15 years ago
Mon Apr 06 2009, 07:04pm
Good point Min, I thought
That all of their original memories were completely repressed (because they couldn't really delete them all from them, so they just tampered and closed them all off - that reasoning is my own speculation) but the drug started breaking through the barriers Topher had put there. He says so in episode 7, when he realises the drug will wear off because it's mutated and thus started working on Melly / November (by breaking through his barriers). But because some of those blocks had been broken things were bubbling to the surface, and whilst the dolls couldn't remember them they were being affected emotionally. So the doctor came up with this plan so that they could work through their problems and then they'd go back to being in a happy mental state.
I guess not everything had come up, so they didn't remember everything. Also, Adelle said Caroline had been trying to bring down the Rossum group before she became a doll, so I'd say that it took a bit of time from when Leo died to when she became a doll. She would've got a whole lot more evidence and more annoying, I'd say. And thus she'd worked through Leo dying herself, but she hadn't gotten over her feeling that the Rossum group were evil and she had to fix it.
Or, you know, other fluffy science to make a good story work :P
EDIT: Just reread Min';s and thought of something else I was going to say:
I don't think they were implanted with themselves. I think they were even given drugs in their pods or, I don't know, had some of their doll-ness wiped off so that they were free for the memories and feeling that were coming through to properly come through. If you think about it, they woke up and didn't remember their names or anything about themselves. If it'd been an implant of themselves, they would have known all of that, even if only some of their memories had been implanted again. Instead it was more a sense of awareness of self from within the doll state, if that makes any sense.
Wow, I'm good at TV science and logic, I should get a job in it :P
Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
I'm sorry - just need a quick pre-rant about the fact that I just finished watching the last episode of the Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles series and I'm feeling a bit mopey :-/
It was good but rrrr. It's a bit like Dark Angel all over again - with a huge cliff hanger and no closure. Damn it? Is it too much to ask for a little bit of closure?!
[/ends rant]
Anyhoo Dollhouse :D
So omg!
Poor Paul! As soon as he found out Millie was a doll I felt so sorry for him! I mean talk about the ultimate suckiness! (much worse than my series finishing T_T)
And the fact he has to continue on like nothing happened?!
Last week's ep, btw was awesome :P I find myself such a Victor x Ciera shipper :P
& :O at Adelle and 'Roger'! Mmm, how would you feel that the guy that 'loves' you is only that way because he is programmed to, and deep down, he really has feelings for another doll in the house. I wonder if there is going to be any jealously conflicts that arise later on?
I'm not sure how I feel about Dominick being the operative in the house that was giving all the secret information out to Paul. I mean, yeah I know, Millie did say that their operative had been found - but the way that Dominick was talking about afterwards, it seemed more that he still wanted the Dollhouse to exist rather than bring it down as it seems to be with Paul's mission. *shrugs* I might need to watch it again though. I think I was still reeling at all the things that had happened.
Echo?! Damn she is one interesting character? I wonder if her 'true' personality is seeping through into her placid state, that she wants to be useful and apparently, for some reason wants the dollhouse to keep operating. Even if, it is for the moment, just so she stays alive.
I wonder if later episodes we shall come across people have been successfully released from the Dollhouse and are leading normal lives. Maybe Paul was once in the dollhouse and the reason he is so obsessed with it is because his memories are regressing through? Poor guy, it seems like everything around him is connected to the dollhouse, and that has just gotta mess with ya head.
Another great ep :D :( and sadly, is all I'll be looking forward to each week now that Terminator has finished. [act]sulks[/act]
Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
You know I was contemplating last night:
We are dealing with a house of programmable people. That's reaches extend further than anyone imagined.
... So how do we know that the people running the place are not dolls themselves?
I mean, they hinted in this episode that the technology was huge and that if it were to 'get in the wrong hands'. Just think of the good that could be done with such technology, for example: creating the perfect politcal leaders, scientists to make phenomenal discoveries - there is far more potential in the Dollhouse tech rather than simply making a few lonely people's wishes come true.
And is this hinting at the Dollhouse's 'true purpose'
Back to 'are the personnel in Dollhouse programmed?' - I mean, okay for some of the 'human' errors, like Adelle with Roger suggest that she is 100% who she is but really, can we know for sure? How about Topher? Perhaps there is a reason he is so smart?
For that matter, what if Handler's are programmed? Of course, the flaw in that one is Ciera's handler betraying her.
So it's obvious not everyone in the dollhouse is not programmed. Which, I find sort of odd in itself for wouldn't it be easier if we could control all people?
Also, I wonder how long the dolls can go without their treatment? I think of Millie when I ponder this because she doesn't seem to need to have her memory wiped for a new engagement.
[act]shrugs[/act] But that's just me and random ponderings ^.^
Heh heh Terminator:
Don't get me wrong Min - it was a good ending! It wasn't as abysmal an end as Dark Angel (the Cliff Hanger in that was X_X). I was reading that the producers were aiming to tie up loose ends for the season at the very least, despite there was going to be no season 3. Ever. *sniff*
I'm not sure if you'll be throwing stuff at the wall :P It was a good end. I liked how it ended [act]struggles to describe[/act] even though it did leave more questions. But kind of in a good way? [act]fails lamely[/act]
The thing with Terminator franchise is that all the time travelling presents some very obvious plot holes which can be very hard to dig your way out of. (Actually, reading a 'Dreaming DownUnder' story presents a nice explanation of Time Travelling that I'd like to get my head around and apply to this show but [act]shrugs[/act] we'll see how that goes :P).
