Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Mystic Guilden
A fellow Hufflepuffian! :) A house with so much spirit and so few house points ;) :P
The first four chapters of CoS are great. Even with a slight amount of lag slowing things down, the added interactions/games are a wonderful improvement. They added just enough to keep you engaged. I hope that continues with the later chapters and books.
We were much closer to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw before the chapters were released, I mean we were even 2nd for a bit. I personally believe we have less people who are active on the site, than all the other houses, and that is why when the chapters were opened up the other houses surged ahead, because of all the points the thousands of people earned from collecting things, when we have less people earning points. Well that is the only explanation that fits the change in standings! Too many people are embarrassed to let their true Hufflepuff pride show!
I agree the first four chapters are really an improvement, and hopefully it can only get better from here!
I actually found the new chapters annoying--I only go on Pottermore for the new content from JK and having to thrown Gnomes over a fence and float cakes around to get to it is mightily annoying for the impatience that is me :P Though I can understant why it appeals to other people.
Throwing those Gnomes took ages! Though I agree, I love the new info from JK, and that's why a lot of people go to Pottermore, so the more they produce of that the better. But they have to make it engaging for other people (maybe they should have an option of 'JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN INFO ALREADY' for you?) so people have a reason to be on Pottermore and to explore the chapters.
Yeah, I think everyone is really, really amazed and impressed at how detailed JK Rowling is. She has so much detail and background information that I think it nearly puts most other authors to shame. I just think it is amazing that you can ask her anything and the answer she gives you will be the same as if someone asks her in five years. Hopefully we can get as much as possible from her and get a greater insight into the magical world. And we have her new book to look forward to!!!
I got an email the other day to say that parts of the second book were now up. Just waiting for a quiet time at work so I can look through them
Logged back in again for the first time since CoS was put up and there was a new thing! O_O Badges. Okay, not very exciting or extensive but it's still new. :P So far I have three but you don't have to do anything that special to get them. I got one for discovering five pieces of exclusive JKR content, another for going through Chapter 6 of Philosopher's Stone and the third for completing all of Philosopher's Stone. Hopefully this is a sign that things will be updating quicker . . . or it could be a filler because they know it's going to be a while till the next update. . .
I still haven't been back in (I think my username is StrikeMidnight106 and I know I'm in Slytherin, which is a shock because I always believed that I was a Ravenclaw and then suddenly I had to re-evaluate my life), even though they've been sending more and more emails.
I know I shouldn't be double posting, but I wanted to bring to everyone's attention that Chapters 5-11 of CoS have now been unlocked, in case you haven't been keeping up with any source of Harry Potter/Pottermore news, and have neglected to check in on the site, since the first four chapters were unlocked.
I've quickly looked at the first couple, and I'm a tad disappointed, because at first it was lagging a lot, and then nothing happened, and I couldn't tell if nothing was supposed to happen, or if it was just something going wrong. I found out that on the first scene, and some subsequent scenes, you had to double click the moment for it to progress, which is different to all previous moments, where you could just use the arrow keys to go deeper into the moment via scenes.
As for new content, well I'll let you find that out for yourself, but in case you want to know what to expect (and I haven't been through most of the chapters, just like 5,6 and a bit of 7), but you can find out more on Kings Cross Station, and Purebloods - a very lengthy amount, which I haven't read yet.
There is also a new 'game' and you might be able to guess, but I'll let you find out on your own (or click the spoiler) rounding up pixies, in Lockhart's classrom.
So if you have a few hours (or an hour, not sure how long it will take to get through, but a while if you go through thoroughly) to check out the new chapters, go ahead. If you are struck for time, you won't really find any new stuff too appealing, though they have added 'badges' which are awarded for doing stuff (the first three were basically awarded if you had read through PS, but there are new ones). Duelling and potions are unchanged, as far as I know, but you would think (and it is hinted with new potion ingredients) that potions will be added soon, and with a chapter on the duelling club, you would think that would also change soon!
I always foudn that you had to double-click to progress through a scene, and that the arrows were for moving to the next/previous scene.
May depend on what browsers people are using i guess.
Anyway, i got the notifaction about the next chapters in an email yesterday. Chapters 1-4 of book two were a bit of a mixture. Some had lots to do, and others very little. Book one was better balanced for activities and things to find
Update: Rest of the chapters for CoS have been opened just thought I'd mention that!
