[act]raises hand tentatively[/act]
I'm here - sort of! I've not done this yet, have I? ~:|
I don't think I can call myself an artist (I wish I could); I'm technically a user interface designer. This isn't making things look pretty, it's layout design for communicating or making processes work logically online.
I find graphic design too subjective, and it frustrates me immensely. For example when designing a layout for a client, it's best practise to send several options, and get them to choose which they like the best as a starting point (instead of sending a single concept, and having them constantly ask for tweaks to that one design). It's almost inevitable that they'll select the design that you like the least from the initial concepts -_-
What is art?Anything that invokes an emotional response :D :P [act]textbook answer is textbook[/act]
Do you create art or just like looking at it?For client work, if I work with other designers and if that designer is talented/experienced in the way the web works, I
much prefer taking their design and formatting it to work online - focusing on code instead of where to push the pixels to. But I like designing if it's my own stuff (freedom!) or if the client is awesome/trusts me to some extent. My absolute favourite web experiences have always been Moonfair homepages, if I'm perfectly honest. They're about artistic freedom and code working together to invoke a (hopefully, delightful) response.
What mediums do you like to use?Photoshop, then code (HTML/CSS/Javascript-jQuery), which in my opinion is creative :P lol. There's nothing more satisfying to me than having a beautiful, elegant bit of code that makes something work online magically with very little load to the end user.
When I did draw (15-odd years ago), I loved realism/black and white/pencil.
What styles of art do you like?I love impressionism. Monet's work effects me the most.
Favourite painting:
~Link~ I don't know exactly what it is about it, but I adore this painting. I'm hitting myself that for the 24-hours Paul and I were in Paris, we didn't go to the Musee d'Orsay to see it for realsies (went to the Louvre instead like tourists...).
For web...it changes constantly, as new trends emerge. At the current I'm for selecting beautiful webfonts and having a typography-based design (since the content should be key), and then for any design elements creating as much as possible with CSS and leaving images out of it altogether (CSS3 makes that so much easier). But I don't get all that much choice; clients generally like lots of images.
Why do you art/draw/paint/photo/design/sew/whatever?Websites :P
Habits? (I know I have bad ones)- Spending a ton of time on other people's designs; spending no time on the design for my own and doing whatever's quickest :-/
- Hating everything I do in the end :P
Show us your stuffs?I have a few on display over at my site: equivalent-exchange.com/websites/portfolio/