Mystic Ward
13 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: [act]Wanders in and looks around.[/act] OML! I forgot all about the Ball. Best go get myself (and the dates) ready. [act]Rushes out.[/act]
13 years ago
Fri Apr 01 2011, 12:27pm
[act]facepalms[/act] Omigosh! Dang! totally forgot about this!!!! Bad Meza! ~:( Where do we get teh dates?
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Helena: [act]wanders in and looks around[/act] if my family could get but a glance at this place they'd get off my back about my room and cleaning... [act]drags up a nice comfy 0 that is laying around[/act] this should do me!
Tonks: [act]walks into the room dragging a headless body behind her[/act] Ugh, come on! What's your problem, you dates are always such a pain in the neck!
Tonks's Date: [act]is headless[/act]
Tonks: Well that's not a) an excuse and b) my fault. Now act normal unless you want me to start singing I Dreamed a Dream in a Scottish accent! ~:(
Tonks's Date: [act]would be looking horrified if he had a head/face[/act] [act]tries to act like a headed body[/act]
Tonks: That's right! [act]pulls out a sofa from the cupboard[/act] :)
Wanderer Ward
13 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Kaede: [act]wanders in and opens the nearest cupboard[/act]
Tangled mess of coding: [act]cascades out of the cupboard, burrying Kaede[/act]
Kaede: [act]frees her head[/act] Hey! It's really warm under here! [act]snuggles down to do some people watching[/act]
Meza: [act]strides in yet to be equipped with a sig[/act] Well, isn't this nice. [act]pulls invisable date along[/act]
Both: [act]sit studiously by the door watching other entrances[/act]
Dreamweavers' Guilden
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bam: *runs in hauling date along* I am determined not to miss a single thing this year!! I am determined not to get burried by uni work *Shoves date onto couch* Oh and I suppose I shall find out who you are eventually :P
13 years ago
Fri Apr 01 2011, 10:13pm
Firefall: [act]enters the room and trips over a stray piece of binary[/act] Oof!
Disembodied voice: Careful! Those numbers are sneaky. They've been drifting around underfoot for a while.
Firefall: [act]peering around nervously[/act] Why, thank you, Disembodied Voice. I'll take that into consideration.
Disembodied Voice: ...Hm? Where's your costume?
Firefall: [act]defensively[/act] Me? What about you? Where's your corporeal form?
[act]Amid a sudden rustle of coding, the Disembodied Voice attaches itself to a Disembodied Head by one of the cupboards[/act]
Kaede: It's me - over here! I got buried in the coding and now I'm people-watching. It's lovely and warm in here. [act]she surveys Firefall curiously[/act] So, where's your costume?
Firefall: [act]shiftily[/act] Nobody else has one yet, either.
Meza: [act]piping up from by the door[/act] But you're a hostess, aren't you? Aren't you supposed to have one ready when the Ball starts?
Firefall: My costume is made of the finest handcrafted silks and laces. A thousand spinners have to work on it for a thousand days before it can even be tailored to my fittings. So it's not...quite...ready yet.
Helena: [act]enthroned upon her 0[/act] Well, top marks for effort, but your delivery was poor. We need to work on your lying.
Firefall: [act]panics and waves hand[/act] This is not the hostess you are looking for.
Helena: [act]patiently[/act] The themes are Time Warp and Hacking, not Star Wars.
Firefall: [act]resignedly[/act] Well, I tried. [act]surveys the room[/act]
[act]Binary debris is scattered across the floor, gently and sinisterly humming to itself. Coding spills out of the cupboards and swathes the walls in webs. An inexplicable red light blinks animatedly in the roof. Html drips, glooping, down the walls.[/act]
Firefall: I should probably get to work, huh? First things first: the Security Cyber Penguin. We need to get him up and running. Anybody seen him?
Kaede: [act]nestles back among the coding[/act] Not since I got here.
Bambi: I heard some squawking from among the debris a while ago. I think he's around somewhere.
Firefall: [act]nods and starts to wander around the room, shifting through piles of binary[/act] Heeere, SCP. Heeeeere, boy!
Mystic Guildmistress
13 years ago
Fri Apr 01 2011, 10:56pm
Mystic Guildmistress
Security Cyber Penguin: Attention! The Ballroom has been un-bugged. Please leave the waiting room and proceed to the Ballroom after you have re-visited the entrance thread. Other rooms are being prepared for use as well.
Ravyn: Well, looks like we have to go now!
Ravyn and her date: *crowd-surf into the ballroom*