I am so happy to see the trailer, and then not....I'm looking down at my mouse pad and staring at "The Half - Blood Prince"pictures wondering how did I get so old? These books started when I was in primary school and I'm 20 this year. I think this movie means so much so people because it really is an end to an era. But still I can''t wait to see it! Long live JKR!
13 years ago
Wed Jun 08 2011, 06:25pm
[act]squee[/act] for Harry Potter!! ;R
I am thrilled to see the trailer. Is going to be epic!!! :D :rolling: ;D )P Yes it it very sad because its the last of the Harry Potter productions. There will be no more books. No more movies (unless in 50 years time they remake them :P). Its a pity I missed so much because I was, what, negative 2 years old when the first book came out? Anyway, at least when the world ends in 2012 all the Harry Potter movies will have been released. ;)
As I wasn't old enough to be one of the main characters I'm a person that thinks 'Damn, I could have been Rose Weasley' :P
For Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 one of the first scenes is one where Ollivander is talking about the legend of the Deathly Hallows.
Indeed, long live J.K Rowling!
I haven't seen the trailer yet, but the other day Dad put on the special features from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 DVD. In one of them, can't remember which, they show some of the auditions of the main characters. It struck me that these were perfectly normal kids plucked from obscurity who are now mega famous, mega rich and have had completely different high school experiences to everyone else. I mean, I knew that, but I'd forgotten. Most movies with child actors seem to be the same kid actors over and over again, like Dakota Fanning and the kid from the Spiderwick Chronicles, so they're sort of the 'professional' child actors if you get what I mean. And when I watch things like Wild Target (which is very funny, go watch it) of course I know Rupert Grint is from Harry Potter, but you kind of think of him as the same as all the other actors who are late teens and young twenties.
So, really, I think the gist of my story is that I forgot about the first 4 movies :P
And like probably all other girls, particularly since I'm in the middle of the ages of the three main characters, you always think "Man, I could've been Hermione" :P
Mystic Ward
13 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I might have been McGonagle...ah well.
Cool trailer, but aren't Voldie's eyes supposed to be red? And what's with the jumping off the tower thing? I'm sure that didn't happen in the book :P
This one I am definitely going to see at the cinema. It better be worth passing out for!
lol, I don't think I could have been anyone :P
I can't believe its all almost over! I remember when we bought the first movie and it was still a video and in the second movie when the massive snake came (can't remember what its called) and I used to run into the other room crying until it was over. It was very scary for a 5 year old :)
Imagine in 20-30 years when we have children and grandchildren and we pull out Harry Potter and show them. :rolling: haha, that will be funny.
When does it come out at the cinema? I'm definately going to go see it! And deb, I don't think I remember any jumping off a tower in the book either.
I got the first four books (number 4 had just been released and that was when they all got famous) for my 11th birthday, so the fact that it was Harry's 11th birthday in the first book was very exciting. And because I had big bushy hair and was the resident know-it-all, for a little while there in primary school people called me Hermione. And when I was starting high school my grandpa made a letter with the Hogwarts logo and everything and the same sort of text as was in Harry's and posted it to me, it was inviting me to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: [my school's name] campus. So HP has rather been with me, it'll sad for it to all be over (I mean, I know we had the last book, but without the movies it's all all over)
But I really hope the epilogue doesn't make it into the movie...
I completely grew up with Harry Potter. I got the first book just as the second was released and spent the rest of my childhood and early adolescence anxiously waiting for the next one. I WAS OBSESSED. I had a stuffed Fluffy and Hedwig (what am I talking about I still have them).
The movies though do not mark the end of the era for me, IDK -- I never really enjoyed them all that much. I own them all and I've seen them all and some of them are absolutely brilliant but at the same time I'm still grumpy at them because they replaced my own images of the characters and what they look like. :(
Definitely still looking forward to Part 2 though, and I absolutely love that they haven't even bothered to put titles on any of the posters or anything. Harry Potter is so hardcore now that he doesn't need titles for people to know who he and what he is about. Well played, Mr Potter.
Soooo excited. Well I would have been right in the middle age wise; too old to be Hermione, too young to be a teacher, I could have been Katie Bell or Penelope Clearwater or someone else relatively minor...
