Sez: *enters and heads straight to the bar* Oh hi guys, well I was wondering if I could just maybe possibly have one of those really tall glasses, and just half fill it with coke, please?
Bartender: Umm... okay * organises glass and hands it to Sez*
Sez: Thanks love. *taking glass, grinning slightly evilly* I wonder who else is here *finds a place to sit*
mmmm coke, tastes so much better with sparkles *adds three handfuls of sparkly stuff and stirs* this should be good
*sits back to enjoy the show*
Salamander: [act]dashes into the bar out of breath[/act]
Wraithking: [act]appears just behind him[/act], did you have to run all of this way?
Salamander: Yes, you were brandishing a shoe!!
Wraithking: it was only a little shoe. [act]Lets go get drinks. walks up to the bartender.[/act] Can we have two cokes please?
Bartender: sure here you go,[act] fixes up cokes and hands them over.[/act]
Salamander: ooohhh look theres a mob growing, [act]attempts to sidle closer.[/act]
Wraithking: [act]pulls Salamander back[/act] Oh no, youre staying with me, right over here out of the way.
Salamander: party-pooper. I only wanted [ligne]to stir up the situat-[/ligne] have a closer look |:|
Wraithking: Yeah, sure. But youre staying right here.
Salamander: All right. :X [act]sits down at bar stool to watch the action.[/act]
Ellenah: O_O Is that a . . . cockroach!?
Hannay: Uh yeah, why are you scared of them?
Ellenah: No it's so CUTE! :D
Everyone: o_O
Salamander: ::facepalm:: Not really the look i was going for.
Hannay: ::facepalm::
Wraithking: i'm dressed as a fly . . .
Ariel: -_- yeash, anyway guys i'm still trying to destroy the world here and all.
Hannay: Why can't you just enjoy your last days, do you always have to be so . . . destructive! >:(
Ariel: Ah, that's more like it, good old fashioned enemies.
Sez:[act] sips coke[/act]
Salamander: I propose that we destroy the world before the end of the world. It would be just so evil! :D
Ellenah: |:| I don't really like where this is going.
Wraithking: I thought we were trying to stay out of it!
Salamander: ;D
Ellenah: Am i going to have to use my ultra fluffy flower fairy shoes on you??
Salamander: O_O no.
Hannay: [act]goes to join growing mob[/act]
Ellenah: that's not a good idea!
Hannay: ;D
Ellenah: ::) Ok fine, I guess we couldn't miss it.

Mystic Ward
12 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: [act]Puts down book with a satisfied sigh.[/act] Billy? [act]Look around Bar for her +1 but can't see him anywhere.[/act] Hey, Anyone see my date?
Anyone: [act]Ignores her.[/act]
Deb: [act]Tries to stand up but is awfully cramped from sitting for five days.[/act] Ummmm, a little help over here.
Thanks Ari and Meza for taking over my host duties while I was away.

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
[act]Halina walks over to the Cryo pod and helps Deb out[/act]
Deb: [act]eyeing Halina warily[/act] Ah....thanks.
Halina: No problem. As for your date, Billy went that way [act]points to the door[/act]
Min: Mk and I are pretty sure he's in the Garden, hopefully not dying of thirst because of the stupidity of a certain Master of Obernewtyn.
Deb: I'm beginning to think I missed a few things while reading :-/
Ari: No, that about covers it.
Raoul: Hardly!
Deb: [act]Looking at Ari[/act] Are you ok?
Ari: Fine. Why?
Deb: [act]shrugs[/act] you just don't seem yourself.
INES: Attention Guests! Please be advised that at the tone, the Apocalypse countdown will reach 5 Minutes.
[act]Tone Sounds[/act]
Random Guest #1: Guess that means we’re out of time to assemble out Survival Kits...
Random Guest #2: Should we panic now?
INES: Emergency protocols have been initiated.
Random guest #2: Is that a yes?!
