The owls are cool in that countdown! I've never seen things like that on youtube, that's cool!
Well I won't go into great detail about the film but overall I found it very, well just meh. There wasn't really any specific moments that were memorable, and i found the acting at times to be pretty bad. Ultimately it just didn't seem epic enough, especially after how wonderfully they constructed the trailers.
I guess it was still an alright film however. I wasn't bored throughout it but I just wasn't terribly excited by it either.
Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I loved it. I think it was the best they've done since the first three, maybe the best out of all of them. I really loved all of the preparations for the defense of Hogwarts and McGonagalls brilliant lines "I've always wanted to use that spell!"
The nineteen years later bit though was so hilarious, I laughed myself silly :P
I think they could have done the "Stay away from my daughter you [censored]! bit better though :-/
Still, I enjoyed it lots and I get to go see it again soon! I so happy! :nods:
Mystic Guildmistress
13 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
Sian, about your third spoiled comment,
The whole cinema clapped when Molly killed Bellatrix. Then again, they clapped at the end of the movie too :P
19 years later bit:
My little sister was really cranky with this part and she kept saying they did it wrong. I was just disappointed that you only found out one of the kids names, and they left a lot to the imagination. And to me they didn't look old enough. Lol @ Ron having a pot belly though :D
Overall, I liked it. I purposely didn't read the book again before seeing it, so I wouldn't expect to see this/that in there. It worked out pretty well.
I cried at the flashback bit between Lily/Snape (older, the bit after Voldemort killed Lily) [act]sniffs[/act]
Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago
Thu Jul 14 2011, 11:25am
Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Oh yeah, it was still an epic moment. We all cheered too and I'm really glad they kept it in at all its just that it could have been so much more epic.
It was brilliant! :D Totally EPIC! :rolling:
Kingscross After Life:
I thought this could have been a bit more lifelike. Its seemed a bit fake to me. And we didn't get to hear Dumbledore talk about Grindelwald, his sister Ariana and the Deathly Hallows.
I thought this was bettter than I expected. The ageing was funny. Draco had a very receeded hairline, Ron and Harry had pot bellies and Ginny looked very motherly with her hair cut short. It was actually quite natural which was good. But we didn't see Teddy. :( I agree EI, it would have been nice to be intoduced to James, Lily and Hugo. Perhaps Scorpius as well.
Battle of Hogwarts:
I loved, loved, loved the Battle of Hogwarts! :DThe audience definitely wasn't afraid to express their emotions. When Bellatrix was dueling with Molly we all erupted into cheers. When Voldy died we cheered. Whenever Neville appeared on screen we cheered. I thought it was great that Luna stood up to Harry and made him listen. Lol; "Harry Potter you will listen to me!". And the part at the end when Luna sits down next to Neville was cute.
The whole audience broke out in very audible sobs when the bodies of Remus and Tonks were on screen. Especially because as they lay on the floor their hands were just touching. It was extra sad because the last we saw of them was their arms reaching out to each other but they just a little too far apart.
But I don't want to dwell on the negatives because there were far more positives and much awesomeness.
So the only way to truly express how I'm feeling would be a series of emotes: :D ;D ;R :rolling: 8) )P <3
The costumes at the cinema were interesting too. There was a Hedwig and a Hagrid. An Umbridge and several Fleurs. :nods:
Hedwig would've been cool to see, how did they do that costume?
I saw a Hedwig at the cinemas too, though it was brown!
I actually really liked it, perhaps because I haven't read the HP series in years, and don't like to compare books with their film versions. I found it a very emotional film, a part of me wanted to see more of Snape though. I thought his acting in those brief scenes were perfect and the most compelling of the entire story really. I adore Snape as a character.. i'm disappointed they didn't do him justice in my view. But regardless, for the few hours they had, they did a good job. I wasn't bored for a second.
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
It's was great, and I agree with Sian- it was definitely as good as the first two or three films.
My favourite bits were of McGonagall and Snape.
Snape's Memories:
I was a little disappointed we didn't get to see the memory of him camped outside Gryffindor Tower. Of all of the memories it was the one I felt showed us how he really felt about Lily. But I really liked the way they included one of him visiting Godric's Hollow. It was so sad.
19 Years Later:
I felt it was too short, and Harry and Ginny didn't look 19 years older. Ron and Hermione were closer to the appropriate age. I'm disappointed they didn't introduce us to Teddy and Victoire though, especially when Harry and Remus mention him in the Forbidden Forest, and that they didn't include the famous line as the train left.