@Eeyore - If you're in Australia I think it comes out around July 12/13. I'm not sure about anywhere else though. :)
I wonder what JKR will write next. It will be so strange because it's not going to be Harry Potter. I don't think she'll write about magic. I just worry that if she does they won't outdo HP.....simply because they're not HP
Sionainn - I didn't get in to the movies till about halfway through the third one when they started to get better. The later movies I quite like, which is interesting because I connected a lot less to the later books (probably because I was older). I didn't not-like them, I just wasn't absolutely in love with the later books as I had been with the first four in particular.
I don't think anyone has mentioned yet that this one will be in 3D <yep, its totally true. apparently they didn't do the last one in 3D because it would have taken more time than they had, and they 'didn't want to delay it for the fans' :P such a wise move warner brothers... 8)
haha everyone's talking about how old they were when the philosophers stone came out... i was barely a couple months old, so i can say im old than HP :D and then i remember in kindie when we went to the movies and watched the chamber of secrets... <that was a fun movie :) all i remember ;)
I remember i read the half blood prince as soon as it came out, so maybe i started reading them half a year before that? *checks* 2005! lol i was such a freakishly good reader back then :P
And I noticed the Voldie and Harry jumping off the edge bit too.. I guess they changed the movie a bit from the book? But the book is my fav HP one <3 and part 1 was such a 'to be continued' thing imo... :D
Oh and i found out the other day that Dumbledore's meant to be gay <random :P
Cat-Eyes: yes, it was definitely after the third one came out that I started paying more attention to the movies. I know a lot of people were disappointed with it when it was first released because it stretched away from the book too much, but I love the imagery presented in it and the later ones. It just seemed like they were finally making it all actually look magical.
Haha, Dumbledore has been out of the closet for quite awhile now. I've actually read a lot of academic articles on the matter for an assessment I did this year -- some people really do read into things too much, it is highly amusing.
13 years ago
Thu Jun 09 2011, 08:38pm
Since Dumbledore is gay, does that mean Fawkes was as well? lmao XD
@Sionainn: haha that's funny... im imagining all the old professors arguing over just how gay dumbledore is/was... :P
I'm really excited for last part - but for the first time I'm not going to be anywhere near a movie theatre on the day it comes out :( this will be the first harry potter movie I haven't seen on opening night! and to top if off a friend organised a personal cinema for the midnight session at george st and I won't be there! oh well ...
I'm looking forward to the movie, but to be honest, I'd prefer to see it in 2D. I don't really like 3D - Avatar was pretty good, but the latest Pirates movie I disliked the 3D - it just didn't seem that great quality.
Wanderer Ward
13 years ago
Wanderer Ward
I am really quite excited about seeing this movie. I'm only seeing it in 2D because that is all that is offered in my town, and we don't get a midnight screening either, so I'll be going the Wednesday evening.
I was well and truly old enough to read the first book when it came out, but I didn't actually get around to reading them until after the fourth book was released. Likewise with the movies - I heard so many bad things about the quality of the first movie, that it took me a while to watch them. Thankfully they improved!
HP is one of those books/series that I tend to re-read every year or so, and I even have the first two books in Latin!
Eurgh, I hate 3D movies. Some of them give me a migraine, and it's just annoying. What's wrong with 2D?
The books didn't become big before the 4th one came out. I don't know what it was about that one, but before it no one had heard of Harry Potter, and shortly afterwards everyone had read them and they were a massive phenomenon. Odd.
I own HP 3 (my favourite book) in Mandarin! I bought it when I lived in China, but I can't read enough characters to actually be able to read it. It's still cool.
I remember being told by some people who were from London in about year 4/5 (1998/1999) about these books about a boy wizard and I was like 'nah, not interested'. Then suddenly woosh! As Cat-Eyes said, in Australia in any case, the books weren't big until about the 3rd or 4th instalment. I do remember though that our English class in Year 7 got to study the first book, and then we had a class excursion to see the movie - we were all very excited because our teacher was a bit of a renegade, and the rest of the year had to read a different book/didn't get to go see the movie :p
I bought my sister the first book in latin - i don't think she ever quite made it through it, but I found it amusing in anycase! :)
Actually, I remember my school booking out a theatre and taking the entire year 7 and 8 year levels (about 200 girls) to see number 2. Was hilarious when the spider appears next to the car, because as I'm sure you can imagine, 200 girls suddenly screamed! :P
Yeah apparently its not a new project, and it's not connected to the movie so who knows. I always thought she asn't going to do anything else related to the Harry potter world but people change their minds, and I supose this could be some sort of encylopedia, mini-story collection type thing or something. IDK