Miryum: But aren't we here to protect people from zombies?
Soonkar: [act]from across the room[/act] We prefer 'the Living Impaired', thank you!
Min: Not that zombie.
Eeyore: We're wearing camo because...it just seemed like the thing to do for the end of the world.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] ...Because camouflage is so going to hide us from a nuclear holocaust
Billy Thunder: woof, wood, bark.
Deb: Of course.
Min: [act]Running over[/act] Pupppppppyyyyyyyyyy
Hell: *points quickly to distract her* Look! A model boat!
*from the depths of past Obernet events, a voice can be heard to shout indignantly "SHIP!!"*
Min: Come back, puppy! *moves to follow them*
Miryum: *knocks Min on the head with rubber cricket bat* We're not spending the apocalypse trailing after Billy Thunder!
Min: *rubbing head* But...*points* puppy! Look how happy he is in his little bow-tie!
Miryum: That's hardly a valid argument.
Min: *crosses arms like a tantrum-throwing three-year old* Fine. What do you want to do?
Miryum: Find the Knights, the horses, ride out, save the world. In that order.
MK: [act]blinks as and may or may not have just remembered Raoul has been standing right beside her all this time[/act] Uh yes – er, please let me introduce you to one of the greatest design feats of our era – INES.
INES: [act]booms out theme from 2001: A space Odysseyp[/act]
Soonkar: Good evening! [act]waves[/act]
Min: XD [act]calling out to Soonkar[/act] Don't you mean, "Brains"?
Rushton: *squeaks* Becauseshethrewmeintoanicecoldpoollasttimewemet
Ravyn: Because... reasons! :D
Helena: [act]gets distracted by the appearence of Cierwan[/act] Doctor? o_O [act]sidles over[/act] [act]casually checks for pulse... or pulses[/act] ...Not Doctor. :(
Ravyn: [act]drags Hell away[/act]
Meri: Shh, Mr. Clown. Library.
Harri: ::) Yes, I think we've established that.
Ceirwan: [act]takes book out of her hands, replaces it on the shelf and returns the roses[/act]
Arwen: Hey! I was reading that. You can't take books off people in the library :(
Ceirwan: Not worth it? This is Ariel we're considering hitting.
Arwen: Not with Jane Austen you're not >:( Now slowly put the book back on the shelf and step away.
Ceirwan: Enough with the creepy laugh or I'll hit you with this book that says its a biography about this Hit-ler guy.
Eeyore: Too bad. [act]scowls[/act]
Alexi: [act]is shocked[/act] Did, you just...scowl...at me?!
Eeyore: Oh yeah, that's right! I went there! [act]scowls again[/act]
Alexi: Oh, so that's how it's going to be then?!
Eeyore: Ooh, what are you gonna do about that, huh?!
Alexi: ...I don't like you
Eeyore: [act]scowls[/act] Fine! [act]folds arms[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Fine! [act]folds arms[/act]
Eeyore and Alexi: [act]leave the ballroom[/act]