15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 07:35am
AAAAAAARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH [act]Breaks into a coughing fit, then starts gargling, uncontrollably[/act]
This is very serious. I don't know what to do... i know we shouldn't panic, but that's all i can do in a situation like this
[act]runs off frantically[/act]
hastily disinfects her keyboard and starts handing out alcohol laced hand sanitiser...
Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
Omygosh, this is HORRIBLE, I mean not only do I have this DAMNED cough (and thus a sore throat), but my eyes keep watering and my nose is all runny.
I feel so ikky DX
[act]wants condolence[/act]
Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
[act]Guuuuuurggggleee[/act] GAH! Not even Norman strength [act]achoo![/act] throat [act]achoo![/act] gargle can take away the pain. [act]ACHOOOO![/act]
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 09:12am
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
:| My name just had to [act]cough[/act] be one of the 'A' ones and in the second guild in alphabetical order no less. But at least the runny nose from Monday's gone but [act]cough[/act] the cough as since set in. Hence the reason I miss my maths tests. [act]cough[/act]
[act]sneezes on Arwen[/act]
Schis: Errr... sorry about that...
Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Am I safe? Quick somebody tell me! Have I got enough Ben's or do I need more? [act]Has been sick for a month now and doesn't want to catch anything else.[/act]
[act]But likes being surrounded by Ben[/act] |:|
Deb, it is member's like you who provide an excelent example of what to do in these hard times.
[act]coughs up vats of phlegm[/act]
Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
[act]Hands Schis a tissue and a bucket[/act] That is sooooo gross! PML!
Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
[act]Holds up cattle prod[/act]
What does this do exactly?
[act]Stands in corner of sick room[/act]
GAH!!! I got the plague!!! ... Oh right ... I GOT THE SWINE FLU!!!!
I'm wondering if you can cure it with acupuncture ... the "young ones" tried it with nine inch nails and it seemed to work ...
[act]whisper in the background[/act]
OH NO!! Fen's coming out in my illness ... we're all going to DIE!!!!
Fen: mwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now, where are my nails ....
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 01:21pm
Wanderer Guilden
EI- i think its to scare the sickness away...?
[act]dones mask, cattle prod, top hat, alovera plant, fluro pink and yellow socks and a pic of Ben Barnes[/act]
thank Lud im in the Wandies! 8-|
[act]puts a box of tissues down on a table as a peace gift and backs slowly out of the room[/act]
Edit: AHH!! [act]runs out as Fen appears[/act]
*builds a quarantine around the Ashling and Dreamweaver's quarters before the disease can spread to the rest of the guilds*
*frowns when infected Ashlings and Dreamweavers ignore the barricade and continue posting infection-carrying posts*
[act]wakes immune system up[/act] You got some work to do!!
[act]wards the Ashlings off with crossed fingers[/act] I still think you lot are up to something |:|
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
[act]hands Sonainn a spare cattle prod[/act] you might need that :-/
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 01:51pm
*looks pointedly at fellow wandies* perhaps the disease has been brought by the wanderers..we've been in contact with the outside world |:|
*starts sanitizing and screening the wanderer's hall*
Hopefully there won't be any burnings...because then we'll need masked misfit disguised gypsies to save us...or a group of healer knights to find the cure.. :)
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 07:26pm
Cyber-Penguin: **I donot need mask or hat, I am a superior being**
Min: [act]shoving hat back on his head[/act] I don't care, I'm not taking any chances. And don't start complaining about the socks, they're very pretty.
Cyber-Penguin: **I did not complain about the socks**
Doctor-Penguin: Quark? Er...I mean...not exactly human or er...penguin physiology either.
Min: Yes, well you don't know how it'll react to you and I definitely can't have you getting sick. So stop your moaning.
Doctor-Penguin: Who's he there, skulking around my TARDIS? [act]points to Ben Barnes[/act]
Min: :-/ apparently, he's bug repellent.
Doctor-Penguin: Why do I have the urge to throw a pig at his head?
Min: [act]pats Doctor-Penguin on the head[/act] Because I've trained you well.
[act]dons own mask[/act]
Ben Barnes: *walks in looking like a psycho pirate*
Mono: *holds him close* He'll protect me :-}
Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 09:22pm
Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Hehe, love the sigs! ;D
Alright, I think I'm set to go - thanks for the warning! ;) I gave my Ben a hat too, just in case - and we have a horse in case there's need for a quick getaway! :P
I hope you're all feeling better soon! [act]hides from sick Obernetters[/act]
I've just gotten over this terrible diease. I was off school for ten days! Ugh, and I couldn't sleep, concentrate, and thinking hurt. I couldn't even write!
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 08:27pm
Wanderer Guilden
lol loving the sigs! ;D
its good to know that we have a chance of getting ober-ah i mean over- the ober sickness Cam! :D :D
Argh! Arwen, I can't believe you have it....that has to mean I'm next, right? 8-| :-/ *panics* Quick, someone pass me Ben Barnes!
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 09:09pm
Wanderer Guilden
Doctor Helena: quick! get me a Ben B- STAT!! 8-|
Nurse: [act]hands over a Ben B[/act]
Dr.Helena: [act]ataches Ben B to Arien with Duct Tape[/act] there! that should do it! ;D
Arien: quack? o_O
Dr.Helena: wrong duct :P
Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bambi: Wait, if Arwen has it, and Arien is about to get it, then I must be close to getting it because I would be one of the first B names right? RIGHT??? AH!!!! I cant get sick I go away in less then 6 weeks!!! someone help me! help me!!!!