Poll: Who do you think should be Wandie of the Month?
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Votes: 23
Thanks to the awesome Wandie event happening now, we are opening up the voting on Wandie of the Month to the whole site!
Your nominees are:
Kaede - because she's always there to welcome newbies, and always recommends the Wanderers when someone is seeking to join a guild. She's encouraging to everyone, especially in Writersmerge and has been doing a wonderful job in keeping Sus Rid in line. Noty only this, she has been great at answering questions may have and helping to solve any problems that may arise that she has a solution to. Kaede has been brilliant in her friendliness and dedicated to both the site and her guild. :) And for doing such an excellent job with the Wandie's event.
Megabyte - for being such a great newbie!
Helena - for all her hard work with the Wandie event.
Blackbird - for doing such an excellent job with the Wandie's event.
You have until 5pm AEDT Friday February 11th to vote, so make your voice heard!

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Congrats everyone on their nominations! :D

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
congratz everyone!
although it was disappointing at how little nominations RLH got- only one PM was sent. poor little thing was moping about the Hall feeling completely unloved for a couple of days...

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Congratulations everyone! Aawww, it's alright RLH, I'll make you a broad brim hat! :D (I suppose my usual knitted goods aren't really appropriate at this time of year) :P
Congrats!!! [act]throws glitter into the air[/act]
13 years ago
Tue Feb 15 2011, 06:24pm
Congratulations, you deserve it Kaede! ;D