Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
[act]dances around and *squee*s to the extreme[/act] cannot wait! cannot wait! cannot wait!! :D
i still have my Sailor Moon dolls from when i was a kid (although much battered). i also once had a Queen Beryl doll... but she got stolen :(
[act]dances some more[/act]
Ashling Guildmistress
13 years ago
Ashling Guildmistress
Oh awesomeness! This takes me back - can go right next to my FMA collection for manga series I adored :D
[/end useless reply] :P
I'm also excited to hear it's in the Japanese format - does this mean it'll be an improvement on the initial (some may say massacred) original translations?
I always wanted to get into Sailor Moon, but I never got around to it. I guess this is a good time as any. XD
Okay the wait is over guys! MK and I checked out the Melb Minotaur and apparently they're getting the first Sailor Moon late this week. So I'll be making a trip to Minotaur.
Completely forgot all about it! So excited!!
It would appear that the Sailor Moon Vol 1 and Sailor V Vol 1 manga has just arrived in most comic book stores. I could not venture out to the city in this horrible rainy and windy Melbourne weather, so I called the comic book store near my house AND THEY HAD JUST ARRIVED TODAY TOO!
I can't wait to get into them, they look so, so, so, SO awesome!
Yay Girl Power!!!!
I have a Sailor Mars costume and wanna wear it to Supernova next year :D
I also own all the series on dvd.. Haven't got past the last season but as I find it hard to concentrate on subbed cartoons and usually fall asleep watching them.