Figured I may as well edit this thread and add some more faces since it's 1am and I don't have anything better to do. I don't really care about their acting ability since it's a given that even if Obernewtyn were to be made into a film it would be terrible because 99% of film adaptions of books are terrible, so I'm just going for looks. I'm not 100% happy with any of these but I also know I would never be happy with anyone because I am like that. :nods:
Katie McGrath as ElspethActually, Katie is really close to my
headcanon of what Elf looks like. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to realise it. I guess I was too busy associating her with somewhat insane soceresses.
Brant Daugherty as RushtonBecause of eyeballs and he's slightly scruffy. Needs slightly longer hair but eh.
Lily Cole as DragonHair (though it should be redder, but it's definitely Dargon wild enough) and I've always imagined Dragon as being one of those people who looks perpetually like a child and Cole definitely has that kind of look about her.
Matt Dalas as MatthewBecause he looks like a puppy dog and we all know Matthew is a puppy dog. Alternative could be that guy who plays Jon Snow from Game of Thrones because he is a puppy dog too.
Eddie Redmayne as DameonI just chose him because of freckles! Need to find someone with a softer face though.
Katherine Winnick as KellaShe has a kinda strong look about her but she can also look quite sweet which is sorta how I see Kella.
Luke Camilleri as DomickBefore he goes all Dark Side I actually imagine Domick as being all kinda flaily and pathetic, at least he was in Obernewtyn and this guy has that cute sorta look.
Rafi Gavron as SwallowTotally just because of his role as Farid in Inkheart. I should just cast Farid as Swallow. i don't even care that he should probably be older.
Noomi Rapace as IrinyNoomi's face just always has an annoyed/unimpressed look about it that is so very Iriny. Besides, we already know she makes a badarse
Willow Shields as CameoI was gonna say Evanna Lynch because she made an awesome Luna Lovegood and that girl was vague as hell so she'd be able to act out Cameo quite well. But she's too old now and Willow looks more like my headcanon anyway.
Rupert Grint as GilbertRupert probably isn't quite old enough for Gilbert yet but I always felt there was something a little derpy about Gilbert and if anyone is derpy than it is Rupert Grint.
Deepika Padukone as Jackoby'Cause she looks kickbutt, 'nough said.
Hudson Leick as AnaliviaBecause she is Hudson Leick and Hudson Leick is a BAMF! I'd shove her down for the acting too because she plays strong witty snarky awesome women well!
Chris Hemsworth as GwyneddGwynedd is a Norselander which makes me think of Norse Mythology, which makes me think of Thor, which therefore means he must be Chris Hemsworth. My logic is undeniable.
Imogen Poots as CindaJust shave her bald, it totally works. She has that total innocent look about her and she is definitely scrawny enough to play a Shadow.
Iain Glen as MalikMy headcanon is that Malik actually shaves his head (I don't know why) but Glen could keep his hair and I wouldn't care. He's so shady and I really like his voice.
Cooper Thompson as ArielBecause his hair was perfect for Ariel since it has been descrived as curly and long at times in the books. Dude is also a model which is appropriate because we all know Ariel would love to flaunt about in pretty clothes if he lived in the beforetime :nods:
Oded Fehr if Salamnder is a dudeJust because he's cool!
Alexander Skarsgård as AlexiBecause he is tall, blond and creepy while also being strangely pretty. He'd be fine acting out Alexi's grumpy rage fits too.
Cate Blanchett as VegaI've found Cate Blanchett creepy as hell since The Fellowship of the Ring. She's gorgeous and she definitely has creepy eyes when needed.
Elizabeth Mitchell as HannahBecause Elizabeth Mitchell always looks like she is ready to get [censored] done!
Antonia Thomas as CassyAnother one who actually is pretty close to my headcanon. Also I just like this girl.
And last but not least . . . .
Grumpy Cat as Maruman!
I'm kidding! (Or am I?)