Battle of Hogwarts:
It was brilliant, though definitely not what I expected. I wish we'd seen more of Percy and Fred. I nearly cried when Remus and Tonks were reaching out to each other when the battle was beginning, and when we saw their bodies. I'm happy they didn't forget to put Colin in the battle. Neville was brilliant, finally got the chance to show the world who he was, especially when he killed Nagini. And blew up the bridge :D
Harry's dead: I really wanted to see more emotion from McGonagall at this point. I think if she had of screamed like she did in the book I would have started crying.
Bellatrix/Voldemort's death: I wasn't keen on the exploding in a thousand pieces thing. With Voldemort I think it worked, going back to Quirrel's crumbling, but with Bellatrix... not so much.
So I guess Dobby must have killed him after all.
House Elves:
Where were they? I have this image of Kreacher running in screaming "For my master Harry, and for Regulus!" I guess I'll have to picture that one myself.
I can't wait to see it again soon with the rest of my family.
Oh, I have to add that I loved the bit where Voldemort awkwardly hugs Draco. Totally un-canon but hilariously brilliant. Total WTF moment, especially Draco's deadpan face.
I really enjoyed this film. Admittedly it wasn't as epic as the trailers made it out to be, and neither was Part 1, but I'm happy with how they ended the series. There was so much emotion in it, especially for someone whose childhood ended as the credits began rolling.
I remember his mean character in the first one, and then reading the seventh book totally changing opinions about him. The movie really did that whole change from villain to victim really well. I was so close to tearing up when he was being killed (overkill with the snake, I think) and when we saw his memories. Finally the one image of him in the Potter's house clutching a dead Lily and sobbing did it for me. I was bawling.
19 years later:
I knew they were going to do this, and I didn't really expect it to be that great, but it wasn't horrible. I would have hoped the transition from the end of the battle into this scene would have been more... meaningful, in a way. Harry never used the Elder wand to repair his own wand, and Dumbledore's painting crying. Ginny was the most convincing in this part as a mother, but Hermione looked exactly the same.
Battle Of Hogwarts:
I agree with most of what's being said about this part. The comical lines made it really good, but they didn't focus on the deaths of Fred/the fight between Molly and Bellatrix as much as I'd have liked. They were really significant, emotional points and it just seemed as if they were underdone. A lot of sobs with the still of Remus and Tonks lying just out of reach from each other. Wanted to jump in and connect their hands...
Midnight screening was amazing! so many people dressed up :D
overall i loved it (i've seen it twice now) but was puzzled by:
percy randomly being thrown back into the mix, the lack of emphasis that was placed on fred's death and tonks and lupin's son teddy - tonks never actually got around to announcing her pregnancy - moody cut her off and the next thing we hear about it is when harry talks to the ghostly lupin...
now the wait for the movie box set!
Mystic Ward
13 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Finally saw it last night and can't say I was overly impressed. It was ok, but just ok.
Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago
Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I watched it for the 2nd time today, this time in 3D. I think it was really well done for post production 3D, but I'm glad I watched it in 2D the first time, the glasses were rather a lot distracting and the out of focus close ups gave me a headache -_- I really think that is one type of shot which should be phased out with the production of 3D film.
This is now my favourite HP movie of all time. I didn't want to say it before because I watched the first three to death so it wasn't really a fair comparison, but now I will, because it wasn't any less epic the second time.
I sort of get why some people didn't like it, you don't really get the build up of suspense like in the others, it just keeps going and going at the same pace, but I like that for this movie.
I noticed some thing I didn't the first time, like in the 19 years later part, Harry doesn't have his scar. I could be wrong, but I looked really hard and I couldn't see it. I think it's a really good way of demonstrating the same idea that was in the book in a visual way. My brother noticed that when Harry tumbled out of Hagrid's arms, everyone started talking to each other and George turned behind him and said something and there was no one there. We're pretty sure he said "Fred..." :"(
Also, I've changed my mind about the "Not my daughter you b!tch!" bit. The actress who plays Molly has been playing the role in a particular way. She's not really the scream for the entire hall to hear type. She has more of a half yell/half growl and the way they did it was probably more in character for the movie molly weasley.
I think they should have edited Voldemort's death slightly differently though. Lots have people don't really like it, but I think they could have made it work if instead of having two of the "wand's being evenly matched" things at the end and have Neville kill the snake in the middle, they should have just had one, shown Harry pushing the green light back towards voldemort, cut to the snake hunting down Ron and Hermione, cut the wand flying out of Voldemort's hand, cut to Neville slicing the snake, cut to Harry catching the elder wand, cut to Voldemort turning to dust.
