. Hes kinda perfect once he has some tinted contacts and a bit of red in the hair...
16 years ago
Fri Mar 21 2008, 06:22pm
i think dameon is like this:
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: Tall but not too tall
AND always with a smile
and his skin with a tan after going to sador
Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago
Mon Jun 30 2008, 10:58am
Ashling Guildmistress
Ooo very nice Redqueen! I think your second drawing is closer to how I pictured Dameon :)
Oh and Min - I think I would have picked the King of Hearts myself if I had to choose any playing card to represent Dameon ;) ;)
Omg! I always saw Dameon with darkish hair!!! Not as dark as the others, more a darkish brown. Dark blue eyes. I remember blue eyes. He was tall. Taller than Matthew and Elf in Obernewtyn. Older too. Rushton 19. Her 14. Matthew(is it said?)(I think of him a bit younger like 12/13?). Dameon 15/16(my opinion). Strange isn't it. We see him so different. :P
I've always pictured him as really tall and thin, but muscular (or muscular after he comes back from Sador). I like to think of his eyes as ice blue :)
[act]giggles[/act] Sorry. I'll move that playing card then :P that's one down, 51 to go :P
[act]remembers the RPGs[/act]
[act]realises that there's nothing helpful in this post at all[/act]
Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I've always seen Dameon with black hair and eyes that would have been a bright blue except that there was a milkyness in front of them. I thought that Elspeth wouldn't have understood the meaning of the milkyness because there would be very few blind people in her time due to the past burning of all defects. By the time the book starts they've reduced it to the 'worst kinds of defects' and the rest go to council farms (I think), but she still wouldn't have known many blind people.
For this reason I think Damo must have developed blindness since I can't imagine a councilman keeping any child that didn't seem to be perfect at the time of its birth. I'm also guessing Bergold didn't start showing symptoms till later in life.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who imagines him dark. I think he may have been blind from birth but SAVED because he was a councilmans son. If he had been anyone elses they would have burned him but because his father was a councilman he got sent to work on a farm instead.
I never imagined him with freckles at all! I know it was mention but I sort of discarded it for a very tanned boy with dark brown hair. I feel kind of bad for doing so, but Dameon with freckles doesn't work for me!
Has anyone else found this?