I'm on the same page as you, Ari. Had never heard of pale into insignficance either.
I'm loving your characters Ari, and looking forward to reading more.
I'm like Darga and had only ever really heard of ' pale to insignificance'.

Mystic Ward
12 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I've only ever heard/used pale into significance.
And I want more!

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Sun Jun 10 2012, 07:28pm

Mystic Guilden
This snippet is an old piece that I went back over and re-wrote tonight. It's still not right, in that it isn't flowing how I want it to, but I've found that I have more trouble writing Arella than I do Iowan. So with that in mind, I'm taking this as the plot progression piece that it is, and nothing more, and celebrating the fact that I wrote WORDS!! :P
Elira grasped the tree for support as the world shimmered and dimmed. Pain assailed her head in great gushing waves making her stomach clench, ready to vomit.
The voice seemed far off, but someone had wrapped their arms around Elira’s waist, helping her remain upright.
“Elira, what’s wrong?â€
She didn’t answer, or couldn’t answer, it was hard to tell. Instead she took several deep breaths and after a few moments the pain eased, taking the fog that was clouding her mind with it. It was only then that she realised Caelan had seated her on a nearby bench and was crouched in front of her, a look of consternation on his face.
“It’s alright; I was lightheaded for a moment,†She gave him a weak smile. “I haven’t eaten today, that’s all.â€
Caelan didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t press the issue either, which was lucky, because Elira was too addled to come up with a more reassuring lie. An uncomfortable silence followed, before Caelan stood and offered Elira his arm.
“You had best make your way to the Guard Captain quarters. Rogan needs to speak with you about a pressing matter, but I’m sure you will have time to eat something first. If you will allow me, I’ll walk with you a way. I’m headed in that direction in any case.â€
Elira smiled politely, and deciding that refusing was pointless, stood on still shaky legs and took Caelan’s arm. As soon as she was upright however, a high pitched screech assailed her ears backed by a rush of blood that sounded like an angry ocean tide. After only a few steps Elira had to stop and take more deep breaths, only this time it didn’t stop the pain gripping her head. As the world dimmed alarmingly, she mumbled a warning that was more whimper than words. A second later, and the world swung away into oblivion.
A myriad of colours swam across an inky black void, seemingly jostled by a silent breeze. Voices rose and fell in a jumble of sounds that belonged to no language. It was safe here, but it was wrong too, an unnatural state. The mind rebelled.
Consciousness was familiar but uncomfortable. Thoughts were running in a fractured stream, but information was still getting through. The feel of a mattress, the sound of voices conversing in a low whisper, the smell of herbs close by, all of these were familiar, but seemed too much for the conscious to handle. Maybe if she could see….
“I think she’s awake.â€
Footsteps approached the bed, and Arella turned her head to find an older man standing beside her. From her position, Arella could make out grey hair, trimmed into a neat beard at his chin. Watery blue eyes peered at her from above a flat nose that seemed to be a darker shade than the rest of his face. Even without seeing the mark of their trade, Arella knew she was looking at an Apothecary, quite possibly the Emperor's personal healer. She looked around the room, but the great man himself was nowhere to be seen.

Mystic Ward
12 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
OOhh I like. Is the switch from Alira to Arella (at the end) deliberate? Makes me think that she has returned to herself, or something like that, after passing out. Can't wait to read more.
PS, stick an apostrophe in Emperor's
I really like how you describe pain. I'm not sure if that is a werid thing to like, but whatever I like it :P
You're as odd and twisted as me, Sionainn :P. Very intriguing, Ari! I can't wait to find out what caused E/A to pass out like that. Glad to see you're getting writing done. I've now finished my assignment, so I'll be starting on my OberNoWriWin efforts very, very soon!

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
This afternoon I added 127 words to the piece I posted in Prodders in the early hours of this morning. Then I managed to write 485 words as part of another piece that is a little stand alone plot at the moment (even though it's still set within the Faction Story). Sometimes I wish my writing wasn't so fractured. But I'm happy with how things are going with word counts so far this Winter :D
And the latest small snippet is now up in my Prodders thread :)
Also you have added two more snippets over the last week, which I am just going to pretend are part of your wordcount because I will otherwise feel bad for adding everything from every other story I'm writing to my word count :P Words are words and it's good that you are still writing despite your troubles with the faction story.
12 years ago
Thu Jul 05 2012, 01:16pm
Here here! (Hear hear? Probably the latter. Argh, you know what i mean!)

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Tue Jul 10 2012, 01:21am

Mystic Guilden
Thanks. I think the reason I don't like the fact that I have written parts of different stories is because I have a tendency to begin so many stories and not go back to them. I really don't want my Faction Story to become one of them.
436 words tonight (which wasn't for the Faction Story), and all because I was attempting to write out my frustration accumulated at work. Due to that fact, tonight's character was exhibiting rather a lot of attitude. Well, at least one of us can get away with it ;) :P
It's more than I've got. Good job. Attitude in characters is aesome. Especially when the readers know it is coming from you ;)
Well the idea isnt going to go anywhere, espcially sine you've got some of the faction story written. If you really want to get back to it youbwill. In the meantime, huzzah for words :D
Words, yay! Attitude-y words! Yay!

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Slightly relieved to be adding 595 words to this winters word count. I'm going to post the piece in my Prodders thread, just because I had a few requests for more Iowan/Malau story (even though it isn't much more :P Can't go giving it all away ;) )
Yes you can!!! However, I'll take what I can get. Will read soon. Must go to work. [act]dashes out door[/act]

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I don't know if it was staying up watching Aliens, listening to 90's music, drinking juice with spiralina in it, being on holidays or eating cake with slightly too much icing on it, but I have words.
I was struck with sudden inspiration for the Michala and Arian story last night, and it finally clunked into place a short while ago. After typing up a basic 489 words, I now have some idea where the plot is pointed, and who the hell Michala is. I'm going to do a google search shortly, because I have the awful feeling some of my names are ripping off pre-existing...things. I'm hoping not, because I like this concept muchly :)
Ooh excellent!! Glad you are starting to figure things out and I hope your google search pulls up what you need--which i guess would be nothing :P
12 years ago
Thu Dec 06 2012, 09:23pm
I also google my names and terms to make sure Im not ripping anything off. You can never be too sure.

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
So Summer, we meet again. Time for some OberNo words..............
........Or I can try beginning tomorrow. Yes. That might work.*
*This disclaimer is to confirm the absence of any kind of sanity in the author at this time.....or, you know, ever.
[act]flails cattle prod about[/act] it's tomorrow, where are my words??
And Darga's words, too :nods: You'll need to produce a set for each of us :D :D