Yeah, I don't put too much thought into things :$
Actually, I think I'll try to edit this for myself when I get the DVD [act]steeples fingers[/act] <<P
13 years ago
Sat Jul 23 2011, 09:07pm
Meh ... it's all I expect from a HP movie, underwhelming, forgettable and not worth the $17.50 movie ticket (probably would have been worth the $13.50 for a kids ticket but the ticket seller refused to believe I was still 14 for the next 3 or 4 days at least)
I don't know, I tried to get into it but it didn't grab me emotionally, I kind of dropped off after Snape died and the flashback sequence was a bit dry. The 19 years later made me laugh, they still all looked like they were in their twenties. Also the special effects were an overkill.
The book makes this film epic though, just for the potential it had.
Wanderer Ward
13 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I still can't really decide how I feel about the movie. I saw it on Sunday (in 2D because my eyes would absolutely die watching 3D) and even though I didn't go in expecting anything in particular, I can't help feeling a little disappointed. I can't seem to define why though. The pace of the movie did throw me a bit, just because it didn't have the same kind of build up as others. Once everything did rapidly speed up though, it obviously made sense to do it that way.
Sian, I'm pretty sure Harry did have his scare in the 19 years later bit, but it had just faded a lot - nowhere near as red and aggravated-looking as earlier. I could very well be wrong though :P
I think the reason they did the final scene between Harry and Voldemort with the two sections was to show the impact that the death of Nagini had on them both. I definitely agree with you that it could have been done better though.
One thing that annoyed me about the movie, and really all the movies, was Harry's eyes! It's always such a big deal that he has his mother's eyes, but Harry's were always blue instead of green, and I'm pretty sure in Snape's memory of himself and Lily, Lily's were brown. Contacts aren't that hard to wear! :P
When Voldemort died and burst into all those flakes, all I could think about was how disgusting it would be if that got into the venilation system and little pieces of Voldemort were blown into every classroom! I know Hogwarts doesn't have a ventilation system, but I think my mind was wandering a little :P
I saw with dad just the other day (missed the midnight screening :( ) and the first thing I have to say is,
I absolutely bawled right there in the cinema during Snape's memories, especially when he's holding a dead Lily and crying. For some reason the other movies never made me shed a single tear but this had me sniffing and sobbing for at least a quarter of the movie!
Poor dad, he felt pretty uncomfortable.
I'm pretty mad at the scriptwriter/director/producer though, because they didn't
place any emphasis on Fred's death! Fred was one of my ABSOLUTE favourite characters and we don't even see the scene where he's fighting alongside Percy! I really liked in the book that Fred heard Percy crack a joke before he was killed, it seemed to me a nice final scene for him, but it wasn't in the movie at all. >:(
Maybe I'm just being picky, but really, why couldn't they give Harry contact lenses? He has, and always will, have green eyes, so why blue in the movie? And Voldemort's eyes are meant to be red! I know they're small details but attention to small details like that is important.
I didn't especially like
Voldemort's death. I found it pretty disgusting, all those little pieces of flesh floating everywhere... *shiver*
The scene with Draco joining his parents was... meh. I was willing him with all the strength in me not to join them, because why can't he do something good for a change?! But no... he has to join the Death Eaters. Bet he regretted it when Voldemort embraced him, though, *snicker*.
What about the mini-battle in the Room of Requirement? That was epic. Totally epic. I wonder what Draco would feel now, knowing
Harry saved his life?
And the Battle of Hogwarts! Apart from the absence of Fred, it was truly magnificent! I loved McGonagall, she really let her hair down! And each time one of those stone guards dropped from the sky to guard Hogwarts, I jumped. ^^;
Overall I'd give it 9/10, I loved it!
Though has anyone else noticed that they didn't include Sirius giving Harry the mirror in an earlier movie (I've forgotten which one)? So for some viewers it might be confusing about what that mirror actually means!
Maybe I'm just being picky, but really, why couldn't they give Harry contact lenses? He has, and always will, have green eyes, so why blue in the movie? And Voldemort's eyes are meant to be red! I know they're small details but attention to small details like that is important.
Daniel Radcliffe can't wear them! For some reason they just aren't compatible with his eyes.
The scene with Draco joining his parents was... meh. I was willing him with all the strength in me not to join them, because why can't he do something good for a change?! But no... he has to join the Death Eaters. Bet he regretted it when Voldemort embraced him, though,
I always wished (while reading the series) that at the end Draco would choose the right side and fight for what he believed in. He is just a victim of his family, and I think had he been born to different parents he might have been a nice person. In his heart he knew what was right, he had just been manipulated his whole life thinking his family and Voldemort were the heroes.
I wish they didn't include the epilogue [act]sigh[/act] I wasn't a fan.. And if they really felt the need I might have been slightly more satisfied if they had different actors for just that scene. Arghh, ruined it for me!! :(