The Unraveller and the Soulsaver
It is my belief the Ember is the Unraveller as the Legendsong signs all point toward her but that the Soulsaver is a different person, Glynn!
At the end of Darkfall Glynn links with the mother fienna to save her young and while doing so gives Glynn powers no other person on Keltor has.
In particular the power to link with the "soul spark." Key word here soul
In Darksong, we learn the Glynn has been hidden from the Chaos spirit and 'all the wise' by the watcher. Why bother to shield her if she is unimportant?
At the end of Darksong, the watcher speculates between Ember and Glynn and how both are destined to achieve something important
Some of the characters meation that the Legendsong refersn to gold hair but Ember has red hair
Ember is destined to free the Unykorn but Glynn is meant to save it