i can never remember my dreams.. its like i remember them as soon as i wake up, but 5 seconds later i cant remember anything. there are some i can remember, but i can control my dreams, its really weird, like if something bad is about to happen to someone i care about or myself i can make it so that doesnt happen, the last time i had a dream i actually remembered i was 6 and im now 14, i remember bits and peices of my dreams, and i know i can control them, its like i know im dreaming but i feel between awake and asleep, i fall asleep and like 5 seconds later and im in a dream, but i fell awake and then a start to control my dreams, but then all of a sudden i snap awake and i remember, but as soon as i stand up i forget, and once im a bout to fall asleep the next time i remember what my dream was and then i fall aslepp almost immediately and im in another dream and i control it and then im awake, ever since i learned to conrtol my dreams i havnt had nightmares. Its also weird, because ive had my dog sally since before i was even 1 and she always sleeps with me, and i figured out when shes not with me is the only time i have nightmares... and its also the only time i cant contol my dreams, and even though she not with me physicaly shes always with me in my nightmaresand i can talk to her, and just before the bad thing/person can get me she jumps infront of me and then i wake up. Kinda weird!!
14 years ago
Tue Jan 04 2011, 11:35am
Wow! Can you seriously control your dreams? Well if you have weird dreams this where to share them.
I never remember even having dreams. It makes me feel quite cheated, as I generally have an overactive imagination when I'm awake. I sleep-talk, so I know there's some sort of night-time action going on inside my head, but my brain is keeping it from me ...
Being able to control your dreams is called lucid dreaming. There is actually tonnes of research on lucid dreaming and it is often used as a therapy for people who have really traumatic nightmares. People who lucid dream can also communicate with people who are awake using a pre-agreed eye movement signal.

Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago
Fri Feb 03 2012, 07:16pm

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
That's not quite right larana, lucid dreaming and dream control are closely linked and often occur together, but one is not necessary for the other. Lucid dreaming is being aware that you're dreaming, but this doesn't automatically mean you can control it. Clearly Seleniainnle experiences both, but each is still a distinct thing. :)
Oops, yes I wasn't very clear about that was I. Yes, as Sian says they aren't the same thing :)