I had a dream last night where I was being attacked by paper birds, to the point where I managed to fall out of bed trying to get away from them, and for about 30 seconds after I woke up, I still thought they were attacking me.
Does anyone have a clue as to what this could mean/be caused by? I know its a bit vague, but its the only bit I can remember...
It means you should be careful not to eat rich cheesecake just before going to sleep.
Though it is a well-known fact that birds are agents of evil.
Have you been feeling like you have been "attacked" a lot lately, maybe by friends and family constantly disagreeing with everything you do? I dunno... I'm just guessing here.

Mystic Guildmistress
12 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled into too many directions. You are experiencing conflict with your spirituality.
Were they colourful paper birds, white paper birds?
To see blank white paper in your dream signifies your desire to make a fresh start in your life. You need to express yourself through writing or art. Alternatively, blank paper indicates that you need to work on being more communicative.
To see a stack of papers in your dream denotes overwhelming responsibilities and stress that you are having to cope with. You are not effectively dealing with the issues at hand. I would go more for this interpretation if there were a lot of paper birds.
To dream that you are being attacked by an animal is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking life that shares and exhibits the same qualities of the animal that attacked you in your dream.
Not a very nice dream all round though :/