As dedicated fans to the world of Obernewtyn, you cannot resist the opportunity to participate in a pilgrimage to Obernewtyn and see the surrounding lands of the world which once belonged to the Beforetimers. However, the journey will not be easy and will require perserverance and a little creative thinking on your part in order to move forward. ;)
Being a worldwide trek, this event will be run over the course of the 8 weeks of Moonfair. Your goal is to be the member who earns the most movement points in order to get to Obernewtyn!
What the journey will entail
During each week of Moonfair you will need to register in the
'Sign-up' thread by the end of Sunday AEST by simply leaving your full username and guild in a post in order to be eligible to move with the group for that week. If your post falls after this date, then your registration will be counted for next week's travelling group.
Anyone can join in the journey during any week of Moonfair, however, it is obviously advantageous if you participate from the very beginning.
Travelling with the group is not as simple as leaving your name in a post :P No, the Moonfairies have had to hire special guides in order to assist you though your travels, however their service is not without a price. Each travel guide will put forth a task which registered members for that week will need to complete in order to obtain a move point. Tasks will be announced on the Monday and will need to be completed by the end of Saturday AEST. You are to submit your completed task by posting in the task thread.
On Sunday, a polling thread will be set up where members vote for their favourite submission (feel free to vote for your own!) which will close on Tuesday (i.e. after 3 days). The winner (or if there is a tie, winners) of the poll will each receive an extra move point.
So in summary each week will involve the following:
1. Register your username and guild in the
'Sign up' thread by the end of Sunday AEST.
2. Monday morning: New task thread is opened. Complete the task and submit to the respective challenge thread by the end of Saturday AEST in order to obtain a move point.
3. Sunday morning: Poll for current week's task submissions is available to members for voting until the end of Tuesday AEST. Closing for next round closes Sunday evening AEST.
4. Winners announced in the
'Journey-to-date' thread and movement updated.
The Tasks
The tasks are a secret :P as they depend on the guide assigned for that week, however we have heard they are likely to be mini-challenges such as a theory challenge, item search or forum based activity. You'll just have to sign up each week to see what they are!
Each move point earned will translate to 1 guild point at the end of Moonfair.
There is also 70 guild points up for distribution to the top 4 members who travelled the furthest at the end of Moonfair. This depends on the positions of the members however as an example, if there are no ties the the following points will be awarded:
1st place: 25
2nd place: 20
3rd place: 15
4th place: 10
So where to from here?
Sign up for the upcoming challenge,
visit the forums to vote in the poll on the latest task submissions, or read the
memoirs of the current members travelling.
There is also an role-playing thread
Travelling Memoirs open but be sure to visit the thread for more details and how to participate!