INES: All guests will be evacuated to the safety of the Cryogenics Laboratory. For those guests currently in the Bar, please move into the cryo pods and prepare for stasis. Once everyone is within their pod, stasis will be initiated automatically. For further information please refer to the Instructions listed on the wall beside each pod. Please Do Not Panic.
Random Guest #3: We’re doing what now?
INES: Protocolli di emergenza sono state avviate. Tutti gli ospiti saranno evacuati ...
[act]There is the sound of movement and doors shutting as people scramble into the available cryo pods[/act]
Deb: :-/ But I just got out of mine!
12 years ago
Wed Mar 21 2012, 07:17pm
Meza and Dameon: [act]come hurrying in[/act]
Dames: Meza? Are you there? What's happening? :O
Meza: Don't worry, Dames! [act]pushes aside his protests at the nickname[/act] We've got chocolate cake! :D
Dames: And that will help us how? o_O
Meza: Chocolate cake is always a good thing! :nods:
SCP: No items allowed in addition to your Survival Pack. Cake shall be deleted. DELETE! DELETE!
Chocolate Cake: [act]is blasted into pieces[/act]
Meza: My chocolate cake! :(
Dames: [act]clears throat[/act] Ahem, moving on . . .
Meza: OH, right. We've just entered the Cryogenics Room. We'll be fine once we get into our pods. [act]waves hand dismissively[/act]
Dames: Cryo- whatsits? What are you talking about? I hear your words but I don't understand them. :S
Meza: Oh right, well. Um . . . You know I'm no good at explaining things! ~:|
Dames: Right, you are! Well INES is busy so who can we ask?
Meza: Forget the fact that INES can conduct several conversations at once, let's ask Deb! :D A human voice is always more understandable.
INES: I resent that.
Meza: Deb! Can you explain the Cryogenic Pods to Dames, here?
Deb: You can't do it? o_O
Dames: She's terrible at explaining things.
Meza: I wouldn't say terrible . . . -_-
Deb: I see. ;) Well, Dameon, there are Cryogenic Pods lined up against the opposite wall. When you get into them they freeze your body and put your consciousness to sleep. It's a foolproof way to survive the Apocalypse. Weeks can pass and you won't notice a thing!
Meza and Dames: [act]share a look[/act]
Dames: But how do we get out?
Deb: INES will open the pods whenever she deems it safe to do so.
Meza: But what if INES gets affected during the Apocalypse and she isn't awake to open-
Deb: [act]covers Meza's mouth with her hand[/act] No need to go scaring the guests, Meza. [act]tight smile[/act]
Meza: :X
Deb: We've got it under control. :nods:
Meza: [act]takes a hint[/act] OH, right. ;) Yup, everything's under control, Dames. Nothing to worry about. |:|
Dames: You seem to be saying that alot lately. o_O
MEza: Thanks Deb! :D Now, where did I put my Survival Pack . . .
It's been quite some time since everyone was put into stasis. For guests, it will simply feel like a moment has passed, but for the outside world much has changed. Perhaps the guests attending the ball are the only humans, Zombie and Dog left, perhaps not. Welcome to post apocalyptic Earth!
[act]The doors to the Cryo Pods swing open and people begin to gingerly step out looking dazed and confused[/act]
INES: Data analysis confirms it is now safe for you to be re-animated. Please watch your step when exiting the Pods. Anyone experiencing any side effects from the stasis and re-animation process should avoid consuming alcohol or partaking in strenuous activities for 24 hours.
While the rest of the complex is being examined and tested, please remain within the Cryogenics Laboratory for your own safety. Further announcements will be made as information is collated.
Please resume enjoying the Ball.

Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: [act]steps out of the Cryo Pod[/act] [act]Stretches and yawns[/act] Well, that was a nice nap. [act]Reaches for her bat[/act] Now, where's the zombies?
Soonkar: Living impaired!
Helena: No, no, no! I mean proper zombies. Ones that are actually, you know, dead that are reanimated. Or infected. Or under a vodoo curse. Or government public transport users.
Loren: [act]emerges from her cryo pod yawning[/act] So is the world over yet?
Helena: We're all still here, aren't we?
