Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Zarak: [act]gazes longingly at the food[/act] Can we-
Arwen: Not yet.
Zarak: But I'm huuungryyy!
Arwen: [act]rolls her eyes at him[/act] You're male. You're always hungry.
Zarak: Am not!
Arwen: Are so!
Zarak: Am not!
Arwen: Yes, and let's leave it at that. One dance and you can eat til your heart's content.
Zarak: [act]pouts[/act] Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Arwen: Warn me about what exactly?
Zarak: I'm a terrible dancer.
[act]after the dance[/act]
Arwen: What do you mean you're a 'terrible dancer'? You're brilliant!
Zarak: [act]mumbles[/act] That's not what Lina said last Moonfair...
Arwen: Don't worry about what Lina thinks, she's not here.
Zarak: [act]still sulking[/act] That you know of.
Arwen: Come on, let's go and get something to eat. I think I'll be adventurous and try some grapes.
Zarak: :D Food! [act]starts running before turning back[/act] You call grapes adventurous? Those green things?
Arwen: Maybe.
Zarak: Ha! Bet you I can try the worst thing on that table and still enjoy it...
Ellenah: [act]Dancing with Matthew, or rather dragging Matthew along.[/act] Hey look Zarak is going to one of those horrible looking brown things.
Matthew: They are really quite delicious you know!
Ellenah: Yeah well the green things made me practically pass out so i can't imagine those being any better.
Matthew: :![act]Seeing a chance to stop dancing, being dragged.[/act] Maybe you should warn him!:D
Ellenah: Hmm . . .
Zarak: [act]reaches out and grabs a piece of the brown food[/act]
Ellenah: [act]In slow motion[/act] n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-!-!-!-!
Arwen: :O
Ellenah: [act]Crash tackles Zarak [/act]
Matthew: !mistrust I was thinking of something a bit more subtle.
Arwen: . . . I think i will stick with the grapes.
Alad: You do realise it's taken us three days to walk a span of less than five meters, and that furthermore we're still in the Ballroom.
Tonks: I'm a slow walker. Sue me.
Alad: Oh I'm sure I will. !mistrust
Tonks: I don't know what you're complaining about. I've been a perfectly good partner. I even danced with you.
Alad: Oh so that's what you were trying to do on the dance floor. I though you just ate too much chocolate and were suffering from a bout of constipation.
Tonks: Mind your manners! And if you know what's good for you don't say anything which might vaguely relate me to that sparkling pile of constipated white foundation and optical lenses which calls itself a vampire! ~:(
Alad: Nope. Ya lost me dearie. I'm going to go and make myself acquainted with those lovely people over there while you collect your marbles, want to come?
Tonks: Sure. !mistrust
Ellenah: [act]slides over to them dragging Matthew behind her[/act] Would you care to join us?
Tonks: Sure, join you at what?
Matthew: Eating, the food is- [act]is elbowed by Ellenah[/act] I mean, would you care to dine with us?
Alad: :DWell i must say those purple fruits look ravishing!
Ellenah: seriously, do all guys think only of food?
Tonks: !mistrustWell i am not sure about the purple fruits, i may try the grapes . . .
Arwen: [act]Joins them all[/act] Yeah stick with the grapes, the other foods seem to have . . . security.
Zarak: [act]Rubbing his sore head[/act]
Ellenah: !mistrust
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Alad: [act]takes one of the purple fruits[/act] Smooth skin, looks like its good quality.
Tonks: We're not here to assess the local produce.
Alad: You're right. [act]takes a bite[/act] !dodge Slightly bitter tasting. It's still sweet though.
Zarak: [act]grabs a handful[/act]
Ellenah: No, don't trust them!
Zarak: Food's food. [act]eats one and shrugs[/act] Not bad. But this'll be better. [act]starts juggling[/act]
Arwen: Here we go, let the games begin.
13 years ago
Fri Apr 08 2011, 08:44pm
Florash: [act]suddenly appears at the entrance to the ballroom[/act] Cause when I'm with him, I'm, thinking of yoooou...
Louis: !dodge Who are you talking about?
Florash: AHHHEm...Lucas...HEm, my what a terrible cough I have...
Louis: :? ...Well...let's eat shall we? [act]saunters over to the food table[/act] How about some of this stuff?
Florash: Onion? Mushroom? Fatty bits? Bone? Tomato? Capsicum? Avocado? Anything else I hate?
Louis: :|...Er.....how about this chocolatey thing?
Florash: Did you say chocolate. !amazed
Ellenah: Don't do it!
Zarak: [act]Juggling food[/act] It is all good!
