'transparent beasts', though? Why would they be transparent? This sounds like a dream of Elspeth's to me. Yes, the moon is certainly involved somehow, but I'm more of the opinion that there are weapons up there (there was a theory about this somewhere, I'm sure). Maybe the 'transparent beasts' are really missiles being launched and Elspeth doesn't have the background to identify them as anything other than mysterious beasts?
Ohh, good idea. But Elspeth did see missiles firing out of the Skylake, in a dream...
It could be representing the spirits of the animals already kept in the Eden facility?
Ok, yeah. I'll buy spirits. If that's the case though I'm sooooo curious to learn how they get up to the moon.

Mystic Ward
9 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I still think Eden is where the Efari are, but I think the AI option has been shot down.
I was actually wondering about this yesterday, then realised Sian and Deb had already voiced my theory on pg 2 *thumbs up* in that I feel like part of Elspeth's quest could actually be freeing the animals that are already stuck in Cryo for whoever knows how long they have been in there, as this could literally be interpreted as leading them to a freerunning barud as opposed to captivity, rather than putting others to sleep... I agree this would be a sad ending, but I do think that it's significant that there is talk in TSK/TS of beasts gaining a seat on the council, this would definitely be a step towards humans learning not to dominate.
Was it doctor Ruth who headed up this program? And she said that the animals needed to be revived every decade or so, so that they didn't go "crazy"? Cause if their consciousnesses are damaged/separated this could be symbolised by the transparent beasts (ie. They are in spirit form perhaps) and not able to return to their bodies of their own volition, (I'm thinking of how straaka described miryums predicament).