Ack, wow. Jelly. Enjoy your trip, Nef.
I'm taking this "making time to write on holidays" to another level: NO COMPUTER OR TABLET. Just my phone for internet access. So I won't have my pile of Kdramas to watch, I'm limited to the books I can physically carry, and as I'm staying in hotels by myself for most of the time, I'll need to create imaginary friends to pass the time ... Three weeks of near solitude. Hmmmm ....
ooh wow, good luck, Nef, and enjoy your trip! (Also congrats on getting all that packing done)
Have a lovely time, Nef, and may it be just a little bit productive as well :).
That sounds rather fantastic, actually. Technology can be far too distracting for our own good at times. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and manage to spend some time with fictional friends, too.
1000 words for obetnowrisu. Rolling targets seem more achievable. Also, i think i figured out how to frame my story. Thank you wilkie collins!
Ok. Trying nanowrimo. Aiming for 1000 words per day.
Not new stuff, but I'm aiming to work on a bunch of half ideas that I've never followed through on.
Today I'm at 813. Tonight i have to catch up on yesterday's non effort.
I has a short story finished! Working on completing a second!
Ok. Word count is at about 2000. Strong start, but we all know what happens to me in week 2: i.e. I stop writing ... so we'll see ...
Hey, think positive. Maybe this will be your year!
This is me thinking positive. I have 2000 words! Only 13000 more this month!
You're doing well, chum! Few more weeks and your total will be dusted! :D
I'm going extracurricular!
No, no, you're not allowed to do that, chum. You have to produce words for us. Now get dusted already!
Nice start! Are there more words yet, or are you using that minor event known as the Red Queen Ball as an excuse for not having any time for writing? :D
2500 now, i think. Back into it as of tomorrow!
Yes, good. More words for Shonk to consume.
Official count 4233. But editing may occur
Oh, productivity! Yay, chum!
Very good . . . but since it has been 5 days since an update, more words are required!