I get to add another strange one to my list. I swear this is what I get for not recalling my dreams for so long.....a whole string of weird ones in a row :P
This one was very bizarre but somewhat Twilight Esq. (maybe slightly like True Blood in one way, though I have never actually seen it, just heard odds and ends).
It starts with me at work. It's dark, so I assume it's night time. I am working in the Liquor department, and my co-worker either hasn’t shown up for his shift or he did but has since vanished. I think I go looking for him, and come across him, curled up in fetal position, bluish in colour and as hard as stone. I freak out, knowing he has been attacked by a vampire and is pretty much dead. I also think it means I am not safe, and that the vampire will be after me. I cant recall the next part of the dream, but it seems to jump to me being back in the liquor dept. working when my co-worker comes in, and I am relieved to see they were able to reverse the effects of the attack on him.
I think I must have woken after this, because the dream changes location and time. When it resumes, I am now at my home. I seem to have gone back to being a child but my thoughts are my current age. It's rather hazy at this point, but I am with my Dad. There is something about me loving my Dad, but finding out that he has kept a secret from me. He is a vampire and flashes his fangs at me to prove it (funny thing is, in reality my dad has lost his four front teeth, and all you see now are is incisors or 'fangs' as we have dubbed them :P ). His face changes, kind of like the vampires do in The Lost Boys, but not as scary. I feel a little afraid, but I love my dad and know he wouldn’t hurt me.
But then out of nowhere this little blond girl shows up. Apparently she was dead and my Dad brought her back to life to be like a second daughter. I don’t like it. I’m in m bed at night, my new little sister has been placing on my bed with Dad, but they have both gone. There is the scent of cigarettes in the air, and I turn to see an old friend of dads has appeared in my room beside my bed. I know he smokes clove cigarettes, but I also seem to know that he doesn’t like me knowing Dad's secret. He wants me dead. The dream shifts.
I am standing on a local road, thick bush on either side. It's night and everything is black. I'm frightened because I know something or someone is coming to get me, but I cant see anything. The dream shifts.
Next thing I am older, back to my current age. I am working in a bar/cafe. It's fairly light, and later I notice its almost in a desert. I am standing near the counter, and am distracted for a moment by a Rosalie Hale clone (or it was her :P ) who seems to have taken an interest in a black leather clad woman playing pool. I feel uneasy about why she's interested but just walk away.
Next thing a guy walks in and sits at the bar. He looks around a moment before he notices a guy in a white t-shirt nearby. He looks like
Chris O'Donnell and I stop what I'm doing while I watch him watching the white shirt guy. He seems perplexed by something, and suddenly I seem to know what it is. For a moment it's almost like I can read his mind, and I notice the red of the white shirt guy's cheeks and realise the blood is appealing to this Chris clone. I don’t know what to do, but before I can decide, Chris clone gets up and walks out a side door to the outside tables and takes a seat. I go over to serve him, and fill a bowl with thick soup in the hope that by eating this, Chris clone will slate his hunger. At the same time I fill the bowl, I say loud enough for him to hear "Don’t do it, just don’t do it". He seems shocked, but I turn and hurry toward the front door. I realise then that he is following me and, feeling slightly scared, I begin to power walk to the door. I make it out into the bright desert sun, and as I cross the concrete car park, he catches up to me and grabs my arms. I stop and struggle, then cry and scream out "Why did she do it!?" I can see bite marks on both my arms, just above the wrists. At this point Chris clone kisses me and takes me back inside. I think I was upset because the girl my Dad brought back to life had been feeding from me, and that's why I left home.
Day turns to night and everyone is leaving. I feel worried because even though I seem to be surrounded by 'good' vampires, I know there are still bad ones after me, and they could get to me quite easily.
Weird stuff no? :P