Yeah I gave away my circle books.
The immortals has to be my favorite series of hers.
I dont mind Terrier and Bloodhound though. Fishpuppy has to be one of the funniest nick-names to get landed with...
I like the cat in those books too... Tamora writes good cats.
I've actually grown fonder of the Circle books, the more I read them.
Agreed: Fishpuppy is good, and Tamora's cats are excellent.
I love the immortals quartet :) I also like the song of the lioness quartet and the trickster books. I guess i just like most of the tortall books. of the recent ones I liked terrier more than bloodhound, bloodhound seemed kind of all over the place.
not a fan of the circle books though. I tried to read them years ago and barely managed to finish the first one.
The circle books did get boring after the first four havent even bothered with the other ones definatly her best work is the song of the lioness and the immortals, her work is similar to IC
I agree that they are kind of similar. recently when I re-read the immortals book 3 and she was talking to the emperer's birds I was had a bit of a confused moment and thought "I thought that she couldn't communicate with birds though..." lol.

Dreamweavers' Guilden
14 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Lol thought this was the best thread to point it out, but I just went snooping to see if I could find out when the third beka cooper book was coming out, and came across her website for her clothes, very nearly brought a house of conte jumper. I was trying to justify to myself why I would need one when I closed the page down quickly :P
I still haven't got Bloodhound :( but may soon, as it is almost my birthday, YAY.
Back to the diary account-ness of Terrier, I did like it, and I hardly noticed sometimes that it was a diary at all. I agree, it is pretty impossible for a diary to really be like that, so detailed, but hey, what do you expect from a novel?
Hope to one day read all of Tamora Pierce's other books, esp. the Trickster ones.
Does anyone know the release date of the third book in that triology? I'm just really confused because some sites are saying December 2010 and other's are saying 2011.
I'm similarly confused VC, I guess we can count on it being late 2010/early 2011 :P

Mystic Guildmistress
14 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
2011: MASTIFF, book three of the Beka Cooper trilogy, the ultimate task set for Beka Cooper, Random House hardcover in the U.S. and Canada - TBD
Is what Tamora Pierce's official website says, but it may be completely different dates for Australian release.
Yep, that sounds about right. I looked at TP's website and it said 2011.
From experience of how things have been in the past, it is never sure when the books are to come out until they actually do :P Best bet is to keep your eyes peeled in-store and post here if you see it :D
lol. Lioness, I think there are some authors that you can rely on for a set release date and other author's release dates are tentative. I don't know about TP though. I've never really paid much attention to her books.
I love Tamora Pierce books. I've read the Circle of Magic books, the Circle Opens, the Imortals, Beka Cooper, The Lioness Quatret, Tricster's Choice and Tricster's Queen. :P
Has anyone had any progress in finding out the set release date for the third Beka Cooper book? ???
Nope sorry. As I said above, unfortunately release dates for Tamora's books are usually rather vague.
Everyone, keep your eyes peeled for something more specific :)
At the very least, it'll be late this year/early next.
And, failing that, everyone keep looking in bookshops, and gives us a yell as soon as you see it!
Well I gotta say that all her books are great reads, that I tend to read like every week. But I have to say that one of the ones that I tend to get out all the time is the Protecter of the Small, Tricster's Choice and Tricster's Queen, Circle of Magic, Circle Opens, The will of the Empress and Beka Cooper. Half the time I can't find The Lioness Quatret. The first book I read of hers was from the Protecter of the Small Quatret.
I have read the short story in the dragon book~ It is quite good~ <immortals quartet is my favourite so I am a little biased towards the characters involved though>
Yeah, I have read it too Kelda and quite enjoyed finding out little bits about some other characters we have encountered over the years. I think you are right in saying that you may be a little biased towards things involving the characters of the Immortals Quartet though because my younger brother read the TP story in the anthology and didn't see what all the fuss was about (he has heard me and my sisters talking about TP A LOT over the years) :P

Dreamweavers' Guilden
14 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Lol Didn't even realise Lioness :P When I found it on one of her websites, it sounded almost like it was a kids book with a short story about Kitten, Daine and Numair :P
Still worth reading though! The story is set after the Trickster books - Numair and Daine's children are a little older, but off visiting Daine's parents :) - but the most fascinating part is that it is told from the point of view of Kitten :D
Aside from that, the whole book is fantastic - now my favourite anthology collection :)
Oh, I think i need to read this! Very badly!