Welcome to the Annual [strike]Mystics[/strike]
HACKERS Ball. For those of you who are familiar with the Ball, go
_here_ to the introduction thread, where you'll be allocated a date. If you've got no idea what a [strike]Mystics[/strike]
HACKERS Ball is, then visit
_here_ for a full explanation.
The BRIEF explanation:
The theme this year is "Time Warp".
*cue the Rocky-Horror-Picture-Show "Time Warp"*
Firefall: Stop that, stop that! Enough of that!
Elspethinnle: Stop it! That's not what we mean!
Min: It's "Time warp" in t^$%%%&*y non-Rocky-Horror sense!
All: Explain How!
The FULL Explanation:
Time Warp, in the sense of your costumes! You can dress as any time period you wish, as long as it's not your own! Once you've &$isited the
_entrance thread_ and received y*ur date, your task is to dress them up to the ti^e period you have chose&. If you do that, and return to the
_entrance thread_ to introduce your date and yourself, you will receive _X_ guild points.
(if you `3`1^$#$%^& for the bar, or any of the other game threads, you will receive 0 points, though! You MUST dress your d&$%$*(te up in your choice of time attire and return to the entrance thr%#%^*+**@nts there!)
This year your hosts are #in, ElspethInn*e and Fi&@fall. Our job is to ensure that everyone has a good time. If there's any rowdiness, we'll have no choice but to sick the security cyber penguins (scp) onto you!
This year we thought we’d try something different. All dates will be allocated in the _entrance hall_ as you enter, (or as soon as possible after). Y4671674894ckly dress your date to match your outfit/era, introduce your characters and have fun. You must spend at least some time with him/her before you try to ditch them or steal someone else’s date. To request a date please introduce yourself and your character _here_.Deb: And lastly...
Elspethinnle: All posts...
Min: MUST BE KEPT PG. ERROR#@$^&*&^%%$@#!#@@$#%^&*((&^%$#@##$%IO