Ellenah: You didn't just by any chance quote that ad on TV did you!?
Matthew: What is a Teevee?
Ellenah: something that is . . . wow it is actually hard to explain!
Florash: I wanna eat the chocolate! !sad
Arwen: [act]to Florash[/act] Don't do it if you want to stay on your feet!
Florash: ?!
Louis: Oiy! if she wants to eat chocolate than she can eat the chocolate!
Ellenah: Aren't you mean to be old and have grey hair?
Louis: Make up and dye can work wonders. [act]glares at Florash[/act]
Florash: !mistrust
13 years ago
Fri Apr 08 2011, 10:07pm
Tonks: [act]whips out a torch and points it a the grape[/act] Hmmm, do you think this is seedless? ;)
Alad: Do you always carry a torch around?
Tonks: Funny enough you should ask that because my grandmother does. Two of them in fact. Plus a spare watch which illuminates. Wish me luck. [act]eats the grape[/act]
Ellenah: [act]gets ready to crash tackle Tonks[/act] Is it-
Tonks: :D Yup. Perfectly seedless. So Louis I swear you get younger every year!
Louis: Well a man does what he can for himself.
Tonks: What anti-wrinkle cream do you use? It must take a hell of a lot of man power to keep that ol' skin of yours snapping back like a rubber band. I mean don't get me wrong but you're old.
Louis: :?
Tonks: [act]whispers loudly[/act] Is it botox? You can tell me. It'll be our little secret, pinky promise.
Alad: I would eye roll if not for the lack of the emoticon.
Tonks: [act]in a Barbra form A Bank like manner[/act] Excuse me love. I'm in a conversation.
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Zarak: [act]grabs a handful of grapes and starts juggling them with the plums[/act] Someone want to throw me that red thing? I'll juggle it too.
Arwen: [act]looks around for it and spots what looks like a somewhat soft tomato[/act] I'm not sure you want that one Zar.
Zarak: Of course I do!
Louis: [act]to Tonks[/act] Excuse me just a second. [act]takes the tomato and throws it to Zarak[/act]
Ellenah: Noo!
Alad:Too late, I think.
Matthew: Did ye mean to get it all over ye face Zarak?
Zarak: [act]has tomato dripping down his face[/act] !dodge
Florash: [act]takes the piece of chocolate just as Zarak drops all the fruit[/act]
Fruit: [act]goes splat![/act] x)
Everyone in the immediate area: [act]is standing in juice[/act]
Arwen: [act]sighs exasperatedly[/act] Showtimes over.
Zarak: [act]stands there dripping juice[/act] Smoo-thee anyone?
Javo: That's two weeks on cleanup duty when we get back home!
Nightwatcher: *Is collecting the juice in a cup* Mmm this actually tastes nice! !amazed
Zarak: *licks some off the back of his hand* Yeah! you're right! Try some Arwen.
Arwen: *Is hesitatnt*
Zarak: Go on! I promise you it will be the best meal you have ever had with tomatoes in it.
Nightwatcher: Here, have mine *passes full cup over to Arwen* I just remembered I hate tomato.
13 years ago
Sun Apr 10 2011, 09:33am
Ellenah: NOOO [act]coughcough[/act] oooo
Matthew: what was with that coughing fit?
Ellenah: !dodge I don't know! Oh NO I may be getting sick!
Matthew: :! Lets go to the bar and get something to drink! That will make you feel better!
Ellenah: But how can we get away without being obvious?
Louis: Oiy what are you two whispering bout?:?
Javo: You want some tomato juice too?
Ellenah: . . . uhh noo.
Nightwatcher: Lets dance everyone!
Matthew: [act]throws a purple fruit and hit Louis[/act]
Florash: DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORKED ON HIS OUTFIT!? [act]Throws a grape
All: [act]Join in the fight[/act]
Ellenah and Matthew: [act]Sneak away[/act]
13 years ago
Sun Apr 10 2011, 05:36pm
Meza: [act]is still sitting in the middle of the table, obliviously picking at the food[/act]
Reuvan: [act]is trying to look under the radar so he doesn't get a faceful of [strike]mush[/strike]food[/act]
Then. . .
Food Item [act]is thrown by Louis and hits the soup bowl on the edge[/act]
Soup Bowl: [act]tips in slow motion towards Meza[/act]
Meza: [act]is covered in potato and leek soup[/act] !dodge :O ~:( Oh! [act]hops off the table and joins the food fight by hurling caramelised apples[/act]
Major Food [strike]Fight[/strike]War: [act]ensues with mighty war cry[/act] AAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
CyberPenguins: [act]spot the fight[/act] DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: [act]surveys the flying food[/act] Uh, Zar?