Loren: Oh yeah, true that. damn
Soonkar: What was that?
Loren: Nothing. [act]sits at the base of her cryo pod and pulls out her book again[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: [act]walks up and down the rows of Cryo Pods[/act] Come on everyone! Wakey-wakey! [act]starts tapping on the glass[/act] It's time to man the boundaries! Set up a watch! Train the untrained! [act]pauses[/act] And read The Red Queen..?
Obernetters: [act]start to stir[/act]
Helena: Eeeeexcellent.
Salamander: [act]steps out of cryo pod looking around hopefully[/act]
Wraithking [act]steps out of pod next to him and shakes limbs[/act]
Wraithking: [act]jumps[/act] what's wrong?
Salamander: You're still alive!!!
Wraithking: i hope so. Or we could both be dead .. .
Salamander: That's even worse!! if we're both dead - ive got you around for eternity. [act]sits down and starts rocking back and forth[/act]
MM: [act]jumps out of her pod[/act] I'M ALIVE!!
Zarak: [act]continues to sleep[/act]
MM: [act]pokes[/act] wakey wakey
Zarak: [act]groans[/act] no ma five more minutes!
MM: ::)[act] leans in closer to Zarak[/act] [act]does impression of a fog horn[/act]
Zarak: [act]effectively jumps ten feet into the air[/act] O_O ok ok I'm awake!

Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: [act]decides that there's only one thing more important than surviving post-apocalyptic Earth[/act] [act]spots a nice little inflateable pool filled with water near the mini fridge[/act] INES, I could highfive you right now. If only you had hands.
INES: That can be arranged.
plast hand: [act]extends from the right wall[/act]
INES and Helena: [act]highfive[/act] Excellent.
Hell: [act]sneaks over to Rushton's Cryo Pod while nobody is watching[/act]
Rushton: [act]is having a lovely dream about Elspeth[/act] No, no, no... your angst is much more angsty than mine could ever be, my ravek... ZZzzzZZzzZZzzzzZzzZZZzzz....
Hell: [act]picks him up[/act] [act]walks over to the pool[/act] Ravyn, want to do the honours?
Ravyn: [act]pops out of her Cryo Pod like she was spring-loaded[/act] Do you even have to ask? ;D [act]grabs Rushton from Hell[/act] [act]Dumps him in the tiny pool[/act]
Rushton: [act]wakes with a gasp[/act] O_O [act]flails[/act]
MM: [act]walks over[/act] Tiny... yet satisfying.
MM, Ravyn and Hell: [act]highfive[/act] 8)
Meri: [act]emerges from the Cryo Pod, yawning heavily[/act] I'm still a bit tired... [act]starts heading back inside the Pod[/act]
Harri: [act]has been outside his Pod for a few minutes[/act] But it's the apocalypse?! Surely there are better times to sleep? :|
Meri: [act]sighs[/act] I suppose. [act]re-exits Cryo Pod[/act][act]notices a very wet Rushton trying to escape the inflatable pool[/act] XD What- [act]falls to the ground[/act]
Harri: O_O Meri? MERI?! [act]reaches down and pokes her in the back[/act]
Meri: [act]rolls over issuing soft sleep-breathing sighs[/act] ^^;
INES: That would be one of the side effects I mentioned.
Harri: Great... I had to get the insane date -_- [act]looks over at Rushton and his gleeful persecutors[/act]
MM, Ravyn and Hell: 8) [act]catch Harri's eye[/act]
Harri: ...On second thoughts, Meri's not too bad ~:|
[act]tone sounds[/act]
Random Guest: Ooh! An announcement! :D
INES: Attention all guests. The Garden and the Library have been thoroughly examined and deemed safe for human occupancy. Access to these rooms has been established. You may return to these rooms at your convenience.
Please be advised that data relating to the stability of the area beyond this complex is incomplete. Anyone who leaves the safety of the complex does so at their own risk.
Please enjoy the remainder of the Ball.
[act]the doors of the Cryogenics Lab open with a whoosh[/act]
Ravyn: 8) o_O :O :| :X
Kerd: Are you alright, milady?
