12 years ago
Sun Jun 24 2012, 05:15pm
Last night I had the scariest dream in the history of scary dreams I have ever had. It starts out pretty normal. I'm with one of my friends and for some reason we are in town, outside a specialist bead and stone shop and we are waiting for someone to arrive, but no-one ever comes. I can't remember what happened at the bead shop, but then I am in my dad's truck and we're heading towards our farm, accept it isn't our drive, when we see a boy from my school bus in his dad's ute coming from our house and we somehow know he has stolen our dining room chairs, so we are chasing them back to the bead shop. I can't remember from there, but then I'm suddenly alone in my school, accept it is about 100 stories high. Then I realise I'm not alone but everyone is really sad and I feel like I am suffocating in all the emotion (sounds cheesy, but it is really quite upsetting). I suddenly realise that people are slowly dying all around me and I am getting really upset about it now. I am suddenly in this room with a lady. She couldn't be more than 30 but she has dark bags under her eyes and she has many pre-mature wrinkles and feral hair. On her cheek, scratched into her flesh, it is written that she had killed 3 people. For some reason I know she is really upset about killing those people and before my eyes she stands up on the window sill and jumps off (keeping in mind the building is 100 stories up). I turn away and slap my hand over my mouth as I scream. I feel hands on my back holding me as I keep screaming and crying. I don't know who they are. This goes on for about 3 minutes before I wake up. I was so scared and upset for that woman. I have no clue what I is meant to mean or who the woman was or anything. I am still scared out of my brain about the woman and all the dying people.

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Death, in a more modern sense, can indicate a challenge we must confront. We need to adjust our approach to life and to accept that there can be a new beginning if we have courage. As a friend once told me, "Death in dreams doesn't literally mean death. It can mean new beginnings, the start of something new. It can be positive"
People in dreams can be representatives of different parts of the dreamer. As an example- Dreaming of a Stranger relates to the part of ourselves that we do not yet know. A strange Woman who is older can relate to a mother and her sense of inherited wisdom. An Unknown Woman represents the Shadow to a female dreamer. The Shadow will often appear in dreams as someone we heartily dislike, are afraid of or envy, but who we cannot ignore. The Shadow is the worst side of us that we have failed to recognise (hence her being unknown). Meeting the Shadow can be painful; the shock of seeing ourselves as we really are at our worst (not that you're a murderer, that's just the dream representation). But it's not all bad, because this representation can help us uncover the creativity, thoughts, ideas and instincts that might have been suppressed and buried along with the destructive side of the personality. "We begin to grow when we realise that some change in circumstance has given us an opportunity to bring it to the surface rather than ignore it in the hope that it will go away. When we work with these frightening dream images, we can often stop projecting the negative aspects outwards and use the energy formerly spent protecting or suppressing them for growth and creativity."
Sorry, that was rather a long dissection of your dream Vestie, but it sounded frightening just reading about it, so hopefully this will help it seem more useful to you, rather than just purely terrifying. :)
Lately I have been having lots of nightmares. I haven't had one for about 4 years. I had one a couple of nights ago, and I can't even remember what it was about, but people were dying again. All I can remember is that I was so scared when I woke up at 4.30am. So do you think both of these things ar connected?
It's quite likely, Vestie. Has anything happened recently in your life to upset you, or cause you stress? Or even something not necessarily unpleasant that you're spending a lot of time thinking about? It's not uncommon to have nightmares and problems sleeping when something significant happens.
I have had a massive couple of weeks in thearte (I am in a thearte company), so I have had stuff every day. I also had amassive fight with my mum and I have been generally quite stressed and upset lately. That will probably be the reason.
Fighting with people is enough to give anyone bad dreams. I hope your theatre work settles down a bit, and also that you resolve things with your mum. Best of luck, Vestie.
My mum and I are back on solid ground (I think...) and we have finished in theatre so my stress has kinda evaporated. Hopefully that means the nightmares will stop. I will post any others I do have, if I have them. Hopefully I won't have to :-/
Fingers crossed!!
Nice avatar, by the way. The flames are taken from your blog, I think?
Yeah. Fire's kinda my passion. I just love the stuff.
any small detail in your dreams related to anything that actually happened to you? sometimes i dream about book charachters haven't had one about elspeth but i did dream about dragon after i read the keeping place and went to bed. maybe you saw something on the news and your brain added to it.
I didn't recognise anything, except the guy from my bus, but I hardly know him and my friends. In the scary bit of the dream, I didn't recognise anything.
The nightmares have begun again but last night is the only one I can really remember now. I was at a beach (which is strange because I generally hate going to the beach) with my friends and family when I saw a strange shape out in deeper water. It was domed and I was curious why the water was lapping up against it so I began to wade in. There were about half a dozen young children playing right beside it but they didn’t seem to notice anything strange. As I began to get closer to it, I heard my dad screaming that it was an upturned boat and as I stared at it, a giant wave crashed against it, causing it to flip the right way up. It turned out to be some giant pirate ship and as it was pushed upwards, it crushed all the small children and the ‘masts’ (there were about 5 thin metal skewers pointing up from the boat) stabbed through me as I tried to run through the deep water. The dream ended, and, I’m not sure how to explain it, but I could feel myself freaking out but I wasn’t. I’m not sure if that made sense, but that’s the only way I can think to describe it.