Zarak: [act]ducks a caramelised apple[/act] Yes? [act]picks up a plum[/act]
Arwen: I think it might be advisable to get out of here.
Zarak: [act]confused[/act] But why? The fun's just started.
Arwen: [act]nods in the direction of the Cyber Penguins[/act]
Cyber Penguins: DELETE! All participants must be apprehended! DELETE!
Zarak: [act]drops the plum and runs for the door[/act] One step ahead of you Arwen!
Arwen: [act]picks up her skirt and follows him to the Lounge[/act]
Mystic Guildmistress
13 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
Cyber Penguin: DE-LE-TE [act]Tomato juice had splashed on command panel, penguin starts sparking[/act]
Random Code: [act]Dances around on Cyber penguins head[/act]
Rushton: That code looks like it's been drinking.
EI: What code? [act]Notices the penguin and the fact that everyone seems to be throwing food[/act]
Both: [act]Get spattered with some sort of unidentifiable food[/act]
EI: Grrr. Now I won't get the deposit back on my costume.
Rushton: Deposit?
EI: Nevermind. [act]Goes to the wall and pushes a button, making a keypad appear, presses buttons on the keypad and the cyber penguin leaves the room, to be replaced by brand new one. Some more buttons and the food table has a plastic bubble over it.[/act]
Cyber Penguin: Food fights are not permitted. Any guests throwing food will be thrown through the magic portal and find themselves in Obernet's Dining Hall thread.
EI: [act]Tries to get smudge off of dress[/act]
Code: [act]Sneak to the still open keypad and starts fiddling[/act]
Rushton: Ummm... EI?
EI: Just a sec.
Rushton: I think you want to see this.
Code: [act]finishes pushing buttons[/act]
Ominous Voice: WARNING! [act]Ballroom flickers between Roman setting, to the 1960's, to the 1890's and more[/act]
EI: Hey! Get away from there! [act]Tries to fix the keypad[/act]
Ominous Voice: Unauthorized permissions. Time-fields broken.
Guests: That doesn't sound good...
EI: Gah! [act]Does some more fiddling with the keypad to try and fix it[/act]
Ruevan: [act]spots Arwen and Zarak making a quick escape and tugs on Meza's arm[/act] Erm. . . I think we should get out of here too.
Meza: stops midthrow Huh? Why? [act]spots Cyber Penguins, rogue codes and a frazzled EI[/act] Oh right. That does present a problem. ;)
Reuvan: I think its about time we visited the lounge. Don't you?
Meza: I think so too.
Both: [act]take off at a hurried sort of walk trying to be casual[/act]
Rushton: :?
Reuvan and Meza: [act]stuff it and break into a run[/act]
Dameon: *enters as GLADIATOR*
Mono: *bursts out laughing* *ROFLs* *LMAOs*
Dameon: 8) I feel like I'm a macho man now! I'm even more manly than Rushton and his brooding manliness. *wields wooden sword, waves it around*
Mono: Uhh, Damo, you DO realise that you're going to have to fight live, vicious beasts with claws, fangs, teeth of teh predatory kind?
Damo: WHAT!? But that metallic thing over there *points at Cyber Penguin* told me this was all for show.
Cyber Penguin: [act]leers evilly[/act]
Mono: Since when have you ever trusted the word of something metallic? Could you not even empathise to find out its emotions and intentions?
Dameon: I started trusting metallic things when Elspeth told me--- ELSPETH :D I am going to look SO SO SO MANLY and HANDSOME to Elspeth now that I'm dressed like this :D Don't you think Elspeth and I look STUNNING as a couple together!? I mean we could stay up at night, paint each other's toenails, braid each other's hair.....
Mono: *sigh* Here we go again.........
Nightwatcher: *pushes Dameon to Mono* Oi Damo! Stick with your date!
Javo: Hey Dameon, if you get Elspeth can I take Mono?
Mono: I'm not a toy!
Nighwatcher: Yeah! If we wanted to then me and Mono could ditch you both and go steal Rushie.
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Helena: [act]stumbles in from the bar[/act]
Bam: [act]is stumbling also with her arm around Hell's shoulder[/act]
Fian: [act]trails behind looking a bit uncertain[/act]
Jak: [act]sprints in from a closet off the side of the ballroom, shaking off clinging fragments of coding[/act]
Hell: hehehe... his action tag said 'coding'... it looks like 'cod-ing'
Bam: [act]giggles[/act] [act]points[/act] he's a fish! !amazed
Bam and Hell: [act]'swim' like fish while standing[/act]
Jak: [act]manages to lose the raving code[/act] [act]looks over at Fian[/act] errmm... do i want to know?