Ravyn: Helena, you remember what you said about zombies?
Helena: )P Yep!
Ravyn: I just remembered, I'm a public transport user!
Helena, Kerd, MM: :O
Rushton: Salvation at last!
Ravyn: :X
Dameon: [act]is knocking on Meza's Cryo Pod[/act] Meza? Are you okay in there? Meza!
Meza: XXP
Dameon: [act]sighs[/act] You haven't fallen asleep have you?
Meza: [act]opens eyes[/act] What? Me? Fall asleep? Never! :$
Dameon: Sure. ::)
Cryo Pod: [act]opens to sci-fi theme music[/act] 8)
Meza: [act]steps out amidst white fog and leans against the side of the pod, ankles crossed[/act] 8)
Dameon: There you are, finally.
Meza: How did you know I was here? I knew you could really see! O_O
Dameon: I'll tell you once again; I cannot see. The sci-fi theme music made it kind of obvious. :|
Meza: Oh, right. :P It was a pretty cool entrance, though. 8)
Dameon: Not really. :P
Meza: You just don't appreciated my dramatic-ness. :( [act]tosses Magic 8 Ball into the air and catches it[/act] Pity I didn't end up needing this, though. A Magic 8 Ball is good for decision making. I was hoping for complete chaos so I could get a chance to use it to it's full potential. It's got an amusingly sarcastic personality too. I shall name it . . . O_O Sergeant Sarcasm!
Dameon: Why did nobody tell me she was insane. -_-
Meza: [act]oblivious[/act] :rolling: [act]tosses 8 Ball again[/act] Now, to begin our Post-Apocalyptic Quest! :D
Dameon: This doesn't sound good. I may have to speak to INES about those side effects.
Meza: To the Chocolate Cake! [act]strikes heroic pose[/act] :D
Dameon: I really don't think you need any more sugar. ~:|

Mystic Ward
12 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: :| Here boy, come on boy, where are you? Billy, here boy.
Min: [act]sigh [/act] Puppy.
Deb: Has anyone seen a dog in a white bow-tie?
All: Look around for Billy.
Deb: [act]Whistles[/act] Here boy. Look, I've got a nice bone for you.
Billy: [act]Walks out of cryo pod as a human.[/act] I think I'd prefer chocolate cake.
Min: o_O Nooooo. Puuuupppppyyyyyyy
Deb: o_O How did that happen?
Billy: Beats me. I woke up like this. Usually I have to go with Rage through a weird gate thing.
Deb: Well you aint Swallow but I guess a human date is better than a dog.
Min: [act]Sobs[/act] is not!
Ellenah: [act]Emerges in a swirl of glitter from the cryo pod[/act] That wasn't so bad!
Hannay: [act]Emerges coughing and spluttering glitter[/act] this is.
Ellenah: Sooo now what? We wait for zombies?? o_O
Hannay: -_-
Ellenah: Hmm, that boy over there looks very sus, don't think I've seen him before!
Billy: O_O I'm a dog
Hannay: Aha he is an imposter!!
Deb: No you don't understand, he transformed.
Ellenah: ?:( And hoooow did he do that exactly?
Billy: It just . . . happens.
Hannay: |:|
Min: unfortunately-_-
12 years ago
Thu Mar 22 2012, 07:39pm
Deb: Finally Min will stop carrying on about Billy being a puppy! And I'm not stuck with the dog version of Billy. :D
Min: But-but-but, puppy. :(
Meza: [act]wanders over[/act] Haven't seen any Chocolate Cake, have you? [act]spots Billy[/act] I haven't seen you before! Who are you?
Min: Puppy. :nods:
Billy: I'm Deb's date. :nods:
Meza: o_O
Hannay: He used to be a dog. :nods:
Dameon: [act]rushes up to Deb and puts his hands on her shoulders[/act] If you have see any chocolate cake, don't give her any!
