Ashlings' guildleader
14 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Do you think we could try running some theory challenges in here on the Legendsong? Not to earn guildpoints or anything 'cos that would be unfair since not everyone's read the Legedsong, but just for fun? It's just that I really enjoy the theory challenges and I think it would be fun to try doing some on the Legendsong. eg; "Prove that Kerd is the Shadowman" XP
I guesstimated that there are about ten people who have posted in here relatively recently, which would probably be enough, provided people were interested.
What do you think? Would this be ok?/ Would anybody else be interested?
That sounds like a great idea. I've become really obsessed with obernet stuff but whenever I am thinking about Oberneytyn, i keep getting sidetracked by the Legendsong.
14 years ago
Fri May 14 2010, 02:46pm
Is anyone still interested in this idea? A legendsong theory chalange would be a great way to liven up this section of the forum.
Yeah that would be fun. I would participate if I think of an idea for the question. :)