I got that email too, though i've given up on the potion making section at the moment. Just can't seem to get those right
Wanderer Ward
12 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Yeah, potion making on a laptop (with a touchpad) is too tricky for me! I'll just have to wait to see the inside of the Slytherin Common Room!
hey i'm on but not much my user is SilverMoonstone25584
Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Mystic Guilden
I think the potions are rigged to fail (AKA- I suck at potions). I swear I was following the instructions for the Polyjuice Potion correctly, and suddenly "I'm sorry, you failed to brew this potion"......Whut? I was just counting the number of slugs to add :-/
I hate potions anyway, due to the fact that the last time I tried brewing one, the site went down for maintanence and I lost my potion and the one and only piece of a certain ingedient I had that, as it turns out, cannot be brought in Diagon Alley. Figures.
But as for the rest of the chapters, I enjoyed them, and still think they are very well presented. My only gripe is that I got to the end as was disapointed that there weren't more extras to find in each chapter. I guess leaving people wanting more is a good move though :) :P
12 years ago
Fri Nov 09 2012, 01:32pm
I got sorted into hufflepuff wasnt expecting it lol
I've added your names in :)
I agree Ariadne. I think i'll leave the poition making alone for the time being. I've also found that using different internet browsers has different effects on the success/failure of the potion being made
Mm potions is very iffy at the moment. For example with swelling solution, you have to close the screen that comes up after completing Part One where it says how long until you need to do Part Two. And then open up the potion again (this time it will only say the percentage completed). That way the heating will actually work for Part Two. Otherwise, it immediately says you've failed even though it hasn't reached the required temperature yet.
As for Polyjuice potion, I've struggled with the first part. Twice I've forgotten about it, one time for Part One something fell into the cauldron as I dragged it back from the motar, another time the heating failed as it restarted once the countdown for time out started, and then I didn't have enough time to complete the steps. So I've given up. If you have any polyjuice part one (or even two, though I'll give that a go if I get part one) it would be much appreciated! I'm MirrorErised5! Almost wish I was a slytherin so I didn't need polyjuice!
12 years ago
Fri Dec 21 2012, 11:02pm
Just had an email to say that the first chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban are now up on the Pottermore website.
I may take a look over the Christmas Break, though I still need to finish the last chapters of CoS
Edit: Thought i'd have a go today, but i seem to have no luck with potion brewing and therefore can't access the slytherin common room. If one of you is great at potion making would you mind gifting me some polyjuice potion? I'm DraconisProphecy13682
12 years ago
Sat Dec 29 2012, 04:45pm
Yes finally Pottermore have gotten their act together and started to release chapters on a more regular basis! But I am disappointed, a lot of the chapters had a lousy ONE moment! Some were very boring and uninteresting. Obviously they expedited the release of chapters in exchange for making them as basic as possible.
Whether they give in to the endless demands for quizzes about boggarts, patronuses and a few other things, remains to be seen. And they still haven't opened up any new stores in Diagon Alley, even though they should have based on the storyline. And that final lock, still does nothing. There are no new spells for duelling, and the new potions, are frustrating to say the least. That swelling solution took ages for me, because of a glitch that made the heating in part two impossible (you had to close the browser tab and reopen for it to work). The Polyjuice potion took some effort as well.
Speaking of which, Dark One, I'd be happy to give you the potion. I'm MirrorErised5
But at least Hufflepuff are at last leading the House Cup!!
Wanderer Ward
12 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Pizza, I don't suppose you have a spare Polyjuice potion? I'm having some epic trouble with not just potions, but most of the really "interactive" content - I think it's because the touchpad on my laptop is giving up...
I'm OwlWing158...
Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Mystic Guilden
They kind of lost me with the potion brewing and wizard duel side of things. Now I visit only to see the new chapters and skip over anything remotely difficult (like accessing the Slitherin common room.)
I still love the artwork in the scenes/chapters. I do agree that they seems to be sacrificing the level of interactivity to pump out the chapters faster. But I guess it falls under the old adage that 'you cant please everyone'. We either want the activities, or we want the chapters now :P
12 years ago
Tue Jan 01 2013, 06:02pm
At the moment I only have one polyjuice potion, and since TheDarkOne asked first, I will give it to them (if they still want it that is). However, I'm happy to have a go at brewing another one for you, if you give me a couple of days!
I'll start brewing now, but if TheDarkOne (I have sent a friend request, and will need that confirmed, MirrorErised5) can just confirm that they still need both parts of the polyjuice potion, I'll send that over, otherwise they can be yours Blackbird (but I'll try to get them to you asap)
Wanderer Ward
12 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Naw, thanks! I'm more than happy to wait, as with work and all I'm only able to check Pottermore every so often :(