[act]steals quote from Zier[/act] :P'It had been given to her by a family with whom she had once stayed for months. She had nursed one of the daughters, who had been dying of a tumour. She had not wanted a cat, but when the blonde daughter offered it, she sensed the girl needed her to take it. All attention in the family had been focused on the ailing daughter, and half the time neither the parents nor anyone else seemed to notice the other one.'
Page 382 of Darkfall
Pg 33 of Darkfall ...
I'm alive, Glynn thought, breathing deeply. Though, truly, that was no surprise. There had been so much death around her in one form or another that she sometimes felt death was a plague to which she alone was mysteriously immune. More often, though, she had a sneaking feeling that death had not thought her worth taking, and would not take her except when it took her twin.
Immortality through insignificance?
Wind's words again. Strange that his teasing should be so clear in her memory after she had tried so hard to forget him. The shock of changing worlds must have shaken some of her repressed memories to the surface.
Darksong, p. 706...a shield for the presense and activities of her sister. So much effort had gone into suppressing the bright spirit of the blond girl, in order to make her invisible to the Chaos Spirit. All paths that might have let her reach her full potential had been quenched and distorted, and yet even so, she had come to shine with a dangerous brightness in the short time she had been on Keltor.It had hidden her with such magic as it possessed, but of course in cloaking her from the Chaos Spirit, it had hidden her from itself as well.Insignificance by decree