Meza: Pleeaaassee, Deb. [act]employs puppy eyes[/act]
Min: Puppy? O_O
Deb: Uh . . . . ~:|
Dameon: NO. Giving chocolate cake to this hyperactive child will not solve any problems!
Deb: [act]whispers[/act] Maybe you're right. :|
Dameon: [act]breathes a sigh of relief and lets go of Deb's shoulders[/act] Good. :nods:
Meza: [act]shakes MAgic 8 Ball[/act] But Sergeant Sarcasm says it's a good idea! O_O
Deb: [act]still whispering[/act] [act]turns to Min[/act] Should we call the SCP's?
Meza: [act]throws back shoulders[/act] I'm a host! You can't eject me. ^^; [act]adopts a triumphant expression[/act]
Dameon: Just watch them.
SCPs: [act]appear before the group[/act]
Dameon: :D
SCP1: Glitter detected. All sparkly substances will be deleted! DELETE! DELETE!
Ellenah: Uh, oh.
SCP2: All guests involved shall be deleted. DELETE! DELTE!
Group: [act]pales[/act]
Hannay: [act]glares at Ellenah[/act] -_- This is all your fault!
Ellenah: Pfft. [act]waves hand dismissively[/act] Details. Remember that food fight we had last year?

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Thu Mar 22 2012, 07:28pm

Mystic Guilden
[act]A cryo pod door swings wide. Ariadne and Halina both fall out of the same Pod, and land in a heap[/act]
Ari/Halina: Ouch!
Ari: Would you kindly remove your elbow from my face!
Halina: Only after you remove your face from my elbow!
Random Voice: Mfffggg hmmmm fffrrfff!
Ari/Halina: o_O What was that?
Miryum: Uh guys.....
Ari/Halina: What?
Miryum: You're squashing the Zombie.
Random Voice: Libbing Imphared!
Halina: O_O Quick, Get up!
[act]Ari and Halina scramble to their feet. A green blob resembling Ari's date remains on the floor[/act]
Halina: Soonkar! Are you ok?
Ari: Yeah, you're looking a XD
Everyone (well, everyone not currently distracted by the approaching SCP): -_-
Ari: Whaaaat? I thought it was funny.
Halina: [act]sigh[/act] I vote we put you back into stasis.
Ari: You can't put a host into stasis.
Halina: For the last time! You're not a host!!
Soonkar: Yeah, you two just keep arguing while I lie here...
Halina: Oh, Sorry :-/ Should I see if there is a doctor around?
Soonkar: No, I'm fine, just help me up.
Halina: Are you sure, I've done first aid and-
Ari: He's fine. I used my Jedi Healing on him, just do as he says.
Deb: o_O [act]looking between the two women[/act] Wait. Since when does Ari have Jedi powers?
Halina: I don't. Halina healed him.
Deb: [act]Looking at Halina[/act] But you are Halina.
Halina: What? No I'm not. I'm Ari. [act]Tilts head toward Ari[/act] She's Halina.
Deb: ?:(
Min: I know what's happening! It's a side effect of the Stasis, they've switched bodies! :D
Halina: What!?
Ari: Sorry to disprove your theory Min, but we haven't switched. Halina's just-
Halina: O_O >:( Halina! What did you do!?
Ari: No dear. You're Halina, remember. [act]Looking at group[/act] Poor dear must have hit her head in the fall.
Halina: I did not! [act]Looking at Deb[/act] Deb, who do I look like?
Deb: ...Halina.
Halina: Soonkar, Who do I look like?
Soonkar: The woman who told me to wear this stupid costume. Now will you please just help me up?
Halina: [act]Turning on Ari[/act] You're changing our appearance with your Force Persuasion aren't you?
Ari: [act]sigh[/act] All right, you figured it out. Yes. But only because you didn't invite me to the ball this year.
Halina: I never invite you! But you still show up anyway... -_-
Deb: Still confused over here.
Halina: Drop the coercive cloak Hal.
Ari: Fine. [act]waves hand.[/act]
Narrator: In the blink of an eye Ariadne becomes Halina and Halina becomes Ariadne, or rather, they each become themselves, so in actual fact, Ariadne who was Halina becomes Ariadne and Halina who was Ariadne becomes Halina. But then-
Deb: OKAY! We get it.