Fian: [act]shakes head helplessly[/act]
Mystic Ward
13 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: [act]Drags Malik into the Ballroom.[/act] I'm not happy!
Malik: No, you're a freak.
Hell: [act]Looks at Malik's dyed hair and glitter make-up[/act] Who's the freak?
SCP: No glitter allowed! Delete... [act]Malik disappears in a flash of disco light.[/act]
Bambi: Why so sad Deb?
Deb: Swallow didn't make it. :((
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Hell: [act]pats Deb consolingly[/act] there, there... there's always next year. you might even get allocated him!
Deb: b-b-but i want him now! :((
Bambi: well, i wanted... i wanted... ermm... who did i want again?
Hell: Fian.
Bambi: right. i wanted Fian this time around, but did i get him? N-
Hell: -yes-
Bambi: -i did? oh, well, there goes my sympathy... i'll try empathy instead next time.
Deb: :((
Hell: i thought i was supposed to be the one that stuck my foot in things?
Bambi: consider your foot unstuck.
Deb and Hell: :((
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: Behave yourself now.
Zarak: Why? Where are we going?
Arwen: Back to the Ballroom.
Zarak: You mean the place with lots of food?! [act]looks for the table[/act]
Table: [act]is being guarded by the cyber penguin[/act]
Zarak: !sad No fun.
Arwen: Come on, let's go and stand with these guys.
Zarak: Hey, wasn't Malik supposed to be here with you?
Deb: He was removed. Too much glitter apparently :(
Zarak: You're not sad about that are you?
Arwen: Of course not. It's Swallow.
Zarak: It's swallow? :? [act]rethinks as Deb glares at him[/act] Oh, Swallow. Right.
Girls: [act]ignore him... as usual[/act]
Zarak: [act]mutters[/act] I wish Lina was here.
Dreamweavers' Guilden
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guilden
Haha I love how you just dragged me here Hell, thank you muchly :D
Bam: *Grabs onto Fian* I can't believe it took me this long! Not that I have you, I am never letting go!!
Fian: !dodge Um, help someone? I can't breathe
Deb: all I ask for is swallow, is that too much?
Hell: there there, I am sure you shall get him eventually :)
Bam: yer, just do what I did. Don't make it obvious you long for him and they will give you what you want without them even realizing it :D
Fian: *is turning blue* seriously. . . Can't breathe. x)
Mystic Guilden
13 years ago
Mystic Guilden
Ari: That sudden shift into the Ballroom gave me one full on headache :(
Gevan: Yes....that's what caused it... [act]shifty eyes[/act]
Halina: [act]scratching random piece of code under the chin[/act] Awwwww, aren't you just the cutest thing.....
Ari: Huh?
Halina: Do you think I could take some of them with me? [act]indicates random bits of code bouncing around the Roman pillars[/act] I could use some more of this.
Ari: More of it?
Halina: Yeah, I was forced to use up a large amount of my code resources recently.
Ari: I guess that would be ok.....[act]scans crowd for someone to ask[/act]
Gevan: [act]Suddenly goes Wide-Eyed[/act] IT WAS YOU!
Ari/Halina: What?
[act]The room goes deathly silent as all eyes turn on Halina[/act]
Halina: [act]Looking slightly uncomfortable (For a Jedi anyway)[/act] What makes you think I'd do such a thing?
Gevan: Ahhh.... [act]Looks at nearby ball goers for help[/act]
Ari: Well, [act]begins counting on fingers[/act] there's your insane Computer Skill that lets you Slice programs, access to a member account, security hacking ability and the fact that you are also part Sith Lord to start with...
Obernetters: [act]Begin to pull out weapons, mostly consisting of rubber and inflatable swords[/act]
Halina: But, I would never-
Ari/Gevan: GOT YA!
Halina: :?
Ari: It was just a joke Hal.
Gevan: We know you didn't do it.
Ari: We just wanted to see your face. Look, everyone was in on it!
Other Guests: [act]Still look confused and perhaps a little murderous[/act]
Gevan: :| ....You did send out the information to them.....right Ari?
Ari: Yes!
Guests: [act]Looking madder[/act]
Gevan: A very badly planed one?
Halina: ~:(
Ari: :? [act]Grabbing Gevan's arm[/act] RUN!
[act]Benny Hill music plays as Ari and Gevan attempt to outrun an angry Jedi[/act]
Gevan: [act]Jumping a chair and weaving through pillars[/act] YOU SAID SHE HAD A SENSE OF HUMOR!