Oh and I was SO glad that:
This is a minor spoiler in relation to a certain couple so highlight at own risk :P John and Cameron NEVER got together! If they did I would have been throwing things at the bloody wall! :| I'm sorry I just would have found that incredibly ridiculous for the fact she is a machine. I don't how care how beautiful she is - she's a machine and that could just NEVER happen
[/ends rant]
Right... so Dollhouse hey ~:|
MK - thats exactly what I've been thinking!!! its messing with my head! (which hurts too much atm from night duty to post anything remotely conherent - sorry ~:| I'll catch up on posts and try posting again later in the week when I'm back in sync with the real daylight world again >< )
But how do we know who's for real and who's a doll?? I've started wondering if Dewitt is a doll - how do we know someone even higher above her hasn't programmed her to do exactly what she's doing?
Just watched it, pretty good episode. I, like everyone else it seems, started thinking
that Adelle (DeWitt) might be a doll. Especially when she was shot. Not sure what it was that made me feel that, but I was slowly coming to the suspicion throughout the episode.
I think my theory that it was Ivy (Topher's assistant) is a little less strong now. I mean, Echo-as-awesome-spy-finder didn't think it was her and Mr Dominic would hardly frame his accomplice. Unless they're both seperately doing it...
Mr Dominic's last words in the van made it sound a lot like there's some kind of hidden imprint in Echo or that he knows / understands that more of the old Caroline is coming through in her and she'll bring down the dollhouse.
On the topic of November's imprint, it was done by Ivy while Topher was downstairs talking about the NSA chip to Boyd. But maybe they'd already messed with the imprint? :/ Dunno.
Dollouse will be starting soon on the UK Sci-Fi channel, so i will finally get to watch it!
Wonder how long it'll take to come to Aus, probably ages. And it'll probably be relegated to midnight after about a week *sigh* Guess we'll all just have to stick to downloading it forever.
Make sure you stick it out until at least the 6th episode DO. The first 5 are good/ok but not fantastic, but from the 6th one they get back into Joss awesomeness zone.
I would've thought the Scifi channel would pick it up if any of the foxtel channels were going to. Although I guess Fox8 does have Buffy and Angel, and is the Scifi channel owned by foxtel or is it seperate but just included in foxtel? (I don't have pay, but my grandparents do - they didn't even know they had the scifi channel until I started watching it :-" ) By younger it looks like they mean '18 - 30' rather than kids, which is good given the show they're talking about! But I find it slightly weird that they're trying to move into that demographic, I would've thought they were already there. Still sucks it's not going free-to-air, although I guess Fox8 won't stuff around with it as much. Hey, it might be shown again but on free-to-air in a year or so... :(
owww i was sooo looking forward to watching it tonight! there's been nothing on except Castle...
Oh bummer... and yeah I heard a rumour that
Alan Tudyk was Alpha :P and that Fox was stuffing around/not going to play one of the episodes or something. That and the looming cancellation, curse Fox's sudden but inevitable betrayals. Hopefully it's all just hearsay.
Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago
Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I had also thought it was going to be on this week and was really looking forward to it, but then I looked it up and was disappointed as well. :( I figured I'd let you all know in case you hadn't heard and were wondering why you couldn't find it...
That spoiler sounds fantastic, Min! :D
And going from Wikipedia's Dollhouse episodes list, it looks like we're looking at 3 more episodes.
Hehe, and I think "Curse Fox's sudden but inevitable betrayals" is going to be my new tagline for Fox. :P It certainly beats my previous one - "A pox on Fox". ::) I hadn't heard that rumour about the final episode before, but I noticed it's stated in the Wikipedia Dollhouse episodes list. :(
Thanks for the heads up Cat-Eyes
Man, I was looking forward to watching it! *glares at Prison break*
Why does Fox always do this?! They let shows like Lost go on forever when no one has any idea what's going on anymore and they still haven't answered any of the questions from the first season, and they cancel fantastic shows like Firefly and possibly Dollhouse! I'm gonna go become a TV exec now, just to stop this :P
15 years ago
Mon Apr 20 2009, 02:05am
Ah so that's what the song was called. Thanks for the info, the link seems to have an extra '[/url' popping up in the url bar when I click it but it's good to hear that song again. I remember typing 'we stay because we don't know where else to go' into google to try and catch which song it was but I think I was put off by the fact that O+S sounds more like some sort of freakish blood type rather than a band name. I wonder where I got the absurd notion that band names should make complete sense at first glance. X=P
Anyway, thanks for the sleuthing!
15 years ago
Mon Apr 20 2009, 07:19pm
What? *glares at Fox more* Not airing Dr Horrible people in Dollhouse makes fanbase angry!
(Totally considering getting a twitter now that I know I can read theirs...
EDIT: Ok, just got one.)
What? They're not airing episode 13? Fox supposedly committed to airing the full, 13-episode season! I really detest them.
[act]glares balefully[/act]
Fox, you think you're all mighty and powerful, but you're making a lot of enemies!
How can they DO that? Air a season without the FINALE? WHAT ARE THEY DOING?
[/end CAPSLOCK!Min]