Narrator: Thank Lud! [act]goes for coffee[/act]
Soonkar: o_O [act]shaking head[/act] Did I die? Is this actually Hell and no one wants to tell me??
Hannay: So are we going to be deleted or not? ?:(
Meza: I still want my chocolate! :rolling:
Dameon: Really NOT a good idea!
Ellenah: :idea:
Hannay: ::facepalm::
Ellenah: What?
Hannay: What what?
Ellenah: You just face palmed!
Hannay: yeah well you just had an idea.
Ellenah: And why would that be face-palm worthy?? >:(
Hannay: Umm, never mind ;D
Ellenah: |:| Anyway, I have this idea, as to how we can become . . . un-deleted!
Hannay: -_- yeeees?
Ellenah: We can plant the glitter on someone else! :D
Hannay: -_- ::facepalm::
Ellenah: I was thinking the roach . . .
Hannay: you mean Salamander
Ellenah: . . . details, details
Ari: Do I hear some plotting that should be reported?
SCPs: :D
Ellenah and Hannay: no ;D
SCPs: ::)

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
12 years ago
Thu Mar 22 2012, 08:41pm

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Ceirwan: [act]steps out of his cryo pod rubbing his eyes[/act] It's over? Did I miss it?
Arwen: [act]turns around[/act] Everyone except INES missed it Ceir.
Ceirwan: Right. Is there any water around here?
Rushton: Yep. Right here. [act]is sitting on the floor beside the tiny pool[/act]
Ceirwan: Rushton! Let me get you a towel! [act]hurries off[/act]
Rushton: [act]calls after him[/act] Some dry clothes wouldn't go amiss either! I knew being Master of Obernewtyn was good for something other than impressing Elspeth.
Arwen: [act]helps Rushton to his feet[/act] Has there ever been an event you haven't been wet at least once? Or gotten yourself in some mess or other?
Rushton: ~:| I don't go looking for water or trouble, it just finds me.
Ellenah: [act]is walking past clutching some glitter[/act]
Hannay: [act]following her, casting a glance back at the SCPs[/act] I really don't think this is a good idea.
Salamander: [act]is moaning[/act] It really is the end of the world. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I'm not a bad person. Why am I stuck with you?
Wraithking: Not a bad person? So you're a good slaver?
Salamander: I prefer the term entrepreneur. Or perhaps collector.
Wraithking: You collect people?
Salamander: No one ever wants to be my friend. You don't understand what it is to be lonely. When you're me, you've got to take friends where you can. So I take them, they know my name and when they won't be nice to me I pass them on to some other lonely person.
Ceirwan: [act]walking past with some dry clothes and a towel for Rushton[/act]
Salamander: Will you be my friend?
Ceirwan: O_O [act]leaves a wide berth around the cockroach[/act]
Kay: [act]finally wakes up from her cryopod[/act] What a good sleep. Wonder who else survived the apocalypse. Actually I better find Ford. [act]Walks around cryopods until she spots the one Ford is in.[/act]
Ford: [act]curled up sleeping in cryopod[/act]
Kay: [act]knocks on Ford's cryopod[/act] Ford! Wake up! The end of the world is over!
Ford: [act]wakes up with drool running down his face[/act] Wha?
Kay: Ford! C'mon, let's go look around and see if there is any more food. Like that chocolate cake!
Ford: [act]still groggy[/act] Chocolate....cake?
Kay: [act]Opens up Ford's cryopod and drags him out[/act] Well, any food would be great. I'm starving!
Meza: [act]suddenly appears[/act] Did you say chocolate cake?
Kay: Yes! Let's go find some!
Dameon: [act]sprints over without knocking into anything[/act] Noooo! Stop! Don't give her any chocolate cake!
Meza: Are you positive you are blind?
Dameon: [act]sighs[/act]Yes. I just have exceptional hearing.
Kay: